Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 390 Bastard

"You!" Bai Quan pointed at Shen Lang. He didn't expect this kid to be so arrogant.

Bai Xiang snorted coldly, took out a pill from somewhere and put it into Cao Fei's mouth.

Fajiang shook his head, these two guys were really decent.

Although Fa Jiang does not dislike decent people, he does not like some pedantic styles.

Bai Qingyu was anxious and said quickly: "Grandpa, if Shen Lang hadn't saved me, I might have died at the hands of this man!"

She didn't want to see Bai Xiang and Bai Quan having conflicts with Shen Lang, so she immediately started talking to Shen Lang.

"Yes, the injury on Xiaoyu's hand was caused by this guy! This Cao Fei also wants to kill your granddaughter." Shen Lang said.


Bai Quan immediately grabbed Bai Qingyu's right arm, glanced at it, and frowned: "Damn, this beast Cao Fei actually dares to attack my daughter!"

He had already figured out that the six-diamond-shaped wound on Bai Qingyu's right arm was caused by Cao Fei's flying knife. "Blade" Cao Fei's favorite weapon was a small six-diamond-shaped flying knife, which just explained everything.

"It was Cao Fei who injured Bai Qingyu, so I invited him to fight! Then, I hit him a little harder and beat him like this." Shen Lang explained lightly.

"Yes, I can guarantee this!" Bai Qingyu said hurriedly.

Bai Xiang's eyes turned to Cao Fei again, and he immediately became angry: "Cao Fei, that bastard, dares to hurt my granddaughter, you bastard!"

After saying that, Bai Xiang immediately stuck Cao Fei's throat and sent away his true energy. The pill that had just been put into Cao Fei's mouth spurted out of his mouth again.

If Cao Fei was still conscious and saw this scene, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"Depend on!"

Fajiang was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect this old guy to dote on his granddaughter so much.

"Humph, this man really deserves to die!" Bai Quan did not forget to add.

Fajiang scratched his bald head and said, "You can't let him hang out here, right? Besides, if Cao Fei dies, Zhu Sanshan won't be able to jump in anymore? I think it's better to take him to my Dragon Soaring group for treatment first. For a moment. You don’t have any objections, right?"

"Okay." Shen Lang nodded. Although he was unhappy with Cao Fei, there was no need to put others to death.

Bai Xiang and Bai Quan also agreed.

Cao Fei knows his strength, and since it is a fair duel, he should not cause trouble for him again in the future.

Fajiang immediately arranged for people to carry Cao Fei away.

Yang Hu and He Chenguang also walked up, and Shen Lang said a few words to them.

Although Bai Quan and Bai Xiang objected to Bai Qingyu's contact with Shen Lang, things had already happened. According to Bai Qingyu's temperament, there was no room for turning things around.

"Shen Lang, don't think that my granddaughter is yours. Let me tell you, if you dare to bully my granddaughter in the future, I will never forgive you!" Bai Xiang said solemnly.

Shen Lang smiled: "I understand, old man."

Bai Xiang sighed, he had no choice but to admit this.

The corner of Bai Quan's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't say anything. He was worried about leaving his daughter to someone like Shen Lang.

Looking at Bai Qingyu, Bai Quan shook his head and sighed, and said: "Xiaoyu, I will not interfere with your affairs in the future, but you should also have your own understanding! I am already very happy that you can call me father, and there is no need to What more can you ask for?"

Bai Quan also thought about it. Compared with his incompetent father, what qualifications did he have to point fingers at his daughter?

When Bai Qingyu reached this age, he should no longer constrain her thoughts.

After hearing Bai Quan's words, Bai Qingyu wanted to speak but didn't know what to say, and felt a little complicated.

Fajiang whispered to Xiang Bai: "Team Leader Bai, you have seen Luo Yan's style. This black sheep must be removed from power."

Bai Xiang nodded, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said, "I will cooperate with you in whatever needs to be done."

After a few people chatted for a while, they left.

Bai Xiang was already troubled, because Bai Qingyu asked for help on the phone before, and now it was time to go back and continue working.

This farce is finally over.

Shen Lang took a shower in the villa and changed into a suit.

When I came out, I checked the time. It was almost noon. Bai Qingyu smiled at Bai Qingyu outside the villa and said, "Xiaoyu, it's already 1 o'clock. Shall we go to dinner?"

A blush appeared on Bai Qingyu's face. Shen Lang called her that, which made her a little embarrassed.

"Shen Lang, I ask you, you must tell me honestly." Bai Qingyu coughed and stared at Shen Lang with her beautiful eyes.

"you say."

"Do you really... like me?" Bai Qingyu asked, her pretty face a little unnatural.

"Of course, if I don't like you, will I kiss you?" Shen Lang chuckled.

"But I don't like you." Bai Qingyu said with a blushing face.

"You can't fool anyone if you lie to me." Shen Lang stepped forward and hugged Bai Qingyu's waist.

Bai Qingyu trembled, her dark eyes filled with watery eyes, and she said angrily: "You bastard, I'm not ready yet..."

"Then let's do it again." Shen Lang smiled and let go of Bai Qingyu's waist.

Shen Lang opened his arms. This was in public, and there were many soldiers and policemen around. Bai Qingyu was still a little shy. After all, she was relatively conservative at heart, but she couldn't help but fall into Shen Lang's arms.

A wave of happiness filled his whole body, and Bai Qingyu finally discovered that he liked Shen Lang, and had been for a long time.

"Brother Lang, I'm sorry, I'm late." Suddenly, a beautiful figure came to Shen Lang, carrying a large jade box behind his back.

Yi Lian was worried that something might happen to Shen Lang, so she went back to get the knife. Fortunately, Shen Lang was fine.

But seeing Shen Lang holding other women, Yi Lian felt a little disappointed, but no matter how Shen Lang was, she accepted them all.

"Xiao Lian is fine now, don't worry." Shen Lang shook his head.

"Who is she?" Bai Qingyu asked in surprise.

"I am Shen Lang's junior sister, and my name is Yi Lian." Yi Lian said with a slight smile.

"Junior sister?" Bai Qingyu was slightly startled.

There was no way he could hide it anyway. Shen Lang sighed and simply said, "I'll tell you about this later. Let's go eat first..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Shen Lang took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Liu Xiaoxiao.

After pressing dial, Liu Xiaoxiao's urgent voice came from the phone: "Shen Lang, I just got your phone number from Mr. Fa. How are you recovering from your injury? Where are you now?"

"I'm fine. Are you still at the Zheng family manor? I'll go there in the afternoon." Shen Lang said with a smile.

"No, I'm in the hospital. Grandpa Su Yunshan is in very bad health!" Liu Xiaoxiao said through clenched teeth.

"What! Which hospital is Mr. Su at? I'll go there right away!" Shen Lang's expression changed.

Liu Xiaoxiao told Shen Lang the address of the hospital.

"Brother Lang, where are you going, let me go with you!" Yi Lian asked.

Shen Lang shook his head: "No need. Xiao Lian, just take Bai Qingyu away and protect her safety."

"Okay." Yi Lian nodded. (To be continued)

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