In the heavenly space of the world that has been captured by oneself.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth.

After such a period of time, this guy Lingming finally couldn't help showing his feet.

Lingming has a hidden hand left behind by the system, no matter how capable he is, it is absolutely impossible for him to happen.

So he didn't know that when he went to borrow the person from the power behind him, everything about him was seen by Lin Mu.

He doesn't know that he has been completely exposed to the eyes of those big figures in the heavens and worlds.

These big shots are waiting for him to contact the force behind him. After all, these big shots from the heavens and worlds have been coveting resources other than yesterday for a long time, and now they just found a suitable excuse for them.

Looking at Lingming, this guy also reported his information to the person behind him.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate anymore, and directly took out the contact information that Hua Lan had left for him.

"Brother Hualan, long time no see."

After just a moment, Hua Lan's familiar face appeared in front of Lin Mu.

Of course, it is definitely not the deity, but a phantom.

"Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

Hua Lan looked at Lin Mu curiously, wondering what the reason he came to find her this time?

However, there was some excitement in his heart. If he could borrow some favors from him this time, it would be of great help to him in the future.

"Brother Hualan, do you still remember Lingming?"

Lin Mu smiled and said directly.

"Lingming, brother Lin, are you saying that the kid's back vision has been revealed, and you already know it."

Hua Lan was naturally not stupid. After hearing Lin Mu say this name, he had roughly guessed in his heart what Lin Mu was going to say to him.

Thinking that there was only him in the eyes here, he couldn't help but feel a gleam of joy.

At the same time, the trace of excitement on his face couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Unexpectedly, after such a short period of time, that guy has already exposed his feet.

This is a very surprising news.

Those old guys at the same level as him in the heavens and worlds were waiting for this moment.

They are greedy beyond the heavens, and the resources have not been known for how long.

"Brother Lin really has the means. After such a short time, he already knows the power behind that guy."

Hua Lan immediately smiled boldly: "I don't know where that guy showed his feet, and how did he contact the people in the power behind him!"

Hua Lan expected that Lin Mu would definitely not know the situation of those forces other than Zhutian, so he didn't ask the specific forces, but only asked where the two of them met.

As long as I can give myself a specific address, then I can follow the clues and find out the forces behind that kid thoroughly.

Even if I can't do it alone, there are still several strong people of the same level who are also interested in me at my height.

Especially the old guy from the Heavenly Organization, who has not been interested in the forces outside the heavens for many years, and just wants to take this opportunity to snatch some huge resources from the outside of the heavens.


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