He does have some red eyes now.

There was even a hint of impulse in his heart, even if he didn't participate in this feast, he still wanted to get such a treasure.

Above the saint, it is only a matter of time before he can step into it sooner or later.

But I can't meet such a baby every time.

To be honest, once he owns the Wheel of Time and Space, plus the Dao Bottle in his hand, then he has a great hope of being able to prove the third-ranked Dao of Time and Space in the Heavens and Myriad Realms.

If that time comes, will there be anyone in the heavens and worlds who will be his opponent?

I am afraid that among the huge heavens and worlds, he can only have the final say.

"Host, calm down, this is not a complete wheel of time and space, if it is a real and complete wheel of time and space, it will be your turn."

When Lin Mu had some red dots and wanted to grab them, the sound of the system directly interrupted his delusion.

"To be honest, if it was really the wheel of time and space, according to this guy's unscrupulous use, he would have been beaten by the guy above the saint in the heavens and worlds. Which child can come to you at this time? Discover."

Lin Mu said angrily.

Can't you guess what's wrong in such a situation?

The Wheel of Time and Space is a treasure that can be ranked among the top five among the Heavens and Myriad Worlds. Once you get it, you may earn the third-ranked Time and Space Avenue among the All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

Who wouldn't be jealous of something like this?

Maybe there are countless strong men in the heavens and worlds staring at such a treasure.

According to the unscrupulous use of the guy in the Space-Time Management Bureau, he is not afraid of its aura leaking out at all, and it will be Lin Mu's turn to discover it.

Don't even think about it, it's definitely not the wheel of time and space.


The sudden words of the system made Lin Mu, who was excited, suddenly poured cold water on him.

"However, the aura that emerges is not much different from the wheel of time and space."

Lin Mu was still a little bit unwilling.

To be honest, even if he exchanged the wheel of time and space for his own chance of stepping above the saint, he would rather exchange such a treasure.

"Host, don't think too much, treasures on the wheel of time and space are hard to find, even if you do meet them, you may not be able to get them!"

"What this guy is holding is just an imitated wheel of time and space. It was imitated by a saint above the world countless years ago according to the information on the avenue of time and space. That's why he revealed The breath of such a huge space-time comes out."

"However, the gap between this thing and the real wheel of time and space is not a star and a half. This thing can only barely be called a holy treasure when it is raised to the highest level. The wheel of time and space is completely different if you can directly comprehend the entire complete space-time avenue after playing until the end."

"And, if it's true, according to this guy's behavior, maybe he was shot to death by a strong man above the saint."

Indeed, if you really got the real Wheel of Time and Space and dared to play like this, you would have been slapped at the door by the powerful saint who has been staring at the breath of the Wheel of Time and Space in the heavens and worlds long ago die.

However, such an imitation can be played like this.

Anyway, those strong men above the saints didn't pay too much attention to such things.


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