Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 358 Self-rescue

She only felt warm all over her body. This feeling was very wonderful and relieved the pain all over Shen Lang's body.

This comfortable feeling only lasted for just three minutes before disappearing without a trace, and was replaced by an unparalleled pain.

Shen Lang's face was ferocious, and he was enduring tremendous pain, as if the flesh and skin all over his body were being torn apart piece by piece!

Because Shen Zhao Jing requires dispersion of kung fu, the pain Shen Lang has to endure during the advanced breakthrough is several times that of ordinary martial arts practitioners.

An unbearable burning surged through Shen Lang's whole body, and his dantian felt as if it had exploded.

Shen Lang had long been prepared for the pain he would suffer, but his strong desire to survive made him persevere.

Taking advantage of the aura stone to take effect, Shen Lang closed his eyes and began to break through.

Soon, Shen Lang entered the state, his whole body motionless, and fell into a strange state.

Bai Qingyu had a good sleep and regained some strength.

Looking at the sun, it seems to be noon now.

Bai Qingyu looked around.

This is really a desert island in the sea. It is not very big, with a radius of about seven or eight miles at most. The wilderness, jungle, and tall trees on the island are intertwined with each other.

Shen Lang seemed to be seriously injured. Bai Qingyu thought Shen Lang was injured during the explosion.

But she knew that what she was in urgent need of now was water. The sun was so bright on the island and it was early August. The scorching heat of midsummer could easily dehydrate people.

After all, Bai Qingyu was born as a special soldier and had received survival training in the wild.

After searching for a long time in the jungle on the island, they finally found a small pond with some water, which was relatively clear. It seemed to be left over from last night's heavy rain. It should be enough for them to drink for a few days.

Bai Qingyu drank a few sips by herself, filled the jade box with water, and walked towards the beach.

Shen Lang was seen sitting on the edge of the woods, with traces of black sweat flowing out of the pores of his body. A vague and non-existent strong wind swept through his body, and his upper body was covered with silver needles.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned pale, and she hurriedly ran forward and asked, "Shen Lang... what's wrong with you?"

Shen Lang didn't respond, his expression was a little ferocious, as if he was enduring great pain, his face turned red and white for a while, as if he was possessed.

Bai Qingyu noticed a few lines written on the beach beside Shen Lang and murmured to herself.

"Don't be frightened, I'm saving myself. Don't touch my body at will, otherwise you may be injured. In two days, if I don't breathe, bury me as soon as possible... Remember!"

Bai Qingyu's face became paler as she read, thinking, could this be Shen Lang's suicide note?

Seeing Shen Lang sitting on the ground with his body intact, Bai Qingyu stepped forward and tested Shen Lang's breathing.


A sharp airflow bounced Bai Qingyu's right arm away, and Bai Qingyu's body almost flew away.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face showed a trace of horror, and she took a deep breath. No wonder Shen Lang told herself not to touch him.

Although she didn't know what Shen Lang was doing, she thought it best not to disturb him.

After looking at Shen Lang blankly for a long time, Bai Qingyu sighed when he saw that he had no reaction at all.

I don’t know where the typhoon last night blew them. Where are they now?

Bai Qingyu had nothing on her body except a pair of underwear. The sea level in front of you is endless, and you can only wait for the search and rescue ship that has a very small chance of appearing.

But now he couldn't sit still and wait for death. Bai Qingyu took the top that Shen Lang had thrown aside.

Shen Lang's jacket was very heavy, and there were many flying knives in the inner compartment, including ordinary flying knives and willow leaf flying knives. Carrying this kind of weapon with him shows that Shen Lang is always very vigilant.

These flying knives were very sharp, and Bai Qingyu could use them.

The cruise ship explosion was definitely not an accident. Could it be that Luo Tianyao wanted to blow up Shen Lang?

If that's the case, that's really terrifying. Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth. No matter what, if she could be rescued, even if she invited her grandfather out, she would never let Luo Tianyao go.

In Huahai City, there have been rumors that Bai Qingyu, a famous policewoman, has a huge backer behind her.

This is indeed the case. Shen Lang probably wouldn't have imagined that Bai Qingyu's father, Chu Quan, was also a member of Longteng, and his grandfather was even the leader of the Longteng team!

Shortly after Bai Qingyu was born, her mother passed away. She grew up in a single-parent family, and her father was extremely cold and didn't even tell her her mother's name.

Bai Qingyu's tutoring was very strict, and she always felt that her father was a cold-blooded person. Her father and grandfather are also members of Longteng, the country’s secretive security organization! However, Bai Qingyu knew very little about Long Teng, and didn't even know what the organization Long Teng did.

After reaching the age where he could stand on his own, Bai Qingyu lived alone, spent some time in the army, and entered the criminal police brigade through his own efforts.

But she also thought clearly later on. Considering that she was in her early twenties, her father and grandfather must have been pushing her to become the captain of the criminal police brigade.

Beijing North City, in an old-fashioned courtyard house in the outer suburbs of the military zone.

Bai Qingyu's grandfather, named Bai Xiang, was a high-level military leader.

Bai Xiang is seventy years old, with all white hair, hale and hearty, and a sharp look in his eyes. He is playing chess with an old man with gray hair in the courtyard.

Suddenly, a young guard came over in a hurry, handed a mobile phone to Bai Xiang, and said quickly: "Chief, your phone number."

Bai Xiang nodded slightly and took the phone.

After a few brief words on the phone, Bai Xiang's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly stood up from his seat.

"What! You said something happened to my granddaughter?"

"Chief, there was a big explosion on the Queen Philly cruise ship in Huahai. On the night of the big explosion, your granddaughter was on that cruise ship!"

"What did you say!"

When Bai Xiang heard the news, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning and almost fell down.

The guard quickly stepped forward and helped Bai Xiang up.

The old man playing chess with him was also startled. In the old man's eyes, Bai Xiang had always been extremely majestic, with an aura that could stand up to Mount Tai without collapsing. Very few things could move him to this extent.

"How...how could this happen!" Prime Minister Bai frowned into the character "Chuan", and his whole person seemed to have aged ten years.

After hanging up the phone, Prime Minister Bai directly issued orders to the Donghua Military Region, asking them to prepare for search and rescue operations as quickly as possible.

"Prepare the military plane, I want to rush to Huahai City immediately!" Bai Xiang ordered to the guard.

"Yes." (To be continued)

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