Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 388 The lion opens its mouth

"Shen Lang, don't go too far!" Luo Ye and Luo Yan yelled.

"You think I don't dare?"

Shen Lang snorted, it was time to put an end to this annoying matter!

He pulled out several flying knives on the ground, and shot out with a "whoosh", hitting Luo Tianyao's head.


The flying knife penetrated Luo Tianyao's forehead, like it was inserted into a watermelon, and the blood flowed wildly.

"Ah!!!" A stern scream roared out from Luo Tianyao's mouth, extremely piercing.

After the scream, Luo Tianyao died! Completely hung up.

Seeing this scene, Fa Jiang was a little speechless, and Yang Hu and He Chenguang were even sweating on their foreheads. It seemed that no one could stop what Shen Lang had decided.

"No, Tianyao!" Luo Ye's eyes widened and his face was full of horror.

"Don't move!" A special soldier next to him was putting a gun to his head.

Shen Lang killed Luo Tianyao, and Luo Ye was extremely excited.

"Shen Lang, I'm going to kill you!" Luo Ye roared crazily.

"Shut up!" Luo Yan yelled at Luo Ye.

After roaring, Luo Yan bowed slightly to Shen Lang: "Mr. Shen Lang, I have something to say to you."


Shen Lang was a little surprised, and Fa Jiang was also stunned. Could it be that Luo Yan was stimulated and had something wrong with his brain?

"Mr. Shen, my grandson did something bad and offended you. He deserves to die!" Luo Yan said calmly.

"Yo ho?"

Fajiang smiled. This cunning fox was quite good at picking the right moment. Seeing that his side had lost power, he immediately switched sides?

"Mr. Shen Lang, there were some misunderstandings before and I offended you. I, Luo Yan, am here to apologize to you!" Luo Yan lowered his head and bowed, as if he was repenting.

"Father, what are you doing!" Luo Ye was completely stunned and looked at Luo Yan in disbelief.

"Shut up!" Luo Yan roared.

In fact, Luo Yan already clearly understood that Shen Lang was someone he could never mess with, and he couldn't afford to mess with him.

If he continues to offend Shen Lang, his life and safety may be threatened. Cao Fei is a good example.

Shen Lang beat Cao Fei until he was almost dead, but he didn't seem to feel any pressure at all.

This kid is so terrifying that even the military might not be able to take him down! If Shen Lang wants, he can kill himself now!

Just because he thought of this, Luo Yan swallowed the anger in his heart and suddenly changed his attitude to please Shen Lang.

Luo Ye is also a smart person. He guessed what Luo Yan was thinking. He gritted his teeth and endured the strong anger in his heart. He couldn't help but also said: "I was confused before, and I am here to apologize to Mr. Shen!"

After saying that, Luo Ye bowed immediately.

Shen Lang glanced at these two guys, feeling a little funny, and said lazily: "Apologise, okay, it depends on how you apologize!"

"Mr. Shen, how much do you want?" Luo Yan forced a smile on his old face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Their first reaction was: Did they hear it wrong? Things suddenly took a 180-degree turn?

"Two billion." Shen Lang said casually.

Hearing this number, Luo Ye couldn't help but grit his teeth. It was 000 million! There is nothing like this even when a lion opens its mouth!

"Okay, I will transfer the money to Mr. Shen Lang's account as soon as possible!" Luo Yan said immediately.

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet! It's 0 billion US dollars!" Shen Lang added.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fa Jiang couldn't help laughing. Shen Lang was too dark. It should be said that he was too dark!

"Billion dollars?"

Hearing this astronomical figure, the muscles on Luo Yan's face twitched.

"You..." Luo Ye pointed at Shen Lang and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood! 0 billion US dollars, equivalent to the entire assets of the entire Luo family!

"Okay! Mr. Shen Lang, I will prepare these two billion US dollars for you! I hope we can reconcile after this time!" Luo Yan gritted his teeth.

"Give me the money first and then talk about it." Shen Lang snorted.

"Absolutely!" Luo Yan nodded and said.

0 billion US dollars, damn, even a money printing machine will take several years to print! Luo Yan opened his mouth to agree? The level of corruption of this military region commander is self-evident.

For the sake of his grandson, he did not hesitate to dispatch military troops, abuse lynching, and kill his own people! He is simply a scumbag. How can such a person be the chief of staff?

All the special forces present couldn't bear it anymore and began to curse Luo Yan in their hearts.

They were also men of flesh and blood. Following such a leader, they felt like they were serving as soldiers for nothing.

At this moment, a military vehicle parked behind the villa, and an old man and a middle-aged man in smart clothes walked over, followed by a group of fully armed special forces.

The old man is Bai Xiang, and the middle-aged man is Bai Quan.

Another large group of people came in. This famous Rhine village was already tightly surrounded by military police, and the people in the villa complex were too scared to come out.


Long Teng's special forces soldiers each set up their automatic rifles.

"It's our own people, put down your guns!" Fa Jiang shouted.

A group of special forces obediently made way for Bai Xiang and Bai Quan to walk over.

Not long after, the two arrived in front of Fa Jiang and Shen Lang.

Although Xiang Bai is seventy years old, his energy is better than that of young people. He is tall, his eyes are like torches, and he is not angry or powerful.

Bai Xiang himself also has an early stage of cultivation. He is Long Teng's think tank and serves as the leader of Long Teng's special operations team. Bai Xiang has a great influence in Long Teng.

Bai Quan is a master of the Long Tengtian group, and his strength is slightly weaker than Fajiang.

Shen Lang glanced at Bai Xiang, wondering why these two guys were here?

Fajiang raised his eyebrows: "Team Leader Bai, what are you doing here?"

"It's not my granddaughter who asked me to come here. Huh, Shen Lang, I haven't seen you for a year, and your skills have improved a lot." The old man glanced at Shen Lang and said lightly.

granddaughter? Shen Lang suddenly thought of something and said immediately: "Are you Bai Qingyu's..."

"I am Bai Qingyu's grandfather." Bai Xiang snorted coldly.

"Grandpa!" Bai Qingyu walked out of the villa.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with your hand?"

Seeing that the back of Bai Qingyu's gauze-tied hand was covered with blood, Bai Quan's face turned a little ugly, and his cold eyes turned to Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, do you dare to hurt my daughter?"

"No!" Bai Qingyu waved her hand hurriedly and said to Bai Quan, "It was Shen Lang who saved me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Quan also felt that a strong and pure Qi surged on the back of Bai Qingyu's hand. This Qi not only sealed the wound, but also had the ability to heal the injury.

It was probably Shen Lang's true energy. Such pure true energy made Bai Quan very surprised. It was hard to imagine what kind of profound internal skills Shen Lang was practicing. (To be continued)

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