Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 359 Uninhabited Island

Huahai, the western sea area.

Fajiang personally brought several patrol ships over, and there were more than a dozen helicopters in the sky to quickly launch a search and rescue operation.

However, search and rescue operations are very difficult. There are also sharks in this sea area. A group of special forces waiting for search and rescue cannot go into the sea, and they all have dumbfounded expressions.

There are so many sharks. Once someone falls into the sea, it will definitely be a sure death!

On the patrol ship.

Fajiang's face was so gloomy that he didn't even know if Shen Lang was still alive. There was a big explosion on the Queen, and almost no one survived. The search and rescue team has not rescued anyone so far.

In other words, there is no way anyone is still alive.

"Damn it, if you can't find anyone, I'll chop you up first!" Fajiang shouted at an officer on a search and rescue mission.

The officer was frightened out of his wits by Fajiang's momentum, but he still had to bite the bullet and said: "Chief... Chief, there are too many sharks in the western sea area... It's hard for the team members to launch a search and rescue!"

"Trash! If you can't find Shen Lang again, I will kick you down and feed you to the sharks!" Fa Jiang roared with a ferocious expression.

The middle-aged man on the side hurriedly stopped Fa Jiang and said in a deep voice: "Team leader, calm down first. Let's think about how to search and rescue him first."

This middle-aged man is Liu Zhenshan. He was transferred to Huahai City from Longteng Headquarters a few days ago and serves as the consultant of the fifth team. He is regarded as Fajiang's deputy.

Liu Zhenshan had interrogated Shen Lang before and was deeply impressed by him. He did not expect that the famous bloody murder would encounter such an unexpected event.

Things were already like this, Liu Zhenshan felt that the possibility of Shen Lang's survival was almost zero. He also knew that Fa Jiang and Shen Lang had a very good relationship, and now he could only give him good advice and comfort him.

No one could have imagined that Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu were currently on an uninhabited island hundreds of nautical miles away from the Western Sea.

God played a joke on them and blew them so far away.

Staying on the island, Bai Qingyu was at a loss all day long.

Shen Lang remained motionless, and Bai Qingyu's anxious mood gradually calmed down, hoping that Shen Lang could recover quickly.

Bai Qingyu sighed softly, lay down on the beach, and touched her belly without any fat, feeling a little hungry.

I was tired all night last night and was hit by the sea water. The contents of my stomach had already been vomited out in the sea.

In a place where birds don't poop, you're lucky to have water to drink from.

The sky was getting dark, and Bai Qingyu was even more hungry and panicked. It looked like there would be no search and rescue ships coming at night.

In this situation, we are in urgent need of energy replenishment. But in this place where birds don't poop, it is considered extremely lucky to have water to drink.

Bai Qingyu could barely hold back her hunger, but her mouth was dry and she was already slightly dehydrated. If she didn't drink water, it would be difficult for her to survive tomorrow.

Bai Qingyu had received wilderness survival training after all. He picked up the clothes on Shen Lang's upper body and put them on, preparing to go to the island to see if he could get some fresh water and food.

Shen Lang had many knives and flying knives in his clothes, and there was no shortage of tools and the like.

Bai Qingyu was lucky. He didn't go far before he found a tall coconut tree with two larger green coconuts on it.

It doesn't look fully ripe, but it should be edible.

Bai Qingyu immediately climbed up the tree and picked two coconuts.

Use a small flying knife to make a slight opening and pour coconut milk into your mouth.

The taste is very fragrant, with a hint of sweetness and astringency, which can at least quench Bai Qingyu's thirst.

Bai Qingyu only drank half of the drink, and her complexion improved significantly. She planned to keep the remaining coconut for Shen Lang.

Passing through the dense forest with dense foliage, Bai Qingyu hadn't gone very far when a black bear about two feet tall and strong in size suddenly jumped out of the trees in front of him.

I go! Bai Qingyu almost thought he saw a hallucination...I wouldn't be so unlucky, would I?

Before he had time to lament, the black bear walked towards him, getting closer and closer, letting out several "ouch" howls from its huge mouth.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned pale, her heart almost jumped out of fright, and she ran away.

Just kidding, she's not Shen Lang, but she doesn't have the guts to compete with a black bear.

When the black bear saw Bai Qingyu running away, he let out a few "ouch" sounds and quickly pounced on him.

Bai Qingyu ran away, lamenting in her heart: "It's over, it's over, I won't be eaten by a bear!"

In the woods, Bai Qingyu was not as fast as a bear, and she was not wearing shoes, so she was quickly caught up by the black bear.

Seeing a big tree in front of him, Bai Qingyu quickly climbed up the tree in a hurry.

There was no choice but to hide in the tree in this situation. Judging from the way the bear looked just now, it was obvious that he regarded himself as food.

The black bear chased him under the tree, stood upright, raised his paws and opened his mouth to roar.

Bai Qingyu hurriedly took out a few willow leaf flying knives from her jacket. She knew that bears could climb trees. However, the ability of bears to climb trees is not that strong, and for such a big black bear, it is easy to fall from the tree.

Sure enough, the black bear roared under the tree for a while, then climbed up the tree. Although it looked a little clumsy, it climbed the tree very quickly.

Bai Qingyu threw a willow leaf flying knife in his hand towards the black bear with all his strength.


The flying knife pierced the black bear's back smoothly, thanks to the sharpness of Liuye's flying knife, otherwise Bai Qingyu would not have been able to pierce the thick-skinned bear's body with the flying knife so easily.

Bai Qingyu knew that the slender flying knife that Shen Lang had been using should be quenched with poison, but the wound on the bear was not deep, and he didn't know if it would have any effect.


The black bear was completely angered by Bai Qingyu's actions. It grinned its teeth, roared angrily, and crawled towards the tree trunk.

Bai Qingyu was frightened and tightly held the Liu Ye Flying Knife in her hand.

The black bear suddenly swung its claws forward. Bai Qingyu firmly grasped the branch with his left hand and ducked sideways, narrowly avoiding the black bear's claws.

Bai Qingyu took the opportunity to throw another flying knife, hitting the black bear's right leg at close range.

The black bear roared angrily, jumped directly from the tree trunk, and rushed towards Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu gritted her teeth and refused to do anything. She clenched the willow leaf flying knife in her hand and pounced towards the black bear's chest.


A bloody arrow shot out, and Bai Qingyu plunged the willow leaf flying knife in his hand deeply into the black bear's chest.

The black bear roared crazily, but its furry right leg had just been hit by a flying knife and seemed to be paralyzed now. It rolled down from the tree as soon as it stood up.


There was a loud noise, and the black bear's thick body hit the ground heavily.


The black bear struggled on the ground for a while and soon died from the poison. (To be continued)

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