Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 371 Take care of yourself

"To tell you the truth, Shen Lang, I am no longer the Su Ruoxue I used to be! I came to see you today just to draw a clear line with you!" Su Ruoxue said in a cold tone.

Shen Lang was shocked: "What do you mean?"

Su Ruoxue put on a arrogant look and hummed: "Do you think I am an ordinary person? Have you seen that ordinary people can get things like spiritual crystals? You and I have different identities. From now on, we will go our separate ways. No, the number of women you have has nothing to do with me."

"Spirit crystal?"

Fajiang's heart was filled with turmoil. No wonder the aura of that thing a few meters away was stronger than the fresh air of Kunlun Mountain. Who would have thought that it was something as heaven-defying as spiritual crystal?

"Hey, Brother Shen, what's going on here?" Fa Jiang quickly touched Shen Lang's arm with a puzzled look on his face.

"How do I know?" Shen Lang frowned. Su Ruoxue was obviously not like this, so why did her temperament change so drastically?

What confused Shen Lang even more was, where did this spiritual crystal come from?

If word of this gets out, it will easily be targeted by some hidden families, and Su Ruoxue will be in big trouble.

After all, spiritual crystals are what all martial arts practitioners dream of obtaining.


Suddenly, a soft and lazy voice came over.

A beautiful woman wearing a white dress suddenly appeared next to Su Ruoxue, it was Ling Qingyu.

Ling Qingyu's skin is as good as snow, her fair skin can be broken by blows, and her black and soft silk hair is scattered freely, with a red ribbon tied at the left and right ends of her hair, making her look even more unique.

His facial features are exquisite and cold, and he wears a white jade ornament on his forehead, which adds a touch of mysterious charm. His whole person is filled with a cold and proud aura.

Shen Lang and Fa Jiang's expressions changed drastically. They didn't realize where this woman came from.

Liu Xiaoxiao on the side was also startled, it was her again!

"Who are you?" There was a chill in Yi Lian's beautiful eyes, as if she sensed a threat from Ling Qingyu, and stepped forward to stop Shen Lang.

Shen Lang pushed Yi Lian behind him and stared at Ling Qingyu warily.

"Who are you!"

Ling Qingyu did not answer. She glanced at Shen Lang, showing a hint of surprise, and said lightly: "I didn't expect that in just a few days, you would have already broken through the realm of questioning."

The other party saw his own cultivation level at a glance, which really shocked Shen Lang. Coupled with the abyss-like aura of the woman in front of him, Shen Lang felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

Ling Qingyu sighed slightly at Su Ruoxue: "Okay, silly girl, you don't need to test him anymore. This man really likes you, otherwise he wouldn't have risked his name to save you in the first place."

"Master, I..." There were tears in Su Ruoxue's eyes.

"What master? Xiaoxue'er, who is this woman?"

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, flipped his right hand, clamped two flying knives between his fingers, and stared at Ling Qingyu warily.

"Shen Lang, don't be impulsive. She was Xiaoxue's savior. A few days before your accident, Luo Tianyao sent people to arrest Xiaoxue. It was this... young lady who saved her." Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly stepped forward to explain.

Saved Su Ruoxue? Shen Lang became even more confused, but a possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ling Qingyu said coldly: "You don't need to understand who I am. But you should have figured it out now. Who saved you when your true energy was disordered and life-threatening?"

Shen Lang's brain buzzed. He had entered the Hisun Group, activated his Qi, and was seriously injured. When he woke up, his injuries were completely healed.

In fact, Shen Lang had long suspected that someone was saving him behind the scenes? There is even a suspicion that someone has been watching all this from behind.

I never expected that it would be this beauty in a white dress?

Shen Lang was sure that he had never met Ling Qingyu before. He didn't think that a super beauty would save him for no reason.

He could feel that Ling Qingyu's cultivation level was very high, so high that it even gave him a chill down his spine.

"What is your purpose?" Shen Lang's face darkened slightly.

"My purpose is simple, to monitor her." Ling Qingyu pointed at Su Ruoxue and said.

"Why are you monitoring Su Ruoxue?" Shen Lang asked.

"You have no right to know about this matter. Su Ruoxue is not from this world. Because of her special constitution, I have stayed by her side since she was a child." Ling Qingyu said calmly.

"I'm not from this world..." Shen Lang was shocked and showed an expression of disbelief.

Shen Lang's eyes flashed with a gleam: "No! You said you have been monitoring Su Ruoxue, then why did you not save her when Su Ruoxue fell from the building and almost died last time?"

"Ignorance, if I hadn't used a strong wind from the air to blow the girl's body away last time, how would this silly girl have a whole body?" Ling Qingyu snorted coldly.

"It turns out it's you!" Shen Lang's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked.

No wonder that when Su Ruoxue fell from the building, she suddenly hit the air conditioner on the inside of the third floor. There was a buffer, otherwise she would have fallen to her death. Unexpectedly, someone secretly helped her.

"What is Su Ruoxue's identity?" Shen Lang still couldn't believe it.

"Because this girl likes you, I can tell you. She is from a famous family and has a special physique. Only when her body matures and stimulates her fear and murderous heart can her physique be awakened. As for In fact, I also know your identity...you are the descendant of a lost dog." Ling Qingyu said calmly.

It took her a full twenty-two years for Su Ruoxue's physique to finally awaken. Ling Qingyu felt that she had endured the end and finally paid her dues to the family.

Shen Lang was greatly shocked. His ability to understand was not bad. Although Ling Qingyu's words were ridiculous, Shen Lang still found it somewhat believable.

Master once said that some martial arts cultivators are born with special physiques and must awaken their bloodline and so on.

The same is true for Shen Lang himself. Since he began to practice, his body has always been very violent, which is indeed different from normal martial arts.

But Su Ruoxue obviously lives in the secular world, why is she involved with the Wu Xiu family?

Shen Lang didn't believe Ling Qingyu's one-sided words and asked tentatively: "Do you know my life experience?"

"Of course, but I won't tell you about this. This girl Su Ruoxue's blood-enchanted body is a secret of the Su family. I should have killed you to silence you, but for the sake of this girl, I will spare your life today!"

Although Ling Qingyu's voice was clear and gentle, it did not contain a trace of emotion, and it was like a cold wind blowing against your face, making people feel chilly.

"Dare I ask where the senior comes from the Kunlun Mountain barrier?" Fa Jiang asked with a serious look on his face.

"A mouse's eyes are short-sighted. What a desolate place the Kunlun Mountain barrier is!" Ling Qingyu waved her sleeves and turned her beautiful eyes to Shen Lang: "Huh, no more nonsense. I will take the girl away and never see her again. You can take care of yourself. .”

"Xiao Xue'er, have you promised her?" Shen Lang's eyes narrowed and he turned to look at Su Ruoxue, as if he wanted to get the answer from her mouth.

Su Ruoxue struggled in her heart for a moment, then a sneer appeared on her pretty face: "That's right! I'm tired of this secular world. I'm no longer the female CEO."

"I have clearly understood the matter of your martial arts. Master said that my future is limitless, and I may be able to reach the realm of immortality. Master can teach me everything. Shen Lang, you and I will only be in two worlds in the future. Man, you are not worthy of me!" (To be continued)

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