After hearing this, Lin Mu didn't hide anything, and directly told Hua Lan the exact coordinates of that address.

After telling the story, Lin Mu also breathed out that the next thing has nothing to do with him, and the next thing is only something that only the big shots in the heavens and worlds can participate in.

Although he can barely be regarded as a big brother, but for those of you who stand on the top of the pyramid, there is still a big gap.

And he didn't have much interest in the huge resources and benefits, so he never planned to get involved in this matter.

If it wasn't because I let the system leave a dark hand on him at will, maybe I would only be interested in him a little bit, and I wouldn't stare at him like this all the time.

But now that he has shown his feet, he doesn't have to stare at him all the time like before.

Anyway, those big bosses who forgot yesterday would definitely be happy to do such a thing.

"Haha, I would like to thank brother Lin for getting along with me for such a long time. If there is no brother Lin, maybe some of us will always be kept in the dark. Dare to come to the heavens and worlds again."

"After this matter is over, we guys will naturally not treat Brother Lin badly."

"I'm here to assure Brother Lin that after the matter is over, I will personally give one-third of the money to Brother Lin as a thank you for what Brother Lin has done during this period of time."

Hua Lan was extremely happy now, and made a promise to Lin Mu with a big wave of his hand.

Although it is very distressing for him to hand over one-third of the resources with a promise, but when he thinks that he will have to rely on this brother in the future, he does not know that some things are getting better.

It is not a loss-making business for me to use one-third of the resources obtained in the next battle to make friends with a future real big shot from the heavens and the world.

Maybe I still won't lose money.

"How can this be done, Brother Hua Lan, the little brother just did a trivial thing, how can Brother Hua Lan do this? This is absolutely unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable."

After hearing Hua Lan's promise to him like this, if it were normal people, he would have paid it back long ago, but Lin Mu is not ordinary, he is not a person who can be blindfolded by interests.

Hua Lan, a powerful man above the majestic saints in the heavens and worlds, definitely has a plan to make friends with him in this way.

Otherwise, there is no need for a powerful person above a dignified saint to make friends with a person who has not yet broken through to that level.

Maybe, I accepted this promise this time, and I will return him a big favor in the future.

Moreover, Lin Mu doesn't lack any resources now, at least when he reaches above the saint, he doesn't lack resources.

Nor did they send out a big favor for this little resource.

"Hey, brother Lin, what you said is wrong. If there is no brother Lin, how can we find out that spies from outside the heavens have appeared in the heavens and worlds? If there is no brother Lin, how can we possibly find out Find out the power behind that spy?"

"So, brother Lin, everything you do is very important."


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