Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 389 Do you dare to seduce my granddaughter?

Bai Qingyu walked forward and asked with concern on his face: "Shen Lang, are you not injured?

"Don't worry, how could I get hurt so easily. Who is he?" Shen Lang pointed at Bai Quan next to Bai Qingyu.

"He is my father." Bai Qingyu said calmly.

Sure enough, as Shen Lang thought, Shen Lang bowed to Bai Quan, coughed and said, "Hello, Uncle Bai."

Bai Xiang's face darkened, he waved his hand and said, "There's no need to call me that, Xue Sha, I'm not familiar with you."

Shen Lang smiled and said, "Your granddaughter is my girlfriend, so I should call you Uncle Bai."

"What did you say!"

Bai Xiang and Bai Quan stood stunned on the spot, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Fajiang was also confused.

"Shen Lang, you... don't talk nonsense!" Bai Qingyu shouted tenderly, her pretty face turning red to her ears.

"What is nonsense? This is the truth." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Bai Xiang pointed at Shen Lang and Bai Qingyu with a look of shock on his face: "Shen Lang, what is your relationship with my granddaughter? Could it be that you have made a lifelong commitment?"

"No... that's not the case!" Bai Qingyu's pretty face turned red, and she waved her hands hastily, wanting to sew Shen Lang's mouth shut.

Looking at Bai Qingyu's shy face, it seems that the problem has been explained. Bai Xiang and Bai Quan's faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It seems that things are going wrong. This guy Shen Lang actually dares to give their precious daughter and granddaughter to...

Fajiang chuckled at the side: "Old Bai, I see you have a good grandson-in-law."

"Bastard!" Bai Xiang was furious, pointed at Shen Lang and roared: "Shen Lang, you bastard dare to seduce my granddaughter?"

Shen Lang smiled brightly: "Uncle Bai, what you said is wrong. What is seduction? What's wrong with us young people falling in love with each other?"

"You...the ghost is your uncle! Shen Lang, don't push yourself too far!"

Bai Xiangqi's old face was livid. It didn't matter that Bai Qingyu liked someone else. Even if it was hanging silk, Bai Xiang would not have such a big reaction.

The key is that his granddaughter's target is a vicious thug like Shen Lang, and Bai Xiang cannot accept it.

Although Shen Lang is extremely powerful, he is extremely dangerous. He is only a murder weapon in Longteng, and this person is very easy to kill. How could his granddaughter be related to this man? Bai Xiang didn't understand and felt that if he followed Shen Lang, his granddaughter would definitely suffer.

Bai Quan didn't understand, and his expression was very bad. He stepped forward and grabbed Bai Qingyu's arm: "Xiaoyu, I don't allow you to get close to this man again."

"Why!" Bai Qingyu's pretty face changed color and she immediately shook off Bai Quan's hand.

"Grandpa, father, no matter what prejudices you have against Shen Lang, he saved my life several times at critical moments." Bai Qingyu's beautiful face showed a trace of anger.

Bai Quan couldn't say anything to refute. It was indeed Shen Lang who saved Bai Qingyu when she was in danger. Speaking of which, Shen Lang was really Bai Qingyu's savior.

But even as a savior, Bai Quan couldn't accept such a cheating son-in-law.

Bai Xiang said with a gloomy face: "Xiao Yu, do you really like this man?"

"I... so what if I like it!" Bai Qingyu's cheeks were slightly red, and she gritted her teeth and hugged Shen Lang's right arm.

Shen Lang was a little happy, but he didn't expect that Bai Qingyu also had a proactive side.

He simply boldly hugged Bai Qingyu's slender waist, and the soft and warm touch of the girl's delicate body in his arms made him intoxicated.

"Team Leader Bai, Mr. Bai, you see that Xiaoyu and I are in love, why don't you try to beat us like a couple? What's wrong with me? If you are worried that I have many enemies, you can rest assured. I have broken through now. I will never let my granddaughter be in any danger." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"What, Wen Jing?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiang and Bai Quan were shocked.

"You...you broke through the realm of questioning?" Bai Quan's face was full of surprise.

"Don't believe it? Then keep your eyes open and watch."

After saying that, Shen Lang concentrated his energy, stretched out one hand, and two willow-leaf flying knives appeared on his fingertips. A strong energy slowly emerged from his palm, and he held up the flying knives.

Shen Lang controlled his true energy, and the flying knife rotated at high speed in his palm.

Seeing the floating flying knives spinning rapidly, Bai Xiang and Bai Quan were extremely shocked. Putting the true energy at this level, it seems that it is really at the level of the Wenjing Stage.

Shen Lang withdrew the flying knife and said with a smile: "I am no longer the bloody killer I was before. Don't worry, Bai Qingyu and I are upright and there is nothing shameful!"

Bai Xiang and Bai Quan looked at each other, a little speechless.

To be honest, Shen Lang's strength is enough to match his daughter, and he has a decent appearance. The key is that he is in love with Bai Qingyu.

You must know that in Bai Xiang's eyes, his granddaughter has always had a bad attitude toward men. The fact that she showed such shyness today is enough to show that her granddaughter likes this Shen Lang.

Luo Yan on the side was already trembling in his heart. He didn't expect that Shen Lang not only knew Fa Jiang, but also turned into the boyfriend of Bai Xiang's granddaughter.

Fortunately, he agreed to give Shen Lang a billion dollars in one breath. Otherwise, if he provoked such a person, Luo Yan would not have to hang out in China anymore.

"Okay, I admit that I have prejudices against you, but I have to be cautious about this matter and talk about it later. My granddaughter said that you were in danger and asked me to rescue you, but it seems that this matter has been resolved?"

Bai Xiang looked around and said lightly.

The outside of the villa was already in a mess, with blood all around. It looked like a scene after a fierce battle. There was a dead body lying next to it.

"Come to save me?" Shen Lang was stunned for a moment.

"I asked grandpa to come." Bai Qingyu added, the blush on her fair face not fading, looking extremely charming.

Shen Lang nodded and said to Bai Xiang: "Please worry, the matter has been completely resolved."

After saying this, Shen Lang turned back to Luo Yan and his gang and said, "Luo Yan, you can get out! Remember, you have to prepare the money for me!"

"Definitely!" Luo Yan was relieved and shouted: "Withdraw!"

"Father, Tianyao's body?" Luo Ye whispered through gritted teeth.

"I still want a hair! Get out quickly!" Luo Yan said urgently.

Not long after, Luo Yan and his group of special forces quickly withdrew.

"Chief, how should we deal with this person?" Two special forces soldiers carried Cao Fei up on a stretcher.

"Isn't this Cao Fei?"

Bai Xiang and Bai Quan were immediately shocked.

Prime Minister Bai immediately stepped forward to feel Cao Fei's pulse. His expression changed and he asked Fa Jiang, "Team Leader Fa, who injured him like this?"

"It's me." Shen Lang hummed.

"Cao Fei is the leader of Long Teng's group and is considered a senior officer of Long Teng. Did you hurt him like this because you want to become Long Teng's enemy?" Bai Xiang's eyes turned cold instantly.

On this issue, Shen Lang was not going to give in. He shook his head and said, "This guy deserves to die!" (To be continued)

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