Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 366: Avoid the limelight

Bai Qingyu sat next to the campfire and watched Shen Lang roasting rabbit meat seriously.

Under the illumination of the flames, Shen Lang's stern face still revealed a bit of youthfulness.

Bai Qingyu couldn't understand why Shen Lang had such extraordinary abilities at such a young age.

Although he couldn't understand it, Bai Qingyu also knew that Shen Lang must have gone through a lot of hardships to reach this point.

After a while, the roasted rabbit meat was cooked, turned golden brown, and exuded an attractive aroma.

Bai Qingyu's beautiful eyes were shining. She was already starving, and the fragrant smell of meat aroused her appetite.

"Eat it, be careful not to burn it."

Shen Lang handed the roasted rabbit leg to Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu took the rabbit leg with a bit of embarrassment. She was really hungry, so she opened her mouth and bit into the rabbit meat. Although there was no condiment, the smell of the meat was enough to make Bai Qingyu addicted.

Shen Lang also took out another rabbit leg from the grill and started eating.

Eating barbecue with Shen Lang, Bai Qingyu suddenly felt that life on the desert island was not so boring. As long as Shen Lang was by her side, Bai Qingyu did not feel any danger on the desert island at all.

The jungle on the desert island is like Shen Lang's own back garden. This man can give her so much confidence.

In just a moment, the whole rabbit was eaten clean by the two of them.

After a while, there was a strange noise in the forest, and a huge black bear more than three meters tall suddenly jumped out of the dark thorn jungle.

Bai Qingyu was shocked. This bear was much bigger than the one he encountered before, and he shouted softly: "Shen Lang!"

"Don't panic."

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and stood up. This huge black bear was probably attracted by the smell of barbecue.

Although this bear was huge, it was nothing to a martial artist of Shen Lang's level.

Now that he has advanced to the early stage of Qing Realm, Shen Lang is extremely confident in his own strength. Just use this black bear to test your own strength.

"You step back first." Shen Lang pulled Bai Qingyu behind him.

"Yes." Bai Qingyu nodded hurriedly, quickly arrived behind Shen Lang, took out a willow leaf flying knife from the clothes in his arms, and held it tightly in his hand.

"Ouch..." The black bear roared at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang became more interested and strode towards the black bear.

Seeing that the human in front of him dared to provoke it, the black bear was furious, roared, and rushed towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang brought up his true energy, suddenly pushed his palms forward, and used all his strength to hit the Snowflake Palm's most powerful killing move, the Wind Blade and Frost Sword.

The Snowflake Divine Palm is the most powerful palm technique that Shen Lang has mastered.

The wind of the palm is elegant and flexible, like flying snowflakes, which can be used to attack or defend. The killing move can condense the ice energy. The palm force reaches Yin to Cold, breaking the enemy's protective energy and causing internal injuries.

Although the power of the Seven Injury Fist is inferior to that of the Seven Injury Fist, Shen Lang will suffer a lot of internal injuries if he performs only one and a half moves of the Seven Injury Fist. However, the Snowflake Divine Palm technique has no side effects on Shen Lang, and Shen Lang masters it very skillfully.

The Snowflake Divine Palm has only four moves, two basic attacks and two killing moves. It seems simple, but it is full of changes.

A sharp palm wind swept towards the black bear, and a breath of ice swept around, causing the surrounding temperature to suddenly drop a lot, and even set off a strong wind, making the leaves rustle.

This palm wind hit the black bear firmly, making a loud "Boom!"


The black bear's screams resounded throughout the world, and its huge body was knocked seven or eight meters away by Shen Lang's palm wind. Blood spurted out, and the whole body was covered in flesh and blood. A large amount of blood gushed out from its mouth, nose, and ears.

The palm wind just now almost shook the heart, lungs and other organs in the black bear's body into a ball of paste.

The black bear's limbs twitched slightly, and after a few hoarse screams, it died.

Kill with one blow!

Shen Lang retracted his palms and took a deep breath. He couldn't hide the joy on his face, but he was still extremely satisfied in his heart.

After breaking through the realm of questioning, his strength has become several times stronger!

In the past, with my full strength, although I could kill a bear with one palm, I still had to be close to the bear, and a palm from a distance would not have this effect.

Seeing Shen Lang chop the black bear to death with one blow, Bai Qingyu was a little surprised, but he was not surprised. Shen Lang's abilities were beyond normal thinking.

It was late at night, and no other wild beasts came to harass them.

Shen Lang sat on the ground and continued to practice to stabilize his current state.

Bai Qingyu curled up next to the fire. She couldn't sleep a few nights ago. Today, with Shen Lang beside her, she seemed to have a great spiritual support and fell asleep quickly.

Haijiang International Building.

In a luxurious suite on the top floor, Luo Tianyao was sitting on the sofa with an earthy face.

Luo Ye and Luo Yan on the side also had terrifyingly gloomy expressions.

Luo Tianyao originally planned to go to the hospital to catch Su Ruoxue, but Su Ruoxue saw it. A beautiful woman dressed like an ancient cosplay suddenly appeared in the ward.

That beauty crippled Ah Dao with one move, and left Ah Dao defenseless and stabbed to death by Su Ruoxue.

Luo Tianyao was so frightened that he lost his mind.

Ah Dao's death means that the Luo family has lost another general. No, there are no experts in the Luo family now.

Ah Dao is a five-star master, how could he die so easily? Luo Ye and Luo Yan could not accept this fact.

"Who is the woman in white you are talking about?" Luo Yan asked with a gloomy old face.

Thinking of that woman's terrifying strength, Luo Tianyao's face was still a little panicked, and he shook his head hastily: "No, I don't know, that woman is too terrifying! She seems to have a close relationship with Su Ruoxue!"

Luo Ye was very puzzled and said: "I know that Su Yunshan has a bodyguard, but he is just a four-star master. Logically speaking, it should be impossible for Su Yunshan's granddaughter to have such a master around."

"Father, I saw it with my own eyes! And I feel that that woman is... a bit more powerful than Shen Lang!" Luo Tianyao said a little horrified.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ye and Luo Yan looked at each other a little bit.

If that were the case, that would be terrible!

Luo Yan looked a little solemn and said in a deep voice: "Tianyao, please don't appear in public during this period. I will arrange a place for you to stay away from the limelight."

"Grandpa, should we send someone to investigate about that mysterious woman? If this woman is also related to Shen Lang, will our Luo family suffer?" Luo Tianyao said a little worried.

Luo Yan snorted: "Don't underestimate our Luo family too much. The reason why our Luo family has such a foundation today is not only because we are powerful. I think our Luo family ancestors are all masters. Our Luo family Not only do we have a lot of financial resources, but we also have a lot of important resources!”

"What important resources?" Luo Tianyao asked curiously.

"It is a very important resource for martial arts cultivators. Although our ancestors were very cautious, I didn't quite understand those so-called resources before. It was Mr. Yun Qi who suddenly woke me up."

At this point, Luo Yan's face softened slightly and he said: "I think the guys from Longteng will be very interested in our Luo family's resources. Don't worry, Tianyao, just do as I said during this period and avoid the limelight first. .With those resources at hand, I even lobbied for the people from Longteng to secretly help our Luo family, and nothing will happen to us."

Luo Tianyao nodded. Although he didn't know what Luo Yan was planning, he seemed to be very powerful. (To be continued)

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