Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 391 Returning to the Light

"Hey, Shen Lang!"

Before Bai Qingyu had time to call Shen Lang, Shen Lang had already disappeared.

After leaving the villa complex, Shen Lang borrowed a police car, quickly started it, and drove towards the hospital.

Arriving at the First People's Hospital, Shen Lang went up to the sixth floor.

Su Yunshan lives in Special Care Ward No. 606.

Liu Xiaoxiao walked out of the special care ward with a tired look, but Su Yunshan's body still showed no improvement.

Coupled with Su Ruoxue's departure, she was in a very bad mood.

These days, Liu Xiaoxiao and Liu Qingyi took turns taking care of Su Yunshan, and Lin Caier often came to the hospital to deliver some food.

But Shen Lang has come back, and Liu Xiaoxiao thinks that Shen Lang might have a way to cure Su Yunshan.

After talking to Shen Lang on the phone just now, Liu Xiaoxiao contacted the dean and the doctor to come over. Some hospital executives were waiting for Shen Lang to come outside the ward.

Not long after, Shen Lang had arrived at the ward.

"Shen Lang!" Liu Xiaoxiao hurriedly rushed forward and asked with concern on his face: "Is your injury healed?"

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded and said seriously: "Let's talk about it later. Take me to see Grandpa Su quickly."

Shen Lang walked into the ward, and a group of doctors followed him.

The older doctors all knew Shen Lang and had seen Shen Lang's miraculous medical skills. They all behaved respectfully and did not dare to neglect.

On the hospital bed, Su Yunshan was hanging on a ventilator, looking weak. Watching Shen Lang walk in, his face finally showed a hint of joy.

"Xiao Lang, it's really you. Okay, it's okay!" Su Yunshan looked quite excited and was about to straighten up.

Shen Lang hurriedly pressed him down and said seriously: "Grandpa Su, please lie down first and I will help you take a look."

"Oh, I'm old. I know my body, so there's no need to exert any effort." Su Yunshan shook his head.

"Grandpa Su, don't say such unlucky words yet."

Shen Lang sighed, put two fingers on the old man's wrist, and began to diagnose the pulse.

Soon, Shen Lang's expression became a little ugly.

The difference in Su Yunshan's physical condition far exceeded his expectations, and it was truly time for him to run out of gas.

No matter how advanced medical skills are, the aging of physical skills cannot be cured.

Something seems wrong!

Shen Lang's face darkened slightly. He knew Su Yunshan's previous physical condition.

Logically speaking, even if you get a serious illness, your vitality will not be lost so quickly!

Could it be that he was framed?

Shen Lang's face darkened, but he suppressed it forcefully. These people in the ward were probably suspects, and he wanted to find out who was behind the scenes.

"Shen Lang, how are you?" Seeing that Shen Lang's expression was wrong, Liu Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

"The liver, kidneys and other body organs, as well as the bones have aged seriously, and the aging of body functions cannot be cured." Shen Lang shook his head gloomily.

Under this situation, Su Yunshan would not survive more than a week.

After hearing these words, Liu Xiaoxiao's mood instantly fell to the bottom.

"Mr. Shen, we also know Mr. Su's situation. Don't be too sad. Birth, old age, illness and death are also human nature." Cheng Zhi sighed.

"You all go out. Xiaoxiao, you stay." Shen Lang shouted.

A group of doctors exited the ward.

"Shen Lang, is there any other way?" Tears welled up in the corners of Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

Shen Lang remained silent.

"Xiaolang, death is also a part of life. Everyone will die, so don't worry so much." Su Yunshan shook his head and said.

Shen Lang said in a deep voice: "Grandpa Su, I can't cure you, but I can make you live for half a year longer. In these last half a year, I can make you energetic every day, as if you were in your prime."

Upon hearing this, Su Yunshan looked a little excited: "Is this... really possible?"

Shen Lang nodded heavily. Su Yunshan's body functions had aged and could no longer be cured. This method could only be used.

"I would be willing to let my old bones stand up before I die, not to mention half a year, even half a month!" Su Yunshan said with emotion.

What's the difference between lying in this ward and a dead body?

"Grandpa, I can help you activate your body functions now, but in half a year, you..." Shen Lang hesitated and couldn't bear it.

"No need to say it, Xiaolang, it's too late for grandpa to be happy like this." Su Yunshan said with a smile.

"Okay!" Shen Lang took a deep breath.

Liu Xiaoxiao asked Dr. Cheng Zhi outside the door to get silver needles, and Shen Lang quickly helped Su Yunshan perform acupuncture.

Among the ice soul acupuncture techniques practiced by Shen Lang, there is a life-extending acupuncture technique.

To be precise, it is to restore the vitality and vitality of the dying people within a period of time, so that the dying people become more energetic than young people.

However, once the effective time has passed, life will be lost immediately and death will be inevitable.

This is actually similar to the reflection of light. The potential of the human body is endless.

Generally speaking, before people die, they will have a flashback.

Because when a person is on the verge of death, the potential of the brain and body will be greatly stimulated, which mobilizes all positive factors in the body, which may make the dying person change from coma to wakefulness; from being unable to speak to being able to talk a few words, Explain the funeral arrangements; change from not being able to eat to wanting to eat and drink.

Some people can even become more energetic and powerful than in their prime.

Returning to the light is like burning the vitality again.

But the phenomenon of flashbacks can only last for a day or two, or even an hour or two. Once the phenomenon disappears, the person will still die.

And Shen Lang can greatly prolong this "reflection of light" phenomenon through the Ice Soul Acupuncture Technique.

After a series of acupuncture, Shen Lang sealed a stream of pure Qi into Su Yunshan's body.

After finishing the acupuncture, Su Yunshan suddenly stood up, startling Liu Xiaoxiao beside him.

"Su...Grandpa Su, how are you feeling?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked with worry on his face.

Su Yunshan put on his shirt, took a deep breath, and felt a surge of energy surge through his body.

The skin on his face, which was as old as dry tree bark at the beginning, gradually became blood-colored and smooth, the wrinkles gradually relaxed, and his face gradually became rosy.

In a short period of time, Su Yunshan seemed to be dozens of years younger and younger!

"I've never felt so good!" Su Yunshan moved his hands and feet and immediately beamed with joy. He really felt like he was young again.

But Shen Lang couldn't be happy. He knew that Su Yunshan had half a year left to live.

Although he hated Su Ruoxue, he still regarded Su Yunshan as the elder who cared about him the most, and he was half a relative.

Seeing that Su Yunshan only had half a year left to live, Shen Lang felt very heavy.

"Xiao Lang, don't think too much, grandpa is already very happy to be like this." Su Yunshan smiled.

Shen Lang frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Grandpa Su, I won't hide it from you. The reason why your condition is so serious is probably because someone is behind it!" (To be continued)

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