Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 376 I am your woman!

Before leaving, Zhang Mingchen gave Shen Lang a wide and long jade box.

Inside is a huge long knife. This knife is very large, nearly one and a half meters long, and looks very heavy.

The whole body is blood-colored, and the blade has gorgeous patterns. The blade is snow-white and has a cold light.

Shen Lang's eyes narrowed. Just by looking at it, he knew that this knife was absolutely top-notch!

"Grandson Gui, you have also broken through the realm of questioning. You should have something decent. This blood-drinking knife can cut people as well as dogs. With the seven-kill knife style, at least it can walk sideways in Longteng." Zhang Mingchen grinned.

Shen Lang's eyes were bright, and he could feel a chill when he touched the handle of the knife.

"This blood-drinking knife is a treasure. It was my most cherished weapon when I was young. You should take good care of it. If you lose it, I will beat you to death!" Zhang Mingchen shouted.

"Would I be willing to lose such a good thing?" Shen Lang shook his head.

This kind of weapon cannot be manufactured by modern science and technology, and it does not even come from this world. This thing is called a treasure and is rarely spread in the world.

This knife was called Blood Drinking. Shen Lang picked up the Blood Drinking Knife with one hand. It weighed about two hundred kilograms. It was difficult for ordinary people to wield such a heavy weapon.

Shen Lang also felt a little heavier, but this weight was nothing to him. For a long knife, weight was also an advantage.

After waving it for a few times, Shen Lang couldn't put it down, thinking that the old man was finally willing to give something good.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Come to Qingfeng Mountain to find me if you need anything later." Zhang Mingchen shouted and stood up, preparing to leave.

"Master, are you leaving now?" Shen Lang asked.

Zhang Mingchen hummed: "If you don't leave, am I going to stay here? Looking at your potential, you don't want me to help you deal with your enemies, right?"

"That's not what you meant. I will solve those things naturally." Shen Lang waved his hand.

"That's enough, I'm leaving." After saying that, Zhang Mingchen moved his steps and arrived in front of the gate in an instant.

Zhang Mingchen opened the bedroom door and walked away.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, treasure. Think about it, we don't have many treasures in Wanlong Temple." Fa Jiang looked at the long knife in Shen Lang's hand with envy.

"Master is so partial to you, why don't you give me better weapons!" Yi Lian pouted.

Fajiang scratched his head: "Sister Yi Lian, you are such a beautiful woman, don't fight and kill all day long, you are so tiring."

"Do you understand this is called a heroine? No one can control me except Master and Brother Lang!" Yi Lian snorted angrily.

Fajiang was a little speechless. He looked at Shen Lang and then at Yi Lian, shrugged and said, "As expected of brothers and sisters, you two are simply made from the same mold. Brother Shen, without that Su Ruoxue, you still have Sister Yi Lian, isn't she a great beauty? Stop looking so sad."

"Worthy monk, what you said is more or less what you said." Yi Lian curled his lips.

Shen Lang put away the blood-drinking knife and took a deep breath to get rid of the gloomy mood in his mind.

Only strength is the most realistic thing.

Shen Lang has already looked away, but Su Ruoxue, it will be difficult for him to forget this woman for a while.

"By the way, Brother Shen, what are you going to do with the Luo family?" Fa Jiang asked.

Shen Lang said coldly: "I almost fell into Luo Tianyao's hands this time. I will definitely avenge this!"

Fajiang knew that Shen Lang would say this, and quickly said: "Brother Shen, don't rush for revenge. The Luo family still has some background. When I find out the truth about the explosion of the Queen, the three guys in the entire Luo family will You have to take a shot."

"How long do we have to wait?" Shen Lang couldn't hold himself back any longer. He wanted to kill Luo Tianyao now.

"Give me a few more days." Fajiang gritted his teeth and said.

"I can't wait any longer. I'm going to catch Luo Tianyao now. I won't kill him in such a hurry." Shen Lang said.

Fajiang pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "That's okay, as long as you keep him alive."

"Brother Lang, let me help you capture that Luo Tianyao!" Yi Lianjiao shouted.

Shen Lang shook his head: "Xiao Lian, no need to trouble you."

"It's just a trivial matter. Let's talk about that bastard named Luo. I really want to cut him into pieces!" Yi Lian couldn't swallow this breath in her heart.

"Don't make trouble, I will handle this matter myself tomorrow." Shen Lang pressed Yi Lian's shoulders.

"Okay." Yi Lian curled her lips.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Shen Lang and Yi Lian left Longteng's fifth base.

Before leaving, Shen Lang ate some food to fill his stomach.

It was still around nine in the morning, and an extended Lincoln was parked on the national highway at the foot of the mountain. Two bodyguards were outside to greet Shen Lang and Yi Lian.

Yi Lian held Shen Lang's arm and was in a good mood.

Su Ruoxue has left Shen Lang, so the senior brother belongs to her alone for the time being!

The two got into the Lincoln car and drove away from the area.

"Yi Lian, have you come to Huahai City to say hello to Long Teng?" Shen Lang asked softly in the car while holding Yi Lian's slender waist.

Yi Lian nodded slightly, buried her head in Shen Lang's arms, and said softly: "It's okay. Longteng headquarters gave me a week's leave. I can stay with you for a few more days."

Seeing the sweet look of the girl in his arms, Shen Lang's loneliness eased a little.

Yi Lian might also know Shen Lang's current mood, so she took the initiative to step forward and kiss him. There was a blur of mist in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at Shen Lang lovingly.

"Senior brother, you don't have to worry so much. I will be your woman from now on. If you want it, Xiao Lian can give it to you at any time." Yi Lian put her little hands around Shen Lang's waist and raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a charming curve. .

Something towered against Shen Lang's chest, feeling comfortable.

Shen Lang's breathing was slightly heavy, and there was a faint tingling sensation in his heart and lungs. The previous injury was not fully healed, and his limbs were still a little sore and stiff.

This requires carrying a gun into battle, which will inevitably affect the fun.

"This is what you said. When I get better, I want you to do a good job as a woman every night." Shen Lang raised the corner of his mouth and pinched Yi Lian's beautiful buttocks.

"Senior brother, you are so bad, but I like it. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it, and I will use whatever posture you want me to use." Yi Lian's eyes moved, and she showed a playful smile, which was indescribably seductive.

Her soft and charming appearance is ready for you to pick and choose.

In the eyes of others, Yi Lian is a murderous witch. Only in Shen Lang's arms, she was a docile little kitten.

These words almost made Shen Lang's blood boil. Seeing Yi Lian's cute and charming look, Shen Lang couldn't help but eat her now.

Arriving at a large hotel in the city center, the Lincoln stopped.

Yi Lian has arranged a presidential suite, and Shen Lang will stay here temporarily.

I don’t know how Liu Xiaoxiao and Bai Qingyu are doing, but Shen Lang plans to go see them. (To be continued)

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