Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1083: Leave a dark hand behind

"go in!"

Zhou Beinan was talking nonsense with Xu Kang, and pointed to the small space in front of him and said to him.

This is the process that every person who is brought by oneself has to go through.

Although they don't know what the effect of this is, they just need to follow what the director ordered.


Xu Kang sighed helplessly, when had he ever been taught a lesson like this.

Normally, no one would dare to talk to him like this, and no one would tremble when seeing him.

But when he thought about where this place is, he immediately became paralyzed. The people here are not something he can afford to offend. If he offends the people here, he might be in trouble in the future .

So he could only respectfully follow Zhou Bei's instructions and go to that space.



This is the moment Lin Mu was waiting for. When Xu Kang went to this space, when the wheel of time and space began to operate, Lin Mu who was in a small world suddenly had a bright eye.

He had been staring at it for so long, waiting for such an opportunity.

Without any hesitation, he directly pushed the dark hand he had left on Xu Kang.


No one noticed that Xu Kang, who was washing away the residual power of time and space in the wheel of time and space, suddenly flashed a white light that was hard to detect.

Then it only existed for a moment, and disappeared in this huge space-time atmosphere in an instant, as if that white coat was just the remaining space-time breath.

Xu Kang now doesn't know what happened to him at that moment just now.

"Hehe, it really is a copy, and it's so easy to get."

After some arrangement, Lin Mu showed a smile.

Although there are some troubles in trying to manipulate this imitation wheel of time and space, it is still very easy once you find the opportunity.

No, as long as the person I use goes in, then I can easily leave a backhand inside.

This may also have something to do with the imitation of this time and space. If it is a real wheel of time and space, then even if Lin Mu tries his best, there is no way to leave any behind in it.

"However, this time, in order not to attract people's attention, it was only left in such a small spot, and it would not have much effect on this imitated Wheel of Time and Space."

"The next step is to catch a few unlucky ghosts again."

After Lin Mu felt the imitated wheel of time and space that his dark hands had determined to invade, he thought again.

In order to be vigilant, he didn't keep all his dark hands in at once.

After all, the guy in the Space-Time Management Bureau is at the same level as him. If he doesn't pay attention, maybe he will notice it.

At that time, everything I have done will be completely useless.

It is impossible for Lin Mu to let such a thing happen in his eyes.

So he would rather trouble a little than use all his dark hands at once.

Since this time it can be successful, then I have to trouble myself, find a few more unlucky ghosts, and then throw them into the space-time rift just like this time, and just wait for the people from the Space-Time Management Bureau to come to the door.


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