"Hey, I said why so many people like to die recently?"

"This is already the fifth person I have caught in the past few days."

Zhou Bei returned to his room with a tired face.

His face was full of tiredness.

What happened recently? Why are there so many overreaching guys in the world who dare to violate the rules set by their space-time administration?

Do those guys really think that their inferior concealment methods can really hide them from the law enforcement officers of the Space-Time Administration?

Where did they get such confidence.

"It will be fine after a while. When we catch more people, there will be fewer guys who are overconfident. After all, I don't believe that we have already made so many people, and there are still people who have the courage , dare to risk the limelight against us.”

The person who lived in the same room as him comforted him.

Although their space-time administration is also an extremely large force in the world, there are only a dozen or so law enforcement officers who go out.

So as long as some strong people try to travel through time and space in violation of the rules they set, they will personally arrest those people.

As for why they are so tired recently.

After all, traveling through the world and time is not a good thing.

It puts a huge burden on everyone who does it, so that's why they don't want to go out.

But they can't help it, who knows what's going on recently, so many strong people like to come here, you have to die at your own expense.

According to the rules set by their director, as long as someone in the world violates their rules and travels through time and space, then these law enforcement officers who go out must arrest them, or they will be punished for their profanity. It is also very serious.

However, Zhou Bei has never seen such a well-known guy who dared to risk being caught by his own people to violate their rules and travel through time and space again and again.

"It's still early for you to join the Space-Time Administration. This kind of phenomenon happens every few hundred years. I really don't know what those strong people are thinking. Do they really think they have that strength? It can fight against our space-time administration, it’s just funny.”

"After this period of work, you can rest, so for this period of time, let's go to that point, and the director may have rewards later."

Zhou Bei's roommate said again.

He has been in the Construction Management Bureau longer than Zhou Bei, so he naturally knows some things that he doesn't know.

That's why I said so.

"I hope so."

Zhou Bei has no choice now, but can only wait here, waiting for those strong men who like to die to calm down.

This way he has enough rest time.

"Alarm, alert, node 824 found space-time fluctuations, node 824 discovered space-time fluctuations, please go to this location to investigate the cause immediately, please go to this location to investigate the cause immediately."

Before Zhou Bei could take a sip of tea in peace, the system sounded again.

"I'm going, it's under my control again. Is there any mistake? This is the number one. Are there only some guys who really like to die like this?"


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