Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 379: Get out of my way!

The two girls were wearing off-the-shoulder chiffon skirts. They had beautiful faces, slender figures, fair skin, and particularly large breasts. Their plump and tall breasts seemed to be ready to jump out at any time, which was really eye-catching.

"Not bad, top quality!" Luo Tianyao smiled with satisfaction.

Sun Huo was indeed in the pimp business, and his vision was indeed vicious.

Luo Tianyao thought it would be pretty good if the twins played a game of one dragon and two phoenixes with him.

"Brother Tianyao, are you satisfied with this woman?" Sun Huo asked with a smile on his face.

"Satisfied, I give you a hundred likes!" Luo Tianyao rubbed his hands happily. He didn't expect Sun Huo to be so sensible and find him such a top-notch beauty.

Seeing the stunning looks and perfect figures of these beautiful twins, the smile on Luo Tianyao's face was still a little dazzling.

"Let me know what you want from me," Luo Tianyao shouted.

Since he sent the woman here to suit his own liking, Sun Huo must have something to do with him.

Sun Huo immediately cheered up and said, "Brother Tianyao is like this. My younger brothers just kidnapped me from prison and I have been closely watched by the police recently. I would be really grateful if Brother Tianyao could help me from behind." ! If Brother Tianyao doesn’t dislike me, I, Sun Huo, will hang out with you from now on.”

"It's easy to say, I will help you, don't worry." Luo Tianyao grinned. Sun Huo is still of some use. He at least knows how to run some underground industries. It is useful to keep him around.

"Thank you, Brother Tianyao!" Sun Huo said gratefully.

Just at this moment, the door was opened, and a bodyguard in black immediately ran forward.

"Brother Tianyao, someone broke into the villa!" the bodyguard in black shouted.

"Who?" Luo Tianyao's expression changed.

"I don't know, it's a woman."


Luo Tianyao trembled with fright, thinking, could it be the woman in white?

"The woman who came got into a fight with the masters outside!" the bodyguard said again.

Luo Tianyao hurriedly went to the window and opened the curtains.

I saw a beautiful woman in fancy clothes fighting with two dragon warriors.

The beauty was Yi Lian. After Shen Lang left, Yi Lian found out that Luo Tianyao was hiding in the famous Rhine Village.

It was Luo Tianyao who almost killed Shen Lang. That's why Yi Lian came to Laiying Manor alone in order to capture Luo Tianyao to Shen Lang.

But Yi Lian never expected that as soon as he arrived at this place, a martial artist would suddenly appear and attack him without any explanation.

All the martial arts cultivators before and after add up to exactly eight people, all five-star masters.

Yi Lian is extremely skilled, and she is also in the late stages of cultivation. She is a six-star master, and her strength is naturally much stronger than these five-star masters, but so many people put a lot of pressure on her at once.

These martial arts cultivators are all members of Longteng Huang Group, and were ordered by the leader of Huang Group to protect Luo Tianyao.

"Wind Chime, we are all from Longteng, why do we need to fight and kill each other?" A martial artist in powerful clothing shouted while resisting Yi Lian's moves.

Yi Lian's code name in Longteng is Wind Chime, and she ranks tenth among the top ten masters of Longteng.

"Stop talking nonsense, and those who know what's going on, get out of the way of this girl!" Yi Lian kicked the martial artist who just spoke away.

Several martial arts cultivators surrounded Yi Lian.

"Wind Chime, why are you forcing us like this? We were ordered by our superiors to protect this Luo Tianyao." Another martial artist advised.

"I don't care who orders you, I must catch this person today, don't try to stop me!" Yi Lian's pretty face turned cold, she turned her hands over and held two double blades in her hands.

Several martial arts practitioners looked at each other in confusion.

"In that case, I'm offended!" The leader, a martial arts cultivator with a scar on his face, said gloomily.

"Come here! How can I be afraid of you rabble?" Yi Lian's temper is very similar to Shen Lang's, and she can't swallow this breath.

Her face was expressionless. At this point, she had no choice but to fight hard, trembling with seven or eight martial arts cultivators.

On the other side, Shen Lang learned that something had happened to Yi Lian, and immediately took a taxi and drove towards Laiying Village.

Fajiang didn't know how Luo Yan could invite people from Longteng to protect Luo Tianyao. Although Luo Yan had many connections, it was impossible for him to have such great energy.

No matter what happens, Yi Lian will be in great danger if he rashly fights Long Teng's people. Shen Lang was very anxious.

Not long after, we arrived at the famous Rhine village.

The entrance was surrounded by a security fence. Shen Lang kicked open the security fence and strode in.

"What are you doing, kid? Stop it!" The tall security guard shouted coldly, holding an electric baton and immediately rushed towards Shen Lang.


Shen Lang shouted loudly, raised his foot, and there was a loud "bang" sound.

The security guard flew more than ten meters away in an exaggerated manner and hit the door of the sentry box. The glass door was smashed into pieces and the security guard's head was smashed in, causing his head to be bloody.

Luo Tianyao was in the villa inside and didn't dare to look out the window. He was now frightened. I was filled with surprise and uncertainty, why did I attract an unknown woman here?

Luo Tianyao always had a bad feeling.

Seeing Luo Tianyao's nervous expression, Sun Huo was a little dazed and asked curiously: "Brother Tianyao, what happened?"

"It's none of your business." Luo Tianyao shouted depressedly.

Ever since he offended Shen Lang, Luo Tianyao felt as if his life was in danger every day. This feeling made him very unhappy.

at this time.

"Brother Tianyao, someone broke into the community here again and injured several policemen!" A bodyguard ran in and shouted.

"Who broke in again? Bring me the surveillance camera immediately!" Luo Tianyao shouted.


The security measures of this famous Rhine village are very strict, with surveillance cameras installed everywhere. The villa where Luo Tianyao is located is located in the center. It has an extremely advanced security system that can provide panoramic monitoring of any villa complex.

Soon, a bodyguard brought a computer and brought up the surveillance camera.

Luo Tianyao watched carefully, and Sun Huo on the side also came up and took a few glances.

In the video, a young man wearing a black suit walked into the villa with a sinister face. A group of security guards around him fell to the ground, covered in blood.

"Shen...Shen Lang!" Luo Tianyao's eyes were as big as Shen Lang's, and he was so frightened that he felt bad.


Sun Huo was so frightened that his face turned green. Damn, why did you attract this evil star here again?

"How... how is it possible! Isn't he dead?" Luo Tianyao screamed strangely, rubbing his eyes, thinking he had seen it wrong.

But the man in the video is indeed Shen Lang, and he can't fake that kind of terrifying aura.

Although there are many masters around him to protect him, for Luo Tianyao, Shen Lang has left an indelible and terrifying impression in his heart.

Luo Tianyao took out his mobile phone with trembling hands and feet and called Luo Yan. (To be continued)

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