Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 375 Secret

The old man is Shen Lang's master, Zhang Mingchen.

Although he is said to be an "old man", Zhang Mingchen actually does not feel old at all.

Although his hair is completely white, his appearance is that of a mature man, and his brows are weak, giving him an extremely sharp look.

Zhang Mingchen looks very powerful at first glance, but he is actually a very funny person.

Because he is extremely good at swordsmanship, he is nicknamed the King of Swordsmen.

"I've met Master." Yi Lian greeted Zhang Mingchen.

"Master, why are you here?" Shen Lang asked hurriedly.

Zhang Mingchen glanced at Shen Lang and snorted heavily: "You are so heartless, you idiot. I heard that you died before, so I rushed over from Qingfeng Mountain overnight and prepared to help you collect your body."

Shen Lang's face darkened: "Why do you say it's so unlucky? Am I fine?"

Zhang Mingchen's face sank slightly and asked, "Have you met Miss Ling Qingyu?"

"Who is Ling Qingyu?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

"That's the woman who injured you." Zhang Mingchen said calmly.

"Master, do you know her?" Shen Lang exclaimed.

"I don't know." Zhang Mingchen shook his head and said, "I just know that Ling Qingyu came from an outside world and has been monitoring the fiancée beside you."

Shen Lang frowned: "Old man, did you already know that that woman has been spying on Su Ruoxue since she was a child?"

Zhang Mingchen snorted: "It's for your own good not to tell you. This Ling Qingyu is not simple. Don't expect to seek revenge from her. Don't tell me, even I will only be abused by that woman."

Zhang Mingchen himself is only at the middle stage of the realm of inquiry, so he will definitely be defeated by Ling Qingyu.

If Ling Qingyu hadn't saved her hand before, she could have slapped Shen Lang to death two or three times with one palm. That woman was really terrifying.

"What kind of cultivation is that woman? Why does she look so young?" Shen Lang asked with a frown.

"The lifespan of a martial artist in the late Wenjing period is nearly two hundred years old. She looks young and normal." Zhang Mingchen said calmly.

Shen Lang and Fa Jiang were shocked. No wonder the woman was so powerful. She turned out to be a master of this level.

When a martial artist reaches the level of Wenjing, he is considered a master in the true sense. Questioning is also divided into four stages: early stage, middle stage, late stage and peak stage.

There is a huge difference in strength in each stage. For example, the strength of martial arts in the early stage of Wenjing and the middle stage of Wenjing is very different. Especially at the peak of questioning.

"Master, now that I have broken through the realm of questioning, you didn't tell me before, whether there is a stronger realm after the realm of questioning?" Shen Lang asked.

"Of course there is. Above the Questioning Realm is the Transformation Realm. However, no one in this world should have stepped into the Transformation Realm. Anyway, I have never heard of it. Even if there are Kunlun Mountain Barriers, there may not be many." Zhang Mingchen shouted.

In China, Kunlun Mountain is a very mysterious place.

Many tourists have been to Kunlun Mountains, but they are always unable to get close to the depths of Kunlun Mountains, because once they approach the depths of Kunlun Mountains, tourists will naturally get lost.

Even if you take a helicopter, you can't reach the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and it even seems to be a disappeared area.

The depths of the Kunlun Mountains have been a mysterious place since ancient times.

In the secular world, only a handful of highly skilled martial artists know the secrets.

There is a barrier outside Kunlun Mountain that is difficult for ordinary people to enter. Only through a certain method can one enter the interior of Kunlun Mountain.

The barrier is called the "Kunlun Mountain Barrier", and many secluded families live deep in the Kunlun Mountain Barrier.

"Transformation Realm..." Shen Lang's eyes shone, and it turned out that above the Questioning Realm was the Transformation Realm.

"Master, I have heard of masters of transformation from my family predecessors before, but... I have never seen one." Yi Lian sighed.

"Yes, Senior Sword Emperor, I also heard Master once talk about the Transformation Realm, but this seems to be just a legend. No one in the history of our Wanlong Temple has been able to break through the Transformation Realm." Fajiang said doubtfully.

Zhang Mingchen explained: "This is normal, because it is absolutely impossible to break through the realm of enlightenment in this world, there is no possibility at all! When martial arts cultivators reach the level of questioning realm, when they breathe in and out Qi and are affected by the Qing Qi, the Kunlun Mountains will form The pure Qi of the world is relatively strong, and it is possible to produce masters of the Transformation Realm in that kind of place. But Wanlong Temple is in Qingfeng Mountain, and the Qing Qi is not as strong as the boundary of Kunlun Mountain, so it is impossible to cultivate to the Transformation Realm."

"Apart from pure Qi, there are only a few things that can boost the cultivation of Wenjing martial arts cultivators." Zhang Mingchen said in a low voice.

"Aura stone, spiritual crystal?" Shen Lang said in surprise.

"Yes, there are only these two things that can boost the cultivation of Wenjing martial arts. The spiritual stone is already a rare thing, and the spiritual crystal is even harder to find in the world? Only the big families in the Kunlun Mountains control these cultivation resources. ." Zhang Mingchen shook his head.

Shen Lang wondered: "Where does Ling Qingyu come from?"

"I don't know, it's most likely the outer realm. It's rumored that there is a place in the Kunlun Mountain barrier that can lead to the outer realm." Zhang Mingchen said.

"What is Outland?" Shen Lang and Yi Lian asked at the same time.

Zhang Mingchen shook his head: "I know very little about the outside world. Those reclusive families in Kunlun Mountain should know something."

"Boy, now that you have broken through the realm of questioning, I don't hide some things. You are from the outside world... It is not an accident that I met you. I was only entrusted by others to accept you as my disciple." Zhang Mingchen sighed and said.

"What! Who is entrusted by...?" Shen Lang was a little unbelievable.

"That man is in Qingfeng Mountain. It's better for you to ask some questions in person. But that guy is still in seclusion and will be released in half a year. You can just go to Qingfeng Mountain to find him in half a year." Zhang Mingchen said.

Shen Lang was shocked.

Unexpectedly, my fate has been greatly determined since birth, including the fact that the old man accepted me as his disciple.

"Let me talk about it first. Although I accepted you as my apprentice because of someone's entrustment, you are still my apprentice. If you treat me as your master, I will treat you as my apprentice." Zhang Mingchen said helplessly.

"Of course, you are my master. If you die in the future, I will help you attend your funeral," Shen Lang said.

"Damn it, you son of a bitch, do you really want me to die?" Zhang Mingchen's face was full of gloom, and he knocked Shen Lang hard on the forehead.

Yi Lian on the side snickered. She knew that her master was a smart-mouthed man who cared about his apprentice more than anyone else.

The old man had already explained the key points, and Shen Lang didn't bother to ask any more questions. Half a year later, he went to Qingfeng Mountain to find the person the old man told him about, and asked him everything in person.

"Girl Yi Lian, Shen Lang loves to cause trouble. Please keep an eye on him these days." Zhang Mingchen said to Yi Lian.

"Okay Master." Yi Lian nodded quickly.

"Okay, I've finished explaining what needs to be explained, I'm leaving first!" Zhang Mingchen waved his hand and immediately prepared to leave the bedroom. (To be continued)

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