Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4574 Fusion of Relics

Jin Chanzi's words reminded Shen Lang of the calligraphy and painting on the main hall of Fangcun Mountain in Sanxing Cave in Xianyue.

Since the sentence "I am the only one in heaven and earth" was spoken by the True Ancestor Wu Shi, why is this text also included in the calligraphy and painting in the main hall of Fangcun Mountain?

Shen Lang suddenly remembered that Jin Chanzi had previously said that the Unbeknownst True Ancestor had two major disciples, Taoist Jieyin and Taoist Zhunti.

Could it be that the true identity of Patriarch Bodhi is...

Shen Lang didn't want to think too much, clasped his fists towards Jin Chanzi and asked, "I wonder what kind of Zen meaning is hidden in this sentence?"

Jin Chanzi said with a smile: "It's very simple. What Wu Shi True Ancestor means is that there is no established truth in this world. Everyone has his own independent consciousness and knowledge, and everything is decided by the self."

"It is also the objective consciousness activities of all living beings that create this bizarre world. There is no absolute definition or restriction of everything. What you think is right is right, and what you think is wrong is wrong. Therefore, I am the only one in heaven and on earth."

Jin Chanzi clasped his hands together and said in a deep voice.

"I see……"

Shen Lang suddenly became enlightened and suddenly had a kind of enlightenment in his heart. His mood seemed to have improved unknowingly.

"As for this, little friend Shen Lang, do you have any experience?" Jin Chanzi asked seriously.

Shen Lang cupped his fists and said, "I can't say that I have any experience. I just feel that the so-called 'Tao follows nature, removing the false and retaining the true' seems to be the same as 'I am the only one in heaven and on earth'."

Jin Chanzi nodded and smiled: "Yes, it seems you have understood the true meaning."

"Buddhism and Taoism have the same origin. In other words, any power of faith that attempts to explain the origin of the world has the same origin. It is meaningless to pursue the source of a kind of power or belief."

"So, the truth about Buddha is nothing but illusion..."

Jin Chanzi's words could not help but make Shen Lang stand in awe.

Indeed, instead of searching for the source or belief, it is better to find the true self and believe in yourself.

Shen Lang couldn't help but think of the black-haired young man wearing a sheep skull mask who frequently appeared in his spiritual world. He had also reminded him to find his true self in reincarnation.

"Little friend Shen Lang, this time you came to the Mongolian Realm under the guidance of the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, presumably to find the answer to the problem, right?" Jin Chanzi suddenly asked.

Shen Lang cupped his fists and said, "Senior Jin Chanzi has a keen eye. This junior has indeed encountered some troubles. If possible, I would like to ask senior Jin Chanzi for some guidance."

Jin Chanzi said seriously: "Tell me and listen."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and told Jin Chanzi in complete detail what Yuanshi Tianzun had done and his plan to fight against Yuanshi Tianzun.

"That's what happened. This junior has reached the point where he has to fight against Yuanshi Tianzun. I wonder if senior Jin Chanzi can give some advice?"

Shen Lang asked respectfully.

Jin Chanzi said calmly: "Ren Deng Daoist has told me all the contents of the book of prophecy left by Taishang Daozu back then. Thanks to this, I also have a general idea of ​​your current situation."

"The chosen ones need to overcome many calamities in order to save the world, and Yuanshi Tianzun is just a part of your calamities."

"The reason why the name of Interpretation is Interpretation means to explain the secrets of heaven. Yuanshi Tianzun fell into the whirlpool of obsession and regarded the book of prophecy as the truth. He spent his whole life only to interpret the book of prophecy and to attain enlightenment."

"Speaking of which, he is quite similar to Tathagata, but the difference between him and Tathagata is that Yuanshi Tianzun's motives and purposes are stronger. It is almost impossible to make him turn around."

Jin Chanzi shook his head.

Shen Lang said in a deep voice: "Yuanshi Tianzun tried to absorb the interface energy with the imitation version of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, which has seriously threatened all living beings in the immortal world. If I want to stop him and eliminate the hidden danger, I can only find ways to kill him. "

Jin Chanzi said frankly: "Since you have made a decision in your heart, then make up your mind to do it your way. Although this residual will of mine cannot become a fighting force, it can still help you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Chanzi stretched out his right palm, and the relics in his palm burst out with dazzling golden light.

"Little friend Shen Lang, I have a way to fuse your soul with the Tathagata's relic, so that you can control the huge will power in this relic."

"Although this power of wish may not help you defeat the enemy, it can protect your soul and will from being harmed. In this way, the Yuanshi Tianzun will not be able to get involved in your soul and will, and you don't have to worry about being controlled by it."

As soon as Jin Chanzi said these words, Shen Lang's eyes lit up.

What he is most worried about is being controlled by Yuanshi Tianzun through special means. This is how Asura was used back then. Jin Chanzi can eliminate his worries, and Shen Lang no longer has to tie his hands and feet.

"How can this junior be so virtuous and capable of receiving such great kindness from Senior Jin Chanzi!"

Shen Lang felt flattered.

"There is no need to be modest. Helping you is helping the immortal world. This ray of my soul has been waiting for you here for so many years, and the purpose is just to help you in accordance with the promise made in the previous life."

Jin Chanzi smiled gently.

"Thank you, Senior Jin Chanzi."

Shen Lang's eyes were full of gratitude, and he bowed to Jin Chanzi's phantom of Buddha's light.

Jin Chanzi reminded: "Little friend Shen Lang, don't rush to say thank you. It is not easy for your soul to carry the relic of Tathagata. After all, there are still certain risks. Are you willing to give it a try?"

"Junior is willing to give it a try!"

Shen Lang said categorically that in order to eliminate hidden dangers, it was worth taking some risks.

"Without further delay, you should prepare immediately."

After Jin Chanzi said this, golden Buddha light shot out from his fingertips, as bright as the blazing sun, and drew a great formation of Buddha light in the cave.

Shen Lang followed Jin Chanzi's instructions and his soul left his body.

During the fusion process of Shen Lang's soul body and the relics, they cannot be interfered by any form of energy. Shen Lang followed Jin Chanzi's instructions and placed various immortal treasures in his soul body, such as the Fire Point Spear, Guangtian Palace, Immortal Killing Sword, etc. He took it out, placed it at the entrance of the coffin cave, and sealed it with a formation.

Afterwards, Shen Lang's soul sat in the Buddha's light formation, getting rid of distracting thoughts, waiting for Jin Chanzi to cast a spell.

I saw that Jin Chanzi's phantom of Buddha's light actually carried the Tathagata's relic directly into Shen Lang's soul!


A majestic and vast power of Buddha's light almost swallowed up Shen Lang.

Endless Buddha light burst out from Shen Lang's soul and enveloped the entire coffin cave.

Shen Lang's consciousness began to blur, he was gradually lost in the dazzling Buddha's light, and fainted.

Shen Lang, who was in a coma, seemed to have had a dream, a very strange dream...

The scene in the dream was different from before, it was no longer the sea of ​​blood.

Shen Lang fell into boundless darkness, with a turbid light lingering around him. He couldn't see his fingers, as if he was in a dark abyss.

In the deepest part of the dark abyss, a mysterious woman he had never seen before appeared!

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