Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 370 Why don’t you even believe me?

She is very conservative at heart, and there is no way she can compete with Yi Lian.

Su Ruoxue's beautiful eyes narrowed and she hummed: "At least the relationship between Shen Lang and I has reached a stage where we can talk about marriage. And you said it yourself, you are just his junior sister. In Shen Lang's heart, you are just a role player." Just a little sister role!”

Yi Lian's face suddenly turned cold. Su Ruoxue's words just hit the scar in her heart. She could only stay by Shen Lang's side silently, but could not fill Shen Lang's vacancy.

But Shen Lang didn't understand that Yi Lian had long since wanted so-called freedom. She had already reached a point where it was difficult to let go of Shen Lang, the senior brother who brought her out of the prison.

Yi Lian watched helplessly as Shen Lang returned to China to get engaged to the fiancée in his memory, and no one knew the loneliness in his heart.

Even if Shen Lang is not around, Yi Lian's heart has not changed at all.

"No matter what, you must leave Shen Lang!" Yi Lian said sternly.

The corner of Su Ruoxue's mouth twitched slightly, with a hint of unwillingness and loneliness, and then returned to her cold expression: "Maybe you are right! Well, you win. In fact, I will not have anything to do with Shen Lang in the future. Since you like him so much, I hope you can keep your sincerity."

Yi Lian's face didn't change. She knew that this woman would give up on her own initiative, so she had some conscience.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you? Don't say such depressing words!" Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly persuaded.

"Liu Xiaoxiao, you and I are not from the same place. From now on, just treat me as a stranger. I will go to a place and never come back again..." Su Ruoxue showed a smile to Liu Xiaoxiao for the last time, with a smile on her face. A hint of bitterness.

Liu Xiaoxiao's heart trembled: "Xiaoxue, what stupid words are you talking about? It's not what happened last time that caused you some mental problems, right?"

Su Ruoxue said nothing and turned her eyes to the sea in the distance.


Sirens sounded on the sea, and a huge maritime surveillance ship was sailing towards the Westport Port.

Liu Xiaoxiao and Yi Lian's eyes were also attracted by the maritime surveillance ship.

When I saw Shen Lang jumping off the maritime surveillance ship.


Yi Lian cried with joy and could no longer hold back. She rushed forward excitedly and hugged Shen Lang's waist tightly.

The two men bowed to Shen Lang and said, "Instructor!"

Shen Lang nodded slightly.

"Miss Yi Lian, long time no see." Fajiang also jumped from the maritime surveillance ship to the shore and said with a smile.

Yi Lian buried her head in Shen Lang's arms and cried softly. When Yi Lian learned that Shen Lang had died in the sea, her heart was broken and she rushed back to Huahai City overnight.

Fortunately, Shen Lang is still alive.

"Yi Lian knows that senior brother will never abandon me! Brother Lang, welcome back..."

Seeing the girl in his arms crying into tears, Shen Lang was touched: "Xiao Lian, I clearly didn't inform you, why did you come to Huahai City?"

Yi Lian shook his head: "Brother Lang, I will live and die with you. If something happens to you, how can Xiao Lian sit still! Brother Lang, if you live, Yi Lian will live for you. If you die, Xiao Lian will be buried with you!" "

"You're still like that..." Shen Lang sighed and touched Yi Lian's head.

"Ahem..." Liu Xiaoxiao, who was not far from the dock, coughed heavily, and her pretty face became a little unnatural.

Shen Lang also realized that something was wrong with Liu Xiaoxiao and Su Ruoxue's expressions, and was worried about how to explain his relationship with Yi Lian to them.

Suddenly, Shen Lang's eyes narrowed, and with his keen awareness of aura, he instantly discovered that the aura on Su Ruoxue's body was extremely abnormal.

His eyes locked on the small pleated crystal pendant hanging on Su Ruoxue's neck. Shen Lang flashed and came to Su Ruoxue's side at high speed. He couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and asked with a solemn expression: "Xiao Xue'er, Where did this thing hanging around your neck come from?”

The crystal-like thing on Su Ruoxue's neck had a strange brilliance flowing on its surface.

This is by no means a simple decoration, but a legendary spiritual crystal!

Shen Lang has now advanced to the Questioning Realm stage, and his ability to detect aura is extraordinary.

The pure spiritual power contained in the spiritual crystal can make people feel refreshed and infuriated by just taking a deep breath.

Shen Lang couldn't believe it. Where did Su Ruoxue get the spiritual crystal? You know, even his master can't get such a thing.

Spirit crystal is a rare thing that martial arts cultivators dream of. Its effectiveness is much stronger than the spiritual charm stone that Shen Lang swallowed when he broke through before. The effect of a small spiritual crystal can be worth several years of cultivation time of Wenjing martial arts cultivator.

"This is..." Fajiang, who was following, also showed a hint of shock, and seemed to clearly feel the power contained in the spiritual crystal.

"Oh, when I saw your lover, I was so happy that I forgot about everything. But when I saw me, the first thing you said was to ask this... very good!" Su Ruoxue's pretty face was slightly stiff, showing an expression of extreme disappointment.

"I'll explain things to you later." Shen Lang shook his head, still in shock, and was about to step forward and reach out to touch the spiritual crystal on Su Ruoxue's neck.

Su Ruoxue grabbed Shen Lang's arm with one hand and sneered: "Shen Lang, do you really want this thing around my neck?"

Shen Lang's expression changed slightly: "Xiao Xue'er, you... tell me the truth, how did you get this thing?"

"Why should I tell you? You haven't answered my question yet. Do you really want this thing?" Su Ruoxue picked up the spiritual crystal around her neck and looked at Shen Lang calmly.

Shen Lang looked solemn and said: "You may get into big trouble if you carry this thing with you! Tell me, how did you get this thing?"

Su Ruoxue raised her eyebrows: "Don't make excuses. I know that all of you martial arts cultivators are unscrupulous people who do not want to achieve their goals! Shen Lang, if I say, I can't give you this thing unless you kill me! You will feel like killing Did anyone else kill me like that?”

"Xiao Xue'er, what's wrong with you? Why don't you even believe me...?" Shen Lang's heart froze, and he felt as if Su Ruoxue had changed.

Su Ruoxue's face was pale and she asked coldly: "Shen Lang, who is more important, me or this broken stone? Or is it your junior sister who is more important?"

"Don't think nonsense. No matter how important this stone is, it can't be as important as you. As for Yi Lian, I treat her as a relative and a sister." Shen Lang frowned.

When Yi Lian heard this, her delicate face felt a little unnatural, and her heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a needle. She felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Looking like a younger sister? Then when you were still fifteen years old..." A trace of tears appeared in the corners of Su Ruoxue's eyes, and a look of embarrassment rose on her beautiful face.

Shen Lang's face looked a little ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I admit that I hid some things from you before, but it has already happened. I will find a way to compensate you. Xiaoxue, let's go back first." (To be continued)

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