Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 380 You all must die!

Outside the famous Rhine Villa, Shen Lang knocked down a large number of security guards who blocked him and quickly walked towards the villa community.

Rhineland Village pulled the alarm, and a large wave of strong men in security uniforms rushed over. Almost all the security guards ran towards Shen Lang.

The security guards looked at Shen Lang for a few times and quickly calmed down. He was just a yellow-haired boy. How could he be as scary as Mr. Luo Tianyao said?

Soon, all dozens of security guards pressed towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang didn't dodge and charged straight forward. His whole body was like a cannonball, knocking away everyone who came towards him.

The security guards who were knocked away each flew several meters away. They fell to the ground and were unable to get up. They even felt as if they had been hit by a big rock.

Faintly hearing the sound of fighting ahead, Shen Lang's pupils shrank and he rushed forward.

From far away, in front of a large luxurious villa, a graceful black figure was fighting with seven or eight tall martial artists.

The black figure is Yi Lian, with a pale face and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, struggling to resist the attacks of seven or eight martial arts cultivators.

Yi Lian is not weak, but facing the siege of eight five-star masters, he is obviously at a disadvantage.

It's a miracle that it has persisted for so long. The situation is now precarious.

Fortunately, Shen Lang arrived just in time.

Seeing that Yi Lian was unable to dodge, he was hit in the shoulder and lower abdomen by the palms of two martial arts cultivators in front and behind, spurting out a large mouthful of blood.

Shen Lang was furious and rushed forward crazily.

What a silly girl. Even if it's for revenge, you still have to say hello to him in advance, right? Shen Lang also guessed that Yi Lian might be worried about herself.

Shen Lang didn't have time to think about this, and his speed reached the extreme. Looking at the martial arts cultivators who had severely injured Yi Lian, his anger also reached its peak.

Yi Lian also hated herself for being so careless. She thought she had done enough research, but she didn't expect that Luo Tianyao would have so many experts around him.

Hit by two palms in a row, Yi Lian vomited blood one after another, and her vision became blurred.

The seven or eight martial arts cultivators in front of them also breathed a sigh of relief. Although this woman ranked last among the ten masters of Soaring Dragon, her strength should not be underestimated!

Although they were attacking their own people, these Longteng martial arts cultivators were a little confused, but the team leader had given a death order, and those who broke into this villa would not be spared!

Several martial arts cultivators stepped forward and were about to use a killing move, but Yi Lian was killed.

"Who dares to touch her!"

Hearing this shocking roar, all the martial arts cultivators could not help but turn their eyes to Shen Lang, who was running towards him.

"Shen Lang!"

"It's a bloody killing!"

Someone shouted twice in fear, and all the martial arts cultivators were shocked.

The codename "Blood Kill" is also well-known in Longteng. Longteng's top ten soldiers rank sixth, and Shen Lang is very famous.

"Brother Lang." Yi Lian was trembling a little.

Shen Lang took a quick step and hugged Yi Lian before the three of them took action, and his figure flashed.

Fortunately I caught up! Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief. If he had just been a step slower, Yi Lian's life might have been in danger.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lang, I'm so useless." Yi Lian closed her eyes and shook her head gently.

The blood spilling from the corner of Yi Lian's mouth made Shen Lang feel a little distressed. Shen Lang said angrily: "You stupid girl, do you know that you almost worried me to death?"

"I'm so useless and it's a disservice..."

Yi Lian was a little reluctant, but also a little moved.

"It's nothing useless, don't say stupid things! Remember, you can't be stupid again in the future. If you have anything, you must tell me. Don't let me worry about you." Shen Lang sighed.

"Yes!" Yi Lian nodded obediently, actually enjoying the feeling of being cared for by Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, you are actually still alive?" The martial arts cultivator in the middle pointed at Shen Lang and shouted with a surprised look on his face.

Shen Lang ignored this guy, held Yi Lian's arm, and observed the injuries inside her body.

Although the injuries were serious, fortunately they were not fatal. Shen Lang breathed a sigh of relief and used his true energy to seal several injuries on Yi Lian's body to prevent them from getting worse.

After doing this, Shen Lang stood in front of Yi Lian and glanced at the martial arts cultivators around him, his eyes dark and murderous.

"If you dare to hurt my junior sister, you will all die!"

Shen Lang's cold voice made everyone feel chilly.

Shen Lang swore in his heart that he would not let this person leave here alive if he dared to hurt his woman, even if it was Long Teng's guy!

In Shen Lang's eyes, the members of Longteng were no different from killing machines, but this killing machine was raised by the state.

"You dare to be so arrogant when you kill with blood? Huh, don't think we don't know that your strength is not as good as before!" A man with a short hair pointed at Shen Lang and shouted angrily.

"Yes, Shen Lang, you are just an abandoned son of Long Teng. Do you really think we are afraid of you?" Another middle-aged martial arts cultivator with a slightly fat body yelled.

"What kind of blood killer? It's just a waste! There is no longer a blood killer among the ten top soldiers of Soaring Dragon."

Listening to the sarcastic expressions of the martial arts cultivators, Shen Lang was expressionless. Although he didn't bring the blood-drinking knife, he was still able to poke and poke at these guys of this level.

"They're just rubbish from the pornographic group. A bunch of rabble-rousers who want to die so much? Then I'll help you, let's go together!" Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

Shen Lang clenched his fists, and his whole body exuded a strong aura. His hair moved automatically without wind, and his aura continued to rise, and his whole body exuded a substantial murderous aura.

The martial arts cultivators standing in front of him took several steps back unconsciously, and retreated to a group of martial arts cultivators in the rear.

The difference in strength between these guys and Shen Lang is too great, and it is impossible to tell Shen Lang's cultivation strength from his aura.

Eight martial arts cultivators stood together, staring at Shen Lang.

"Brother Lang, you still have old injuries..." Yi Lian's pretty face showed a hint of worry.

"Don't worry, just back off!" Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"Yeah." Yi Lian knew that going up there would be a burden, so she quickly retreated as she didn't want to drag Shen Lang down.

Seeing Shen Lang's furious expression, the panic in Yi Lian's heart disappeared without a trace. She believed in Shen Lang's strength without reservation, and this man would never lose!

However, Yi Lian was a little worried that the other party would provide support. She quickly left the villa complex and wanted to get Shen Lang a knife.

Shen Lang strode forward, full of rage, and wanted to kill.

"Shen Lang, don't be arrogant!" A martial arts cultivator shouted loudly, his voice obviously weak.

"With the eight of us working together, so what if he is a martial arts cultivator at the peak of the early stage! We can still capture this guy! We..." A martial arts cultivator said loudly.

Before the man finished speaking, Shen Lang rushed forward.


Before the martial artist who spoke had time to react, he was hit in the chest by Shen Lang's Snowflake Divine Palm. He instantly vomited blood and died, and was slapped to death by Shen Lang.

All the martial arts cultivators were shocked. They did not expect that Shen Lang was so fast and had no time to react. (To be continued)

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