Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 381 Big joke

"Don't panic, everyone, work together to kill him!" Someone roared, and a group of martial arts cultivators attacked Shen Lang.

Shen Lang used Qinggong to the extreme and shuttled back and forth among the martial arts cultivators.

Shen Lang stretched out his palms, and struck out with the snow-piercing clouds in the Snowflake God's Palm one after another. Blood was scattered in the crowd, and screams and wails continued one after another.

The martial arts cultivators fell down one after another. They were all hit by Shen Lang's palm in the chest, spraying blood mist from their mouths, and fell to the ground instantly, dead.

The first move of the Snowflake Divine Palm, the drifting snow penetrates the clouds.

This move is a basic attack, and it is also a move that confirms the essence of the Snowflake Divine Palm routine. The palm wind is extremely fast, just like the snow in the clouds flying in the wind. It is elegant and agile, the trajectory is changeable, it is extremely difficult to defend, and it is very powerful.

The remaining martial arts cultivators became more and more frightened as they fought, finally realizing how stupid it was to fight this man.

Damn it, who said before that the blood-killing power has been reduced and not as good as before? This mom is more powerful than before, okay?

But now it's too late to regret, they completely angered Shen Lang.

During the whole process, Shen Lang easily killed these martial arts cultivators one by one with only one hand.

After a while, only three martial arts cultivators were left alive, and the rest were all killed by Shen Lang's palm. They fell to the ground in a mess, with blood gushing from their orifices.

Shen Lang's eyes were red and his hair was windless, like a bloodthirsty demon coming out of hell.

The remaining three martial arts cultivators were so frightened that they completely lost their will to fight. This man was so terrifying. Is it ridiculous that they had just tried to capture this man?

What a big joke!

The three of them had no intention of resisting anymore and turned around to run away.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Shen Lang rushed forward and struck three palms in a row, followed by screams.

Shen Lang kills crazily and shows no mercy. If he dares to hurt his woman, these guys must die! Otherwise, the anger in his heart would not be quelled.

Within a few minutes, all eight martial arts cultivators were killed.

He knew that Luo Tianyao was in this large villa, and Shen Lang strode over to the alloy security door outside the villa.

Shen Lang closed his eyes and took a breath.

Immediately, his eyes widened, and he suddenly made a killing move with the Snowflake Divine Palm, hitting the alloy security door right in the middle.

There was a loud "boom" and the whole building shook.

Shen Lang smashed the security door and the wall to pieces with one palm, and the precious marble mixed with cement and lime were scattered all over the floor.

Luo Tianyao and Sun Huo, who were in the living room, shivered and thought there was an earthquake.

Shen Lang walked into the living room slowly, like a bloodthirsty beast hunting.

When Luo Tianyao saw Shen Lang, he was completely frightened. His legs were weak and his whole body was shaking.

"Oh my god!"

Sun Huo on the side was also completely frightened. His hair stood on end and his whole body was trembling. The violent aura exuding from Shen Lang's body was terrifying.

Sun Huo almost cried, thinking why was he so unlucky?

"Quick! Kill him quickly!" Luo Tianyao yelled crazily.

Two stern and well-dressed men, one on the left and one on the right, flashed in front of Luo Tianyao, holding sharp short blades in their hands and staring directly at Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, I advise you not to make an enemy of Long Teng, otherwise you should know the consequences yourself!" A man with a short hair shouted loudly.

The two of them were in the middle stage of cultivation. After receiving the order, they stayed in the room to protect Luo Tianyao's safety.

What happened outside the villa just now, these two people knew very well. They didn't expect Shen Lang to be so frightened that he killed all the martial arts cultivators who came with him!

No matter how good these two people are mentally, they can't hide the boundless fear on their faces at this moment.

Shen Lang turned a blind eye to the shouts of the two men and slowly walked towards Luo Tianyao, his face expressionless, like a beast that chooses people to devour, his eyes sparkling.

The two martial arts practitioners ignored the fear in their hearts. They also knew that Shen Lang had murderous intentions, so they simply took the risk and rushed over from the left and the right, stabbing Shen Lang with four short blades at the same time.

The speed of these two people is much faster than that of the martial arts cultivators outside before, and their skills are also among the elites among the Soaring Dragons, and they are only one of the few masters.

But for Shen Lang, it was really not enough.

No matter how elite he is, it is impossible to compare with Shen Lang in the Questioning Stage.

Shen Lang turned sideways and cleverly avoided the thrusts of the four short blades.

These two martial arts practitioners cooperated very well and were able to fight Shen Lang with several moves.

But after a few moves, Shen Lang used his grappling hand to grab the two people's heads and exerted force.

There was a muffled sound of "bang".

Their heads hit each other hard, and before they even had time to scream, blood was pouring out and flesh was flying everywhere. Like watermelons, their heads were smashed in half, and their brains spilled out.

The scene was so horrific that even Sun Huo, who had seen many murder scenes, was so frightened that he vomited repeatedly.

Luo Tianyao was so frightened that he lost consciousness and even suffered from mental problems.

"It's not me, it's not me, it's not me!" Sun Huo fell into a state of stupidity, trembling all over and muttering vaguely.

Shen Lang glanced at Sun Huo and wondered how this guy got out of prison.

"Anyone who hangs out with Luo Tianyao is not good at all." Shen Lang stepped forward and kicked him.

Sun Huo's eyes widened, and before he could even cry out for mercy, he was instantly kicked away by Shen Lang.


Sun Huo's body hit the coffee table hard, and his head collided violently with the glass. His blood and flesh were blurred, and red and white things spilled out. It looked like he would not survive.

This scene frightened Luo Tianyao to the point where he became incontinent, his crotch was wet, and his whole body was shaking like an epileptic patient.

Luo Tianyao was completely frightened. Instead of screaming and wailing, he was trembling all over and his heart was filled with boundless fear.

He had no time to think about why Shen Lang was still alive. Feeling the threat of death, Luo Tianyao's eyes widened for a moment, and he unexpectedly regained consciousness.

After taking a few steps back, Luo Tianyao slowly moved back: "Don't kill me! My grandfather knows people from Longteng!"

Shen Lang had already walked up to Luo Tianyao, reached out and grabbed his collar, and lifted Luo Tianyao up.

"Don't worry, I will definitely kill you!" Shen Lang gritted his teeth and roared.

According to Shen Lang's vengeful character, even if the King of Heaven came, he would not be able to let Luo Tianyao go.

"I can give you whatever you want! I can give you money, I can kneel down and kowtow to you, please don't kill me!!!" Luo Tianyao actually cried in fear.

Shen Lang dragged Luo Tianyao, and as soon as he walked out of the villa, a radio sounded outside.

"Shen Lang! You have been surrounded. Put down the hostages and surrender immediately!"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lang's face was full of gloom, and the military people arrived late.

But do you want to surrender? Simply ridiculous!

Shen Lang has always believed that although violence cannot solve all problems, it can solve most of them.

This time, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will never let Luo Tianyao go. (To be continued)

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