Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1075: The Wheel of Time and Space

And Lin Mu really doesn't know if the guy in the Space-Time Management Bureau really doesn't know what the treasure in his hand is, or is he deliberately pretending to be crazy?

Or he is already confident enough to ignore any strong man in the heavens and worlds.

But this is obviously impossible, even the strongest above the saints dare not say such a thing.

Not to mention a guy who is only a half-step saint.

Lin Mu really didn't know that this guy dared to use such a treasure so openly, and he could still live well.

"I'm going. Fortunately, I came here today. Otherwise, the car would really overturn later. I didn't expect this guy to have such a treasure in his hand."

Lin Mu immediately became vigilant.

He thought that this guy was no threat to him.

If it wasn't for his own whim, wanting to deploy another backhand, wanting to come to this space, and see what is worthy of his own layout again, maybe he didn't know that this guy held such a treasure in his hands in the end.

With such a treasure in his hands, he might really be able to make a comeback in the end.

"The wheel of time and space, such a good thing is in the hands of a half-step saint, and it seems to be using its energy every day. Don't those saints in the heavens and worlds feel it? Is there anything wrong? Or I don't feel any breath from it."

How lucky is this guy.

The Wheel of Time and Space can definitely be ranked among the top five treasures in the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

This is a treasure born from the top three space-time avenues among the heavens and myriad worlds. It is rumored that as long as one obtains such a treasure, anyone with such a treasure can control time and space.

Of course, it depends on the strength of the person who gets this baby.

If the strength is weak, then he can only control the time and space within his small area, but once the strength is strong, he may control the time and space of the entire world.

Moreover, the most special thing about this baby is that it can devour the power of time and space left in everyone, and then purify it to strengthen itself.

There is a legend in the heavens and worlds that if a strong man above a saint gets such a treasure, and his strength is raised to the highest level, then he may control the space-time avenue.

If this allows him to control the Dao of Time and Space, then there is no doubt that he is the most powerful existence in the heavens and worlds, even comparable to the will of the universe in the heavens and worlds.

Among the top ten avenues in the heavens and myriad worlds, only one person has succeeded in countless eras.

And that era was completely his world.

Even a strong man above a saint is not qualified to compete with him.

You can say that that era was completely suppressed by him alone.

Even the will of the universe of the heavens and worlds of that era should be afraid of him.

Moreover, he proved the eighth-ranked Karma Avenue.

If people shocked the third-ranked space-time avenue, then there would definitely be a big wave in the heavens and myriad worlds.

And this wheel of time and space, the most critical treasure that can win the avenue of time and space, is actually only in the hands of a half-step saint.

To be honest, Lin Mu has some red eyes now.


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