Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 351 Who is Shen Lang?

At this time, He Quan walked out of the control room with Bruce and others.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face changed color as she looked at a group of armed foreigners.

The two men guarding the gate were startled when they saw Bruce and his group carrying automatic rifles on their shoulders, and hurriedly asked He Quan: "Brother Quan, this is..."

"Mind your own business!" He Quan shouted.

The two men guarding the door nodded cringingly.

"Oh! I like this beauty!" Bruce saw Bai Qingyu right in front of him. He stared straight at Bai Qingyu's face and chest, exclaiming in surprise.

Bai Qingyu's face and hot figure were very suitable for Bruce's taste. Bruce felt like he had discovered a new world, his silver eyes lingering on Bai Qingyu's body.

It wasn't just him, the group of Latin Americans looked at Bai Qingyu's perfect figure with obviously evil intentions in their eyes.

Bai Qingyu's face turned cold, and her beautiful eyes revealed a look of deep disgust.

After scanning the group of people, Bai Qingyu forced herself to calm down. These guys are all Latino!

Bai Qingyu immediately thought of the group of drug lords from Latin America, and it was very likely that they were this group of people.

Bruce stretched out his big hands towards Bai Qingyu. Bai Qingyu hurriedly pushed back, but Bruce grabbed the empty hand.

"Hahaha." Bruce had a silver smile on his face. He was not angry. Instead, he thought it was interesting. He rubbed his hands happily and was about to grab Bai Qingyu.

He Quan suddenly stood in front of Bruce and said quickly: "Hey, Mr. Bruce! It's still important to do business now. If you want to have fun, you can have fun as you want after finishing that kid!"

Bruce showed some displeasure on his face and shouted, "Okay, let's get rid of that kid first. You guys, arrest this woman!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several dark men behind Bruce surrounded Bai Qingyu. Bai Qingyu didn't understand Spanish, so when she saw a group of men surrounding her, her expression changed.

He Quan's face looked a little ugly. He knew that these Latin American drug lords were used to being lawless, and he couldn't control what they wanted to do.

Looking at Bai Qingyu's beautiful appearance and seductive figure, He Quan cursed in his heart, such a beautiful girl is really giving away to these foreign devils!

"I'm sorry, young lady, since you bumped into us, you will be unlucky!" He Quan said nonchalantly.

Bai Qingyu kept doing nothing, looking around quickly, and struck a man in the eye with an elbow.

"Ah!!!" The man screamed while holding his right eye.

Bai Qingyu's beautiful eyes flashed with a fierce look, and she kicked the other man in the chest with a side kick, causing the man to fall to the ground.

He quickly followed up with a straight punch, hitting another bearded man on the cheek. Several of his teeth were knocked out, blood vomited out of his mouth, and he kept retreating.

In one breath, Bai Qingyu knocked down the three of them and was about to turn around and run away.

He Quan was startled, he didn't expect this beauty to be so skilled?

Bruce's eyes narrowed, and he immediately pounced forward like a swift leopard. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Bai Qingyu's hair and pushed it to the ground.

Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth and stared at Bruce with murderous eyes, not giving in at all.

Unexpectedly, he would fall here. Bai Qingyu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and a look of reluctance appeared on her pretty face.

"Tsk, tsk, yes, women like this have taste, I like it!" Bruce grinned and shouted to the two Latin Americans: "Tie her up, don't hurt her."

Two Latin Americans came up with ropes and tied up Bai Qingyu's hands. One of the guys touched Bai Qingyu's high chest while she was being tied up.

"Get out!" Bai Qingyu kicked the man away.

Another Latin American was furious, took out the Desert Eagle from his waist, and pointed it at Bai Qingyu's head.

"If you dare to resist again, I will kill you!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Bai Qingyu's mouth, and she closed her eyes, as if she no longer cared about life or death.

Bruce impatiently pushed the Latin American who was holding the gun away with one hand and shouted: "Don't touch her! You will be happy when we are done."

Those strong men seemed to listen to Bruce's words and quickly restrained themselves.

"Mr. Bruce, do you want me to bring her into your room?" He Quan stepped forward and asked. Bai Qingyu was too beautiful. He was worried that Bai Qingyu was the daughter of a government official and businessman. It will be troublesome if you recognize it.

"No need, I'll let this beauty see how Bruce kills me, and I'll keep her as docile as a kitten in bed later." Bruce laughed.

Several Latin Americans also laughed.

He Quan forced a smile. He felt that Bruce was a pervert.

Regardless of whether he is a pervert or not, as long as he can complete the tasks assigned by Luo Tianyao.

In the casino, Shen Lang won more than ten games in a row, and every game was a leopard. The scene was almost boiling.

There were beads of sweat on the snow-white neck of the beautiful blonde dealer Chris. But now, she had seen how powerful the gambler was. There was a huge gap between Shen Lang's gambling skills and her own.

Shen Lang had won more than 50 million, and he was quite satisfied. He looked at the time and saw that it was already nine o'clock, and he couldn't help but frown.

"The bet we decided on with Ibuki is at seven o'clock, right? It's already nine o'clock, why hasn't Miss Yi shown up yet?" Shen Lang asked the host.

"That's right, where is Miss Yi?"

"Will she come tonight?"

The audience in the VIP seats also shouted, looking obviously unhappy and feeling like they were being let go.

The host was also puzzled. Time had indeed passed too long.

"How about I send someone to help you rush?" the host said with sweat on his forehead.

"No need, let Luo Tianyao come to see me!" Shen Lang shouted.

"Mr. Shen, please wait a moment. We will go find Mr. Luo right away." The host made a slight move and quickly left the casino with the two men in suits.

"Mr. Shen, do you want to continue?" Chris asked nervously.

"Continue." Shen Lang crossed his legs and smiled.

Anyway, you can make millions just by playing. Just treat it as entertainment and you can still make money, so why not?

at this time.

A group of foreigners suddenly poured into the casino hall, all wearing camouflage uniforms and holding automatic rifles in their hands, and they came menacingly.

For a moment, everyone in the hall stared blankly at this group of heavily armed foreigners, wondering if this was filming, or some kind of Cosplay?

Bruce had a cigar in his mouth, looking at the bright lights and the splendid hall all around, and grinned: "This cruise ship is good, and there is such a luxurious casino."

"Hahaha, Mr. Luo Tianyao is really a rich man!" Bruce patted He Quan on the shoulder.

"That's right." He Quan smiled.

Bai Qingyu's arms were tied tightly and she could not struggle.

She was a little confused, why did these Latin Americans come to the casino? And it's so heavily armed?

Shen Lang saw Bai Qingyu among this group of foreigners at first sight, and his eyes shrank slightly. Why was Bai Qingyu arrested by a group of foreigners?

wrong! Based on Shen Lang's experience, the way these people dressed up and held their guns looked very much like drug trafficking gangs in Latin American countries such as Mexico and Colombia.

In an instant, Shen Lang saw some possibilities and set his sights on these Latin Americans.

"Who is Shen Lang?" Bruce shouted in Spanish. (To be continued)

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