Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 374 You continue

"I don't care who he is, I know it was Shen Lang who saved me, he is my savior!" Bai Qingyumei stared at Bai Quan, her momentum unfailing.

Bai Quan's expression was a little complicated. Ever since Bai Qingyu became an adult, he had rarely paid attention to Bai Qingyu. He even hadn't seen his father and daughter for several years.

He felt that his daughter's personality had changed a bit.

Bai Quan did not refute, turned and left the office.

Bai Qingyu's pretty face showed a trace of bitterness. Was this because she cared about herself?

Three days later.

Longteng's fifth group of bases.

This was originally the Second Military Region of Dongjiang Province, but it was transformed into the fifth group of Longteng bases. In just one month, it had been completely transformed.

The fifth group of bases is almost as big as two large airports, with military airports, early warning aircraft, armed helicopters, and even fighters, bombers, and large armored vehicles equipped with missiles and rocket launchers!

Even Longteng headquarters dispatched a large wave of special forces to station in Longteng's fifth group.

Shen Lang woke up from a coma, with a white medical bandage wrapped around his right shoulder and a white bed.

"Brother Lang, are you awake?" Yi Lian's delicate face showed a hint of joy, and she hurriedly came closer.

"here it is?"

Shen Lang struggled to get up, his whole body felt like it was falling apart, and there were bursts of severe pain.

"This is the building of Longteng Group 5. You are seriously injured. Lie down!" Yi Lian hurriedly helped Shen Lang down.

Shen Lang cleared his mind and gradually recalled what had happened before, and his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

Su Ruoxue had already left, and she left so simply. Did he really misjudge that woman?

No matter what, things have happened.

Shen Lang is not an indecisive man. He has looked away. He can no longer be influenced by his feelings. After all, a comfortable life is not suitable for him.

Only strong strength is his only reliance. Shen Lang clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind that practicing hard is the right way.

If it is true as Su Ruoxue said, maybe this world is not as small as it seems.

Having seen Ling Qingyu's terrifying strength, Shen Lang also knew that the realm of inquiry should not be the limit of martial arts. There might be a completely new realm above the realm of inquiry.

Shen Lang circulated his Qi, and his stiff body slowly recovered. The injuries in his body were basically healed.

"Brother Lang, your injury is not healed yet. Please rest more. Yi Lian will bring you some food." Yi Lian said with a smile.

Seeing the haggard look on the woman in front of him, Shen Lang's heart moved slightly. He knew that Yi Lian must have been taking care of him day and night, and she was so exhausted.

Thinking of this, Shen Lang's heart moved slightly, and he stood up and grabbed Yi Lian's arm.

"My injury is fine. Xiao Lian, thank you for causing you a lot of trouble."

Yi Lian raised the corner of her mouth, walked directly to the bed, and boldly hugged Shen Lang, her full breasts pressing against Shen Lang's chest.

"Brother Lang, I know that Su Ruoxue is gone and you must be sad. But... there is no grass anywhere in the world. I hope you can recover quickly." Yi Lian whispered in Shen Lang's ear.

Shen Lang happened to be still naked, and could feel the body temperature of the woman in his arms and the elasticity coming from the tower, and his heart moved slightly.

At this time, Shen Lang might really need someone to comfort him, so he simply hugged Yi Lian's slender waist tightly, felt the body temperature of the woman in his arms, and said softly: "Let me hold her for a little longer."

A hint of joy arose in Yi Lian's heart, and the corners of her mouth curved into a beautiful arc: "As long as Brother Lang doesn't dislike it, Yi Lian can hold her like this forever..."

Like a coquettish little girl, Yi Lian hugged Shen Lang tightly, her beautiful face showing a hint of tranquility.

Shen Lang no longer had any scruples in his heart, and at the same time he felt a surge of fire. He grabbed Yi Lian's arms domineeringly and pressed her gently under him.

"Uh..." Yi Lian was a little unexpected and was pinned down by Shen Lang.

Shen Lang looked with burning eyes at Yi Lian, who was exhaling like blue. A trace of love arose in his heart, and he gently stroked her fair and beautiful face.

Yi Lian didn't expect that Shen Lang would suddenly make such an ambiguous move. Her heartbeat was beating fast, her delicate cheeks showed a seductive blush, she was panting slightly, and she was also staring straight at Shen Lang.

In her eyes, Shen Lang is always the only one.

"Xiao Lian, please be my woman." Shen Lang suddenly said.

"Eh?" Yi Lian was slightly startled.

Shen Lang asked: "Aren't you willing?"

The corner of Yi Lian's mouth curved, a slight blush appeared on her delicate face, and she chuckled: "When did I stop being your woman? As long as you are willing, Yi Lian will be your woman, always!"

"That's good."

Shen Lang gently stroked Yi Lian's messy and smooth black hair, looked at the thin red lips of the beauty under him, lowered his head, and was about to kiss the beauty Fangze.

At this moment, the door to the ward was opened.

Fajiang strode over and saw the scene of a man getting on and a woman getting off the hospital bed. He couldn't help but open his mouth wide and didn't dare to breathe.

Brother, you are too good at picking places, right? Fajiang felt both envy and jealousy in his heart. He thought to himself why there wasn't such a beautiful girl around the poor monk?

All the beautiful girls were captured by Shen Lang, which shows that this guy's ability to pick up girls is really impressive!

After getting rid of the obscene thoughts in his mind, Fajiang coughed heavily: "Ahem..."

Shen Lang stopped moving on the hospital bed and looked back at Fajiang a little unhappily. There was no good time to come, but he chose this critical moment.

"It's okay, it's okay! You continue..." Fajiang chuckled and was about to leave.

"No, come in and talk."

Shen Lang yelled angrily, straightened up, and helped Yi Lian up as well.

Fajiang walked in while smiling.

Shen Lang got up and got out of bed. Although his whole body was extremely sore, it did not hinder his movement.

Yi Lian didn't feel shy either. She straightened her messy hair and stood aside obediently.

Seeing Shen Lang bouncing around, Fa Jiang's eyes widened and he couldn't help but say: "So energetic? It seems that there is no danger. Brother Shen, your body is really strong."

Shen Lang shrugged, moved his hands and feet, and shouted: "Almost okay."

Fajiang looked at Shen Lang as if he were a monster. Shen Lang was clearly beaten to death by that woman and suffered serious internal injuries. However, he was fine after taking a few pills. It seemed that Senior Sword Emperor was healing his wounds. The medicine is really awesome.

"Weren't you also injured? Are you healed so quickly?" Shen Lang asked Fa Jiang.

"It's not all thanks to the healing medicine given by Senior Sword Emperor, otherwise it wouldn't have healed so quickly." Fajiang touched his nose and said.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "Master, is he here too?"

Fajiang nodded: "Follow me."

Shen Lang and Yi Lian followed Fajiang out of the ward and reached a certain bedroom, where an old man in a robe sat on a soft couch. (To be continued)

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