Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 350 Latin American Drug Lords

As soon as these words came out, the man in the suit stepped forward and said, "Of course, but at Mr. Shen's level, your bet cannot exceed one hundred thousand."

Shen Lang shrugged: "Okay, let's get started."

The host discussed with several men in suits and quickly announced: "Ahem... everyone please look forward to appreciating Mr. Shen's superb gambling skills. This time, we are fortunate to have Miss Chris from the Macau Lisboa Casino as the hostess." official."

A blond beauty walked up slowly. She had an extremely hot figure. The collar of her shirt was slightly open, revealing a hint of snow-white skin and deep ravines. Her beautiful buttocks were perky and tall.

A group of men at the scene couldn't help but stare at the exotic beauty.

This girl from Country M named Chris is the most famous dealer in Macau casinos, and she is also a highly skilled crook.

Chris walked up to the gaming table, and the entire suite burst into applause.

"Mr. Shen, what are you betting on?" Kris curved her red lips and spoke fluent Mandarin.

She was also very interested in today's gambling showdown. In addition, the unknown gambler Shen Lang was rumored to be so young and handsome. Chrissy often winked at Shen Lang.

"Let's play dice." Shen Lang said. He was just here to make money today, not to compete in gambling skills.

Chris made some adjustments to the pure gold gambling table, and it turned into a Sic Bo gambling table. The battle started immediately, and a monitor lowered from the ceiling above.

There are high-definition cameras installed around, which not only makes it easier for everyone to watch the battle, but also makes it more difficult for people to cheat.

The betting method of dice is simple, guess the size, odd and even, points and leopard.

There was some commotion at the scene, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the big screen.

It starts right away.

"Shen Lang, please test it." Chris took away the dice Gu. There were three dice in it, and she immediately spread them out.

Shen Lang just glanced at it and nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

In this kind of gambling, playing tricks on the dice is too low-end. Shen Lang's eyesight is also extraordinary, and he can see that there is no problem at a glance.

Soon, Chrissy grabbed the dice and started shaking it. The sound frequency was very high, indicating her good gambling skills.

After shaking it for a while and then playing the dice, Chris smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, you can guess."

Shen Lang directly placed 100,000 chips on the leopard.

Chris' beautiful eyes lit up and she opened the dice cup. Sure enough, it was 666 Leopard!

"Damn it! This, this, this, this, no."

"God, it's simply amazing!"

Unknowingly, there was a round of applause in the suite.

Chris was also surprised. She was not surprised that Shen Lang could guess the point, but guessing the leopard directly was intriguing, as if Shen Lang controlled the point.

Guessing the leopard correctly was 6 times better, and Shen Lang won 600,000 in one round. This was a pretty good money-making speed.

"Continue!" Shen Lang grinned.

In the second game, Chris went all out to shake the dice and stared at Shen Lang from hand to toe, fearing that he would cheat.

A meal of dice and Gu.

Shen Lang continued to throw in 100,000 chips to bet on the leopard.

Chris' pretty face was slightly tense. It was obvious that Shen Lang had put great pressure on her, so she turned on the dice Gu.

Still 666 leopard!

For a moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the monitor.

Qian Shu has reached this state, which is already amazing. He is worthy of being a gambler, he really has such an incredible ability.

Shen Lang won another 600,000 yuan and finally felt a little more excited.

In a room in the Queen's warehouse.

A dozen tall, muscular, dark-skinned Latin American men gathered around a gambling table, playing cards and smoking.

There were a bunch of wine bottles on the table, and the floor was covered with cigarette butts and fruit peels.

"Oh! Mr. Bruce, your card skills are so amazing! If you let me play this card, I will definitely lose." A short, fat man nodded and stood behind a middle-aged Latin American man, and kept flattering him.

The short and fat man's name is He Quan, he is Luo Tianyao's subordinate, and he can speak Spanish. Although his Spanish pronunciation is not so standard, he can still be understood by this group of Latin American drug lords.

The Latin American man named Bruce looked a little airy, grinning, and a long scar on his face looked particularly ferocious. He patted the man on the shoulder: "Dear... Mr. He, would you like to sit down and hit me a few times?" Take it?"

He Quan hurriedly shook his head and said with a smile: "Forget about my card skills, Mr. Bruce, please let me go. Then what... When the time comes, please ask Mr. Bruce and your friends to go up and deal with that kid. Mainly, that kid has some skills and is not easy to deal with."

"Kung Fu? Hahaha, no matter how much kung fu you have, you can't beat bullets." Bruce lifted up his clothes, revealing the pure gold Desert Eagle pistol at his waist, with an arrogant look on his face.

Naturally, He Quan boasted again and coaxed Bruce and others into laughter before silently walking away.

When he reached a hidden corner, He Quan turned around, glanced at the group of Latin American drug lords with disdain, and cursed in a low voice: "You bunch of fools, you don't know that you are the scapegoat, right?"

About an hour later, He Quan looked at the time and said to the Latin American drug lords who were still playing cards in the room: "Everyone, the time is coming soon. Mr. Bruce, please prepare."

"OK!" Bruce clapped his hands.

A group of Latin American men wearing black vests stood up one after another, playing with their guns and whispering to each other.

Bruce stepped on the cigarette butt and said to He Quan: "Mr. He, please lead the way."

"Okay, okay!" He Quan nodded hurriedly.

He Quan walked out of the room first, followed closely by Bruce and a large group of people, all holding automatic rifles and with Desert Eagles hanging around their waists. They looked like they were going to war.

Bai Qingyu walked around the Queen's Boat, including bars, cafes, sports fields, movie theaters, etc., but found nothing suspicious.

Thinking that the place where the drugs should be hidden should be somewhere like a warehouse, Bai Qingyu quickly reached the bottom floor.

Sure enough, the entrance to the control room on the ground floor was guarded by two tall men in suits.

"Miss, no outsiders are allowed to enter." A man guarding the door stepped forward to block Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu looked at the building style in front of him, which seemed to be a control room.

"I just want to see the facilities of the cruise ship. Can you let me go in and take a look?" Bai Qingyu asked.

"I'm sorry, young lady, outsiders are not allowed in here, please forgive me." Another man said.

Bai Qingyu frowned slightly. Based on her feeling, there must be something inside. (To be continued)

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