The heavens and the worlds are in an extremely mysterious space.

This space is so mysterious that even the strongest above the saints don't know where they are.

However, in this originally mysterious and often empty world, a crack suddenly appeared, and a shadow of a person slowly appeared from this crack, and this shadow gradually elongated.

After a while, a person walked out from inside.

This person is wearing a Chinese robe, with a mysterious and simple ring on his finger.

The figure of this person is a little fat. After he came to this space, he immediately closed the space crack behind him, for fear that someone would find this space.

At the same time, he was also extremely vigilant now. He used his powerful God to search the surroundings, and after making sure that there was no one there, he slowly let go of his heart.

He walked aimlessly forward in this empty and mysterious space, and no one knew what his purpose was.

After walking for a long time.

A mysterious stone door appeared in front of his eyes.

This time, Shimen is completely made of countless black stones, full of mystery and weirdness.

No one knows which place behind this stone gate leads to, and what terrible thing is behind this stone gate.

Before he came to the stone gate, he finally showed a smile, and took off the quaint ring from his index finger.

Without any hesitation, he directly put the ring on the stone gate.

In an instant, a strange black light appeared in the middle of the stone gate.

This strange black light instantly created a space tunnel right in the middle of the stone gate.

However, no one knows where this space tunnel connects.

Without any hesitation, he directly stepped into this space tunnel again, wanting to go to the place leading to behind this stone gate.


"You're back, how are things going?"

Just a moment later, another mysterious place appeared. This mysterious place is completely out of the scope of the heavens and myriad worlds, and it has no meaning at all. I forgot yesterday that the power of the will of the universe exists. .

In front of him, an old man in a white robe appeared instantly.

After the old man saw him coming back, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face, and asked immediately.

"Let me tell the elders, I have almost explored the heavens and the world, and most of the descendants of the strong have already made secret hands. I only need to wait for the order of the sect to attack the heavens and the world."

When he saw the old man in white robe, he smiled smoothly and answered his question immediately.

Didn't he lurk for so long last night just to wait for this moment?

"Okay, very good, you go back to the sect to cultivate first, I will discuss it with the suzerain and the elders first, after all, the heavens and myriad realms are not so easy to capture."

The old man in white robe immediately said happily.

Sure enough, he didn't let himself down.



Among the heavens and worlds, Lin Mu, who was originally in the heavenly space of this middle world, suddenly opened his closed eyes.

"Have you finally shown your horse's feet? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, and Lingming, who had been paying attention to him for a long time, finally showed his feet.


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