Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 386 This is impossible!

If it weren't for Luo Yan's grandson being taken hostage by Shen Lang, Cao Fei would have rushed forward and killed Shen Lang.

He had always been conceited, and when Shen Lang pointed at him and scolded him, he naturally couldn't swallow it.

Cao Fei jumped up and flew forward.

"Hmph, you can't hurt the hostages during the competition!" Cao Fei had an arrogant look on his face.

"Hostage?" Shen Lang snorted coldly, with a trace of disdain on his face.

In his eyes, Luo Tianyao was just a dead man. He was overestimated if he said he was a hostage.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt this Luo Tianyao. But I also have a condition, that is, when we compete, you can't let others interfere!" Shen Lang said coldly.

"Okay!" Cao Fei nodded.

"Without my order, none of you are allowed to interfere!" Cao Fei shouted.

Shen Lang grinned and sneered, and threw Luo Tianyao onto the lawn nearby. Shen Lang wanted to vent his anger on Cao Fei.

Luo Yan didn't expect that Shen Lang would seek death like this, trying to compete with Cao Fei?

Fortunately, he saw the master of Soaring Dragon take action. Luo Zhiye was a little excited and opened his eyes wide. He wanted to see clearly how Shen Lang was killed!

Luo Yan thought that Shen Lang, a powerful general, would definitely not be Cao Fei's opponent. The outcome was basically foreseeable. Luo Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking that Shen Lang was about to die on the spot, Luo Yan felt that the suppressed anger in his heart seemed to disappear. Faded some.

However, Luo Yan felt that Cao Fei didn't need to be so serious.

Anyway, Luo Tianyao is not in Shen Lang's hands now. With such a distance, wouldn't it be enough to just go up and kill Shen Lang? Why do you still agree to Shen Lang's duel?

In fact, it was because of the immense anger in Cao Fei's heart that he agreed to compete with Shen Lang.

The reason why he did it so strictly was to vent himself to the maximum extent, defeat Shen Lang, and let this arrogant boy understand that he, Cao Fei, is no longer the Cao Fei he used to be!

The two of them stood in the center in front of the villa, their eyes tense, wanting to eat each other.

"Hurry up and take action." Shen Lang's face was full of contempt, waiting for Cao Fei to take action.

"Seeking death!" Cao Fei was trembling with anger. He couldn't stand being provoked by Shen Lang and couldn't bear it anymore.

Cao Fei jumped up like a ballerina and flew seven or eight meters elegantly into the air.

Shen Lang also jumped up and smacked him up with his palm.

Cao Fei snorted and tugged on the windbreaker on his upper body.


A sharp sound broke through the air, and dozens of sharp flying knives suddenly appeared in the air, stabbing Shen Lang from all directions.

Cao Fei's code name in Longteng is "Blade" and he is particularly good at concealed weapons and flying knives. This is the first time Shen Lang has fought with Cao Fei.

Martial arts cultivators who specialize in concealed weapons are still relatively rare, not because there are few practitioners, but because it is extremely difficult to practice.

However, the power and lethality of martial arts practitioners who specialize in concealed weapons are among the best among martial arts practitioners of the same level.

However, there are too many drawbacks to specializing in hidden weapons. For example, the hidden weapon technique requires the use of foreign objects and is too dependent. As the strength increases, the requirements for the production of hidden weapons are getting higher and higher.

The biggest disadvantage is that martial arts practitioners who specialize in hidden weapons are only suitable for sneak attacks and the like. Their defense will be very poor. Once they are close, they will only be beaten by the same level. Moreover, when there are many enemies with one, the danger to oneself will be greater.

Shen Lang is also good at hidden weapons and has practiced the "Flying Knife Technique", but what he is good at is not just as simple as the willow leaf flying knife.

The reason why Shen Lang kept using the Liuye Flying Knife was entirely because the true energy in his body was restricted, and the amount of true energy required to activate the Liuye Flying Knife with the Flying Knife Technique was very small.

In addition to throwing knives, Shen Lang is also good at needle-shaped nail-head hidden weapons, especially silver needles.

Hidden weapon techniques are extremely vicious, but in the martial arts world, there is no distinction between evil and evil. As long as the skill can perfectly take people's lives, no matter how sinister or vicious it is, it is considered a good skill.

The dozens of flying knives attacking from the air seemed to follow no pattern. Cao Fei stretched out his right palm and could even control the direction of the flying knives within a certain range.

Cao Fei's move is similar to the hidden weapon technique "Rain of Flowers in the Sky". If it is in the air, it will be difficult to avoid.

Shen Lang was still in the air. When he saw the flying knives coming, he spun at high speed and avoided all the flying knives. He stepped on the wall of the third floor of the villa and fell quickly.

Cao Fei refused to give up, stretched out his hands, and countless flying knives shot out from his sleeves and stabbed Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's Qinggong reached its peak, and his whole body fell rapidly like a cannonball, with countless silver needles chasing after him.

There was a loud "boom", and as soon as Shen Lang's body came close to the ground, he immediately made a "donkey roll" and got away from the incoming flying knife.

Countless flying knives penetrated deeply into the marble floor, causing a burst of flying ash.

Cao Fei's hidden weapon skills are worthy of Shen Lang's attention, especially since he had the upper hand. Shen Lang was in the air just now, so it was difficult to use his speed advantage.

Everyone looked at this scene in a daze, and everyone was stunned. This must be a movie. They were so dazzled that their eyes couldn't keep up with Shen Lang's speed.

Seeing Shen Lang being passive, Luo Ye couldn't help but cheer.

"Well done!"

Luo Yan also had an excited look on his face, wishing that Shen Lang would die immediately.

It seemed that Cao Fei was temporarily overwhelming Shen Lang, but Cao Fei was extremely shocked. You must know that this "all-pervasive" move is his strongest killing move, and Shen Lang is still in the air, and he can actually avoid all attacks on the fatal part. Throwing knives!

Shen Lang's dexterity and movement shocked Cao Fei. He did not dare to underestimate Shen Lang anymore. Cao Fei struck first, stretched out his hands, and a large number of flying knives shot out from his hands!

Everyone stared at this astonishing scene with wide eyes. Shen Lang was like a shadow, flashing left and right, going back and forth, unable to capture the direction with the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yan and Luo Zhiye were a little frightened. At this speed, if Shen Lang wanted to kill him, he would probably be able to do it easily.

Although I feel unhappy, I have to admit that Shen Lang does have the capital to be arrogant!

"This is impossible!" Cao Fei's eyes widened. Shen Lang was able to avoid all the flying knives!

Cao Fei always thought that he was very skilled in concealed weapons. No martial artist at the same level could evade the "all-pervasive" move. Cao Fei thought he was the strongest at the same level, but to this day, Shen Lang's greatest strength Shattered his self-confidence.

"You have the nerve to chirp with this little strength?" Shen Lang snorted coldly and said jokingly: "Let me tell you, even if I stand in front of you and let you attack, you are no match for me. Come on!"

After saying that, Shen Lang waved to Cao Fei with contempt on his face.

Cao Fei didn't believe it anymore, so he raised his energy and slapped it with his palm. (To be continued)

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