Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 367 Rescued

Early the next morning.

The toxins in Bai Qingyu's body have been completely eliminated and his injuries have recovered. Although his body is still a little weak, there is no problem with his movements.

Shen Lang had eaten and drank enough last night, and when he woke up, he was full of energy and in good spirits.

The weather was sunny, and the two of them wandered around the beach and chatted.

"Shen Lang, do you think...will there really be a ship coming to rescue us?" Bai Qingyu asked a little worriedly.

Shen Lang sighed: "It has been six or seven days, and the rescue ship has arrived long time ago. I estimate that this island is far away from the site where the Queen cruise ship exploded. The rescue ship probably did not spread the search and rescue site here, and there are also May have given up on rescue."

Bai Qingyu frowned: "Then if this desert island is located in a remote area, we won't be trapped on this desert island for the rest of our lives, right?"

Shen Lang shook his head: "No, no matter how strong the sea wind was that day, it couldn't have blown us to the Pacific Ocean, right? The climate here is not much different from Huahai. It shouldn't be too far from Huahai. There will always be Fishing boats and other vessels passed by.”

"Oh." Bai Qingyu responded softly.

She was actually a little conflicted at the moment. Although she also wanted to be saved, she didn't want to be saved so quickly. Bai Qingyu even liked the days spent alone with Shen Lang on the island.

Compared with the arduous work, except for the poor food and accommodation environment on the island, it is actually no different from traveling.

The main thing was that Shen Lang was by his side, so Bai Qingyu had no worries.

A gust of sea breeze came, and Bai Qingyu's hair was blown a little messy, and the suit on his upper body also made a loud noise.

Shen Lang was much taller than her. This casual suit just covered her thighs, covering up the spring light on her upper body. Her two snow-white thighs were smooth and slender, making her look even more attractive.

Bai Qingyu had already noticed Shen Lang's eyes staring at her thighs, but she didn't say anything other than being a little shy. Instead, she felt vaguely proud. Although she is stubborn, she is not pedantic. She also knows that some aspects are a man's nature.

Being alone on a deserted island, coupled with the charming scene last night, Shen Lang would inevitably have some unhealthy thoughts and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Shen Lang was very worried about Su Ruoxue's safety. If that guy Luo Tianyao took the opportunity to retaliate or something, things would be terrible.

When Shen Lang looked at the sea again, he suddenly found a small black dot appearing in front of his eyes.

"There's a boat!"

"Ship? Where is it?" Bai Qingyu's pretty face was startled. She covered her forehead with her hands and took a look. There was a vast mist on the sea level, but she couldn't find a ship anywhere.

Shen Lang has now advanced to Wenjing Martial Arts, and his five senses are much stronger than ordinary people. He shouted: "Don't worry about where you are, follow me!"

After saying that, Shen Lang put his arms around Bai Qingyu's waist, held her in his arms, used Qing Gong, and stepped quickly toward the sea.

Shen Lang used Qing Gong to the extreme, and his whole body turned into an afterimage.

Bai Qingyu only felt the wind whirring in her ears, and the surrounding scene was a bit unreal and unclear. She could feel the heat and heartbeat in Shen Lang's chest, and Bai Qingyu's own heartbeat accelerated inexplicably.

Looking into the distance, I saw a small black spot on the sea slowly getting bigger.

Shen Lang also kept staring at the sea level and could already see a flag hanging on the ship, which was the national flag of China.

It's a maritime surveillance ship!

On the maritime surveillance ship.

Fajiang stood on the deck and looked through binoculars, with Liu Zhenshan standing beside him.

"Team leader, just listen to my advice. It's been so many days, and no matter how hard you search and rescue, it's all in vain. Now there are many things in the military region that need to be dealt with, so let's not waste time on this sea." Liu Zhenshan sighed.

"You know what, I just don't think Brother Shen will die that easily. Anyway, there is an island here within five hundred nautical miles of the Western Sea. Maybe Shen Lang is on the island!" Fajiang shouted with an unhappy expression.

Liu Zhenshan shook his head and sighed. They were already hundreds of sea miles apart. If Shen Lang could still be on the island, he would have to grow wings and fly.

Fajiang looked at the deserted island in the distance with a telescope, feeling quite irritable, and suddenly his eyes shrank.

"Damn it, there really is someone!" Fajiang almost jumped up.

"How is that possible? Are you dazzled, team leader?"

"Hurry and prepare the speedboat, the figures on the sea are coming towards us!" Fajiang yelled.

Liu Zhenshan hurriedly looked towards the sea and was shocked. At first he thought it was a shark, but when he took a closer look, he thought, damn, what was flying across the sea was actually a human!

Seeing the shadow on the sea getting faster and faster, Fajiang patted his thigh excitedly: "Haha, it's Brother Shen! It's indeed Brother Shen!"

Shen Lang hugged Bai Qingyu's slender waist and quickly approached the maritime surveillance ship. He stepped on his feet, jumped up, and landed lightly on the deck, landing steadily.

After breaking through the realm stage, Shen Lang's Qinggong level also rose to a higher level.

Bai Qingyu stepped out of Shen Lang's arms and tightened the suit on her upper body.

Fajiang was ecstatic, and he stepped forward and gave Shen Lang a bear hug: "Brother Shen, I know you won't die that easily! Haha, I'm so damn worried about me!"

"Tsk, okay, okay, don't be so stupid." Shen Lang pushed Fa Jiang away and said hehe, "I survived the disaster this time, and I will be lucky in the future!"

Shen Lang said happily, exuding an aura of disdain all over his body, as stable as Mount Tai and unshakable.

Fajiang looked at Shen Lang again, as if he had seen a ghost, and said with a little trembling: "You...have you broken through the questioning stage?"

Shen Lang felt a little proud and said: "I told you earlier, it will only be a matter of time before I break through the realm of questioning."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zhenshan on the side took a breath of cold air, and couldn't hide the look of horror on his face. He asked the master!

What is the concept of interrogation period?

The levels of martial arts are divided into: Tongqiao, Zhigong, and Qingjing. The martial arts cultivation in the Questioning Realm stage is already at the pinnacle in the world. Only five of the ten masters of Soaring Dragon have the cultivation level of the Questioning Realm stage.

It is rumored that the previous blood kill was already very powerful, ranking sixth among the top ten masters of Dragon Soaring in China. Now that he has broken through to the level of Wenjing, Liu Zhenshan cannot imagine the extent of Shen Lang's strength.

"Oh shit, I thought you were dead, but it turned out you were making a breakthrough." Fajiang's face was filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Shen Lang chuckled and said, "I haven't died so easily. I was tricked this time!"

Fajiang asked hurriedly: "Surely it was those guys from the Luo family who harmed you?"

"Let's not mention this matter for now, I will solve the matter myself!" Shen Lang said coldly.

This time, Shen Lang vowed never to let Luo Tianyao and the Luo family go. (To be continued)

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