Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4575 Eight Heavenly Dragons

The woman was wearing a red dress. Her figure was illusory and her appearance could not be clearly seen. Only her extremely delicate and delicate figure could be barely glimpsed. She seemed to be stunningly beautiful, but she gave people a sense of ethereal mystery and extreme danger.

For some reason, Shen Lang felt inexplicable sadness and anger in his heart after seeing the beautiful figure in the red dress in the dark abyss.

"Kill me, as you wish..."

The woman in the red dress floated over and whispered softly, her voice like a silver bell full of resentment and sadness.

Shen Lang's chest suddenly felt cramped, and he felt very sad. This kind of sadness... seemed so familiar that it couldn't be described in words.

"Will you be happy if you kill me?"

Amid the resentful questioning, the woman in the red dress stretched out her slender hand and touched Shen Lang's cheek.

At this moment, Shen Lang will once again transform into the black-haired young man wearing a sheep skull mask.


His eyes were filled with endless pain, sadness and anger, and he tremblingly questioned the woman in the red dress in front of him.

The woman in the red dress in front of me is so familiar, like the bitter wine brewed by time, unforgettable.

"Answer me! Why?"

The black-haired young man transformed by Shen Lang seemed to collapse in an instant, roaring at the top of his lungs at the woman in the red dress in front of him.

The woman in the blood skirt just sneered and did not respond to Shen Lang. Her figure gradually collapsed and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, endless darkness swallowed Shen Lang and drowned him.


The black-haired young man transformed by Shen Lang looked up to the sky and roared, heartbreaking, as if venting the pain in his heart.

This body is not controlled by Shen Lang. Shen Lang seems to be a bystander, watching everything silently.

But Shen Lang could actually feel the sadness and pain in the black-haired young man wearing a sheep skull mask.

Shen Lang didn't know who the woman in the red dress was, but he could roughly guess that this was the only tie to the power of will in his spiritual world.

Amidst the roar and roar of the black-haired young man, the surrounding space was drastically distorted.

Shen Lang's consciousness disappeared again and fell into a deep sleep again.

I do not know how long it has been……

Shen Lang slowly woke up. He was already sitting in the coffin cave. His whole body was covered with a layer of warm golden Buddha light, which filled his body like warm spring water and was refreshing.

The moment he opened his eyes, a towering Buddha light surged out of Shen Lang's body, filling the entire coffin cave!

Sensing the vast and majestic energy of Buddha's light in his soul body, Shen Lang looked at his soul body for the first time. As expected, the relics of the Tathagata Buddha merged with the soul body and appeared on the chest and abdomen of the soul body, releasing a steady stream of energy. Golden Buddha light.


Shen Lang was overjoyed. The relic had merged with his own soul. It seemed to be a success.

But there was no trace of Jin Chanzi in the coffin cave.

"Senior Jin Chanzi! Senior, where have you been?"

Shen Lang looked around the coffin cave and found no trace of Jin Chanzi, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

He immediately stood up and prepared to explore the surroundings.

A spiritual lantern emitting glazed light floated from the entrance of the cave, which was the coffin palace lantern.

The coffin palace lantern floated in the air and heard the voice of the ancient Buddha: "You don't have to shout. Jin Chanzi has spent all his strength to seal the relics into your soul. You have been unconscious for too long. Jin Chanzi didn't have time to say goodbye to you, so he only left a line of writing on the cave wall."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lotus flame on the coffin palace lantern shot out a ray of glass light and illuminated the cave wall.

I saw a line of large characters appearing on the cave wall.

Shen Lang's eyes hurriedly turned to the cave wall and only wrote on it:

"Little friend Shen Lang, I am very happy to meet you. You and I have talked very much. We are the same kind of people. It's a pity that I can't say goodbye to you. I hope this small gift can be of help to you and help you get through this. The road ahead is long. I hope you can move forward with perseverance, overcome all difficulties, and finally achieve success."

After reading the lines left by Jin Chanzi on the cave wall, Shen Lang felt sad.

Before he could say goodbye to Jin Chanzi, Jin Chanzi's remnant will had already disappeared, which was a pity.

"Senior Jin Chanzi is a great kindness, and I will never forget it!"

Shen Lang knelt down in front of the cave wall and kowtowed three times respectfully to show his respect and gratitude.

Jin Chanzi disappeared so quickly that Shen Lang felt a little dazed for a moment.

From the coffin palace lantern came the voice of the lamp-burning ancient Buddha: "You have been in a coma for a hundred days. Return to the body as soon as possible to avoid hidden dangers."


Shen Lang nodded solemnly, and his soul returned to his physical body.


At the moment when Shen Lang's soul returned to his physical body, Buddha's light like a huge flood overflowed from the soul body and swept through every flesh, organ, bone, and meridians of Shen Lang's body.

In an instant, the Buddha's light and vitality surging in Shen Lang's body were like a vast ocean, endless.

Thanks to the fusion of his soul and the relics of the Tathagata Buddha, Shen Lang's wisdom roots grew rapidly with the blessing of the Buddha's light. The golden dragon tattoo on his back was so hot that it suddenly started swimming behind Shen Lang!

This is not over yet.

I saw the golden dragon swimming behind Shen Lang actually starting to split into two, two into four, and four into eight, creating a total of eight completely different dragon-shaped tattoos!

There are golden dragons with bared teeth and claws, silver dragons with silver horns, white dragons with white scales, black dragons with billowing black flames, etc... Eight swimming dragons were wandering behind Shen Lang, exuding an eternal and heavy aura. !

"Eight Heavenly Dragons?"

Shen Lang was surprised and happy.

It is unbelievable that under the blessing of the Buddha's light from the relics, the wisdom root in Shen Lang's physical body grew like an enlightenment, and the physical will of the previous Dragon Subduing Venerable actually evolved into an eight-part celestial dragon!

At this moment, the eight dragon-shaped tattoos on Shen Lang's back broke out and turned into eight flying dragons of different shapes. They flew and roared above Shen Lang's head, and a heart-stopping dragon roar and low moan came out of his mouth. Unruly and shocking!


The eight heavenly dragons gathered together, and the strength of Shen Lang's physical will was greatly improved. The combat power of each heavenly dragon's will was comparable to that of a monk at the peak of Daluo. This shows how far Shen Lang's physical will has been strengthened!

After absorbing enough Buddhist light energy, the eight heavenly dragons' wills in Shen Lang's body returned to Shen Lang's body. The tattoo patterns of the eight heavenly dragons condensed on Shen Lang's back.

The energy released by the relic was too intense, and Shen Lang's wisdom and physical will could not completely digest the Buddha's light energy that the relic overflowed.

He only felt that endless Buddha's light and aspiration power poured out from his soul and poured into his whole body.

But the physical body carries too much energy, which may not be a good thing!

"Buzz buzz!"

Soon, the Buddha's light energy accumulated in Shen Lang's body surged like an overwhelming river. The huge accumulation of energy caused his muscles to swell, his meridians to bulge, his bones to crackle, and his body to swell.

He felt that his body was about to burst from the energy released by the relic!


Shen Lang's face became a little ugly.

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