Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 360 See if I don’t play with you to death!

"Scared me!"

Bai Qingyu patted her chest and gasped for air.

Thanks to Shen Lang's flying knife, it was really powerful and poisoned a bear to death.

Seeing that there was no movement below, Bai Qingyu climbed down the tree carefully. Worried that the bear was still alive, he stabbed the bear several times.

Now that there is no food source, the bear in front of him can be taken care of.

However, this black bear was too big, and Bai Qingyu couldn't drag it, so he had to use a flying knife to cut off the usable parts of the black bear, such as the bear's paws.

The Liuye Flying Knife was very sharp, and it took Bai Qingyu about half an hour to cut off some bear meat and bear paws. Although the process was a bit bloody, she did not feel much discomfort. After all, she was a special forces soldier.

It was lucky to find food so easily. Bai Qingyu walked out of the woods with the bear meat he had just obtained on his shoulders, and arrived at the place where Shen Lang sat down.

It was getting dark soon. After Bai Qingyu cleaned the bear meat, he found a lot of dead wood and seemed to want to make a barbecue grill.

After working for a long time, I finally got two long pieces of wood, sharpened them and inserted them into the soil. I cut a round hole in the middle. I used a short stick to string up bear meat and bear paws and put them on top. Dead wood branches.

After working hard for a long time, Bai Qingyu finally lit the fire. Seeing the flames finally starting to sprout, Bai Qingyu felt a sense of accomplishment.

Soon they began to roast the bear meat. After a while, the scent of the bear meat slowly began to emit. After a while, the aroma of the meat overflowed, and Bai Qingyu felt a little hungry from the smell.

Most poisons will be converted into non-toxic proteins at high temperatures. As long as the black bear's blood is cleaned, it should be fine. Bai Qingyu is not worried that the poison of Liuye Flying Knife will affect him.

After looking at Shen Lang, who was still sitting there motionless, Bai Qingyu asked, "Shen Lang, can you eat?"

Shen Lang didn't speak. Bai Qingyu was a little worried, but she didn't dare to disturb him.

I don’t know if there are any ships coming here, so I can only take a step and see. Bai Qingyu sighed slightly.

Eight o'clock in the evening, the First People's Hospital of the city.

Su Ruoxue was unconscious on the hospital bed. She had been having that strange dream. In the dream, there was a blood-red world, and a desire to kill continued to spread in her heart.

Liu Xiaoxiao stayed beside the hospital bed absentmindedly, silently wiping her tears, feeling extremely gloomy and sad.

She has already learned the news from the Huahai Search and Rescue Team. A large number of search and rescue personnel were dispatched this time. Basically all the people in the Western Sea were from the military. However, after spending so much manpower, no one was rescued alive.

"Shen Lang, you big bastard... aren't you very powerful! Why did you just leave, wuwu..." Liu Xiaoxiao's tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes, and she cried heartbreakingly.

Only now did Liu Xiaoxiao realize that she could never forget that man.

She didn't know when Shen Lang's weight in her heart had reached this point.

But that man may be dead, and Liu Xiaoxiao only feels that the world is dark.

Liu Qingyi was also in the ward, secretly wiping tears. Shen Lang was her savior and the object of her affection. She had always felt that Shen Lang was omnipotent, but this time she actually encountered such a thing.

The strong contrast broke her heart, and Liu Qingyi found it difficult to accept this fact.

Under the hospital building, a black Maserati parked on the roadside.

The car door opened, and Luo Tianyao and Ah Dao got out.

Luo Tianyao's face was red. Today he underwent Yinjiu's surgery and transplanted someone else's device. Finally, he was no longer a eunuch.

In addition, Luo Tianyao was even more overjoyed when he learned that no one from the search and rescue teams in Huahai had been rescued today. This meant that Shen Lang was dead and the evidence was conclusive, so he didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

This was a double happiness. As for the Queen's explosion, Luo Tianyao accepted an interview with the media in the afternoon and placed all the blame on the Latin American drug lords.

Fabricated and forged evidence, a lot of it, with basically no omissions. Besides, with his father and grandfather handling it, he should be able to escape all charges perfectly.

After solving these trivial matters, Luo Tianyao was ready to come to Su Ruoxue, but now Shen Lang has died. Without a backer, he wanted to see what kind of expression Su Ruoxue would show?

Luo Tianyao's eyes revealed a hint of anticipation and excitement. He wanted Su Ruoxue to kneel down and add his shoes!

In the ward, Su Ruoxue suddenly woke up from a coma and twisted on the bed.

Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly walked over, held Su Ruoxue's little hand, and asked with concern: "Xiaoxue, how are you feeling?"

Su Ruoxue opened her sleepy eyes, and her beautiful eyes suddenly glowed with a red light.

Seeing that Su Ruoxue's eyes suddenly turned red, Liu Xiaoxiao was startled and exclaimed: "Xiaoxue, what's wrong with your eyes..."

Su Ruoxue stared at Liu Xiaoxiao, and there was a strong evil aura in her eyes, which made Liu Xiaoxiao's face turn pale. She felt that Su Ruoxue suddenly became different.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Su Ruoxue seemed to realize that something was wrong with her, with a hint of panic on her pretty face.

Su Ruoxue held her head, her brain tingling.

"Sister Su..." Liu Qingyi also looked at Su Ruoxue with some panic, and felt that something was different about Su Ruoxue.

Su Ruoxue's body exuded a strong evil spirit, giving people a feeling that strangers should not approach her.

"By the way Shen Lang! How is Shen Lang doing now?" Su Ruoxue hurriedly grabbed Liu Xiaoxiao's arm and asked.

Liu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and said nothing. Su Ruoxue looked at the tears on her face and quickly guessed a possibility, and her mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Xiaoxiao, please speak. What happened to Shen Lang?" A trace of tears appeared in the corner of Su Ruoxue's eyes.

Liu Xiaoxiao didn't know how to comfort Su Ruoxue, even she herself needed comfort.

at this time.

The door to the ward was pushed open.

"This is it." A middle-aged doctor nodded and bowed to Luo Tianyao and Ah Dao.

"Okay, you go down."

Luo Tianyao smiled and waved his hand, and the middle-aged doctor hurriedly retreated.

"Luo Tianyao, it's you!" Liu Xiaoxiao's face turned pale when she saw the man in a suit striding in front of her.

"Hahaha, of course it's me!" Luo Tianyao smiled, and he smiled very happily.

Glancing at Su Ruoxue on the hospital bed, Luo Tianyao didn't know if it was his misunderstanding. He felt that Su Ruoxue was even colder and even gave people a sense of coercion.

However, Su Ruoxue's extremely cold temperament made Luo Tianyao's heart itch even more. Luo Tianyao thought to himself that you, a bitch, had harmed me like this. I'll see if I don't play with you to death! (To be continued)

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