Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 392 Things are messed up

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Su Yunshan and Liu Xiaoxiao changed drastically.

"This... Xiaolang, are you sure?" Su Yunshan asked in surprise.

Shen Lang nodded: "OK."

"Xiaoxiao, while Mr. Su was in the hospital, did any strangers come in?" Shen Lang asked.

Liu Xiaoxiao frowned, thought carefully for a moment, and said, "Except for the doctors and nurses, I didn't see any strangers. By the way, Lin Cai'er also took care of Grandpa Su for two days. Do you want to ask her?"

"Okay." Shen Lang nodded.

Liu Xiaoxiao called Lin Caier and asked her to come to the hospital.

After learning that Shen Lang was coming, Lin Caier quickly took a taxi and came to the hospital.

When she arrived at Su Yunshan's ward and saw Shen Lang himself, Lin Cai'er couldn't help crying.

"Brother Lang, you're still alive, that's great!" Lin Caier sobbed while wiping her tears.

She thought that Shen Lang was killed before, her heart was broken, and her mental state had been very bad. Now she saw Shen Lang standing in front of her alive and kicking, and she burst into tears.

"Okay, sister Cai'er, don't cry." Shen Lang comforted her for a few words, and Lin Cai'er slowly calmed down.

After briefly explaining what happened, Lin Caier replied: "No strangers came to Grandpa Su's ward. By the way, Grandpa Su's bodyguard Ah Fei came once and brought high-end bird's nest porridge soup."

"A Fei?" Shen Lang shrank his eyes, revealing a trace of gloom.

"Impossible! Ah Fei has been following me for many years, he won't harm me." Su Yunshan couldn't believe it.

"Knowing people but not their hearts, Grandpa Su, just leave this matter to me to investigate. You don't have to think too much." Shen Lang said sternly.

"This... okay! Xiaolang, be careful!" Su Yunshan said with a solemn expression.


Su Yunshan had completely recovered physically and was in surprisingly good spirits. When he left the ward, a group of doctors opened their jaws. They were really shocked this time.

Su Yunshan clearly had only one breath left before, but after being treated like this by Shen Lang, he could still get out of bed and walk? This is so amazing!

The dean tried to persuade Shen Lang to have a meal, but Shen Lang refused without mercy.

Among the doctors, Shen Lang noticed that a bald doctor looked strange and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Shen Lang remained calm, went through the discharge procedures with Su Yunshan, and quickly left the hospital.

Under the hospital building, Li Fei brought a large group of horses out to greet Shen Lang.

Li Fei was greatly shocked when he learned that Shen Lang had come to the hospital. He also thought that Shen Lang had been killed, but he didn't expect that Shen Lang was still alive.

Li Fei immediately became energetic. Without Shen Lang, Li Fei felt that he could not move forward. He always had a premonition that he would end well if he followed Shen Lang.

Moreover, Li Fei had just learned that Shen Lang single-handedly entered the Rhine Village and even attracted a large number of military police.

Now that Shen Lang was safe and sound, Li Fei was shocked. From his momentum, he could feel that Shen Lang seemed to be more powerful than before.

"Brother Lang, you're back!" As soon as Li Fei saw Shen Lang coming out, he hurriedly approached and greeted him respectfully, unable to conceal his joy.

Shen Lang glanced at Li Fei, nodded slightly, and said, "Li Fei, please send my grandfather, Miss Liu, and Miss Lin back to the Zheng family."

"Okay!" Li Fei responded.

"Shen Lang, you..." Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Shen Lang worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll go home after taking care of some things." Shen Lang said.

Liu Xiaoxiao gave a soft "hmm" and sighed slightly in her heart.

After Su Ruoxue left, Shen Lang seemed to be a different person. But Liu Xiaoxiao hoped in her heart that Shen Lang would still be the same Shen Lang as before.

Soon, Li Fei sent someone to drive Su Yunshan and others back to Zheng's house.

Shen Lang turned around and walked into the hospital, a hint of gloom flashing in his eyes.

He didn't know why the other party targeted Su Yunshan, but there must be some hidden secret.

No matter what, Shen Lang wants them to die!

In an office in the hospital, a bald doctor dialed a number in shock.

"Beep..." After two beeps, a deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "How are things going?"

"Ah...Mr. Ah Fei, things are messed up!" the bald doctor said tremblingly.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... Su Yunshan was saved by Shen Lang! They can get out of bed and walk. Shen Lang and Su Yunshan have already left the hospital!" the bald doctor hesitated.


A Fei on the other end of the phone couldn't believe his ears. Su Yunshan was clearly dying, so he could be revived by Shen Lang?

Ah Fei slightly underestimated Shen Lang's ability. It seemed that Elder Wang was right. This boy should not be underestimated.

But soon, Ah Fei seemed to have thought of something, his expression suddenly changed, and he squeezed the phone to pieces with a strong right hand.

"Hello, Mr. A Fei?"

The bald doctor fed him a few times and wondered why A Fei hung up the phone.

At this moment, a black shadow floated into the ward silently, and Shen Lang grabbed the bald doctor's throat.

"Ah, you!" The bald doctor pointed at Shen Lang with a horrified expression.

Shen Lang slapped his mouth, but Ah Fei was alert.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you'd better answer them truthfully, otherwise..."

"Ahem...I will definitely answer!" the bald doctor said in horror.

Soon, Shen Lang asked some questions from the bald doctor.

He learned that Ah Fei was indeed the mastermind behind it, but Shen Lang didn't understand why this Ah Fei wanted to kill Su Yunshan?

Shen Lang thought about it and came up with only one hypothesis: his grandfather probably knew some secret, and the other party didn't want him to know it.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang felt a little mentally tired when he encountered so many troubles when he came back.

Ah Fei's number belongs to another province. This guy is very afraid of death. Perhaps he is worried about this.

Outside the province, it would be difficult for Shen Lang to pursue this person. And the matter about grandpa has yet to be clarified.

"Shen... Shen Lang, I am also being threatened. Please... please let me go!" The bald doctor's face turned pale and he begged for mercy again and again.

"If you dare to attack my relatives, do you think I will let you go?"

Shen Lang had no expression on his face as he grabbed the bald doctor's throat and squeezed it a little harder.

There was a crisp sound, and Shen Lang pinched the man's throat.

After doing these things, Shen Lang left the hospital. With his skill, it is no problem to dazzle ordinary people's eyes, and no one will doubt him.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Lang called Yi Lian and asked her to come to Zheng's house too.

After that, Shen Lang took a taxi and rushed back to the Zheng family manor.

Everyone in the Zheng family was surprised to learn that Shen Lang was safe and sound.

Mrs. Zheng went out to greet Shen Lang in person.

Shen Lang could only say some pleasantries and returned to the villa. (To be continued)

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