Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 385 Don’t be too damn arrogant!

As if his kneecap had been shot through by a heavy sniper rifle, his flesh and blood were bloody. Luo Tianyao fell from the air and landed at Shen Lang's feet, almost breaking his left leg in two.

Shen Lang had crippled Luo Tianyao's legs once before, but they were restored by Yin Jiu. Luo Tianyao's legs finally regained their mobility, but now they were crippled by Shen Lang.

"Ah!!!" Luo Tianyao roared crazily as he was in so much pain that he couldn't control himself.

Luo Tianyao was twisting and turning on the ground, and the huge pain drove him into madness.


Luo Ye and Luo Yan couldn't help shouting, their eyes widening.

Shen Lang's face was gloomy and scary: "Luo Yan, if you dare to let the sniper shoot again, next time I will use your grandson's head to stop the bullet!"


Luo Yan was completely angry, his old face gradually distorted, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

However, Luo Tianyao was still in Shen Lang's hands, and Luo Yan did not dare to act rashly.

If Shen Lang is angered again at this time, Luo Tianyao may really be killed by this guy!

This is the first time someone can push themselves to this point!

Luo Yan has a high position and has been on top for many years.

Ever since he met Shen Lang, it was as if he was being choked by this kid. He was forced to grovel in front of this kid again and again. The anger in Luo Yan's heart had reached its peak.

"I didn't give the order just now. Who gave the order to shoot without permission?" Luo yelled sternly, his voice a little hoarse.

The soldier walked out tremblingly: "Chief, it's me!"

"You fucking want to die!" Luo Ye roared on the side.

"Come up." Luo Yan said calmly.

"Yes!" The officer walked forward nervously and came to Luo Yan's side.

In a rage, Luo Yan took out a Type 9 pistol from his waist, without saying a word, pointed it at the officer's head, and pulled the trigger.

There was a "bang" gunshot, accompanied by a mist of blood, and the bullet penetrated the officer's head.

The entire place was eerily silent. Everyone stared and held their breath, and could only hear the sirens and sirens around them.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. Luo Yan actually shot the officer directly on the spot!

"With a human face and an animal heart! Is this kind of person still a soldier?" Bai Qingyu gritted his teeth.

He committed suicide privately. Bai Qingyu has never seen such a lawless person. This kind of person is actually the deputy chief of staff of the military region? What a big joke!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet. All the special forces soldiers looked at this scene in disbelief. Did Chief Hua kill someone? Are you killing one of your own people? Just because he accidentally injured his grandson!

That officer was also the instructor of many special forces soldiers. Some of the special forces soldiers at the scene couldn't accept this scene!

However, no matter how shaken the hearts of these special forces are, obeying orders is their bounden duty. As long as it is Luo Yan's order, they must obey it!

"Luo Yan, don't go too far!" Cao Fei shouted, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Luo Yan ignored Cao Fei, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Shen Lang: "Mr. Shen Lang, don't get me wrong, the sniper was not arranged by me, but by the subordinate I just killed."

"Mr. Shen Lang, I, Luo Yan, promise you that as long as you let my grandson go, I can agree to any request you have, and I promise not to embarrass you in the future. For a person of your strength, Mr. Shen Lang, I, Luo Yan, can't I can’t afford to offend you!”

Luo Yan's attitude turned 180 degrees, surprising everyone present, even Shen Lang was a little surprised.

He made Luo Tianyao like that, and he wasn't angry yet?

There was a hint of gloom hidden in Luo Yan's eyes. When he said this, he could be regarded as risking his life.

If Shen Lang agrees to let him go, Luo Yan plans to let it go.

He had no fear of running out of firewood to keep the green hills alive. He already understood deeply that he couldn't afford to offend people like Shen Lang.

But Shen Lang still refused to let him go, and Luo Yan's patience reached its limit, so he simply broke the jar and let Luo Tianyao die!

However, Shen Lang must die today! With so many guns around, Cao Fei should be enough to deal with Shen Lang!

I believe that Cao Fei should also hate Shen Lang very much. After killing so many members of Longtenghuang Group, Cao Fei must be happy to deal with Shen Lang.

This is what Luo Yan has in mind.

Shen Lang snorted coldly and did not answer Luo Yan.

Holding Bai Qingyu in one hand, Luo Tianyao, who had completely turned into a zombie, was pulled up with the other hand, and walked towards the door of the villa.

Cao Fei sneered a little, Luo Yan actually went to this extent for such a useless grandson? If it were him, this stupid grandson would just let him die.

"Shen Lang, let me down, I can walk." Bai Qingyu said softly.

It wasn't that she minded Shen Lang hugging her, but in this situation, she inevitably felt a strange mood.

"I'll send you to that villa first. It's safe there for the time being. You must not come out." Shen Lang lowered his voice and said.

"Yeah." Bai Qingyu responded softly.

Shen Lang walked to the villa in a big way. Luo Ye and Luo Yan were already gnashing their teeth and wanted to rush up and tear Shen Lang apart.

Shen Lang sent Bai Qingyu into the villa, turned around and stared at Cao Fei with a gloomy look on his face.

Among this group of guys, the only one he could face seriously was Cao Fei, and the rest were just a bunch of rabble.

"Luo Yan, don't you just rely on this guy named Liu to yell at me? That's ridiculous! Do you really think I'm afraid of him?" Shen Lang sneered loudly.

After hearing Shen Lang's words, Luo Yan couldn't help but shudder. Is Shen Lang really not afraid of Cao Fei?

Cao Fei glanced at Shen Lang and hummed: "Shen Lang, although I don't want to be your enemy, I advise you not to go too far!"

Shen Lang grinned and sneered: "What the hell do you have to point fingers at me? How can you be the same as Luo Yan and not have any good things!"

"Shen Lang, I'll give you one last chance. Seeing that you were one of Long Teng's top ten soldiers, I don't want to embarrass you. As long as you let Luo Yan's grandson go, I can stop pursuing you." Cao Fei's eyes turned cold.

"Who do you think you are? I'm telling you, even if Zhu Sanshan from Tianzhu is standing here today, I still dare to scold him! Not to mention a trash character like you? Get out!" Shen Lang said angrily.

Cao Fei stabbed Bai Qingyu with a saber. Shen Lang decided to settle the score.

He dared to say that his own was rubbish. Cao Fei was furious and immediately became angry.

"Shen Lang, don't be too damn arrogant! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Cao Fei jumped angrily.

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance. Do you dare to come up and compete with me?" Shen Lang challenged.

Shen Lang angered Cao Fei before, actually just to say this.

"As you wish!" Cao Fei shouted. (To be continued)

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