"I want to see what kind of interesting things there are in my hometown where I have lived for nearly twenty years."

The train was moving fast.

Soon to the next stop.

And it was only two stops away from Lin Mu's destination.

Just as Lin Mu closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the train to continue, a person suddenly sat on the empty seat beside him.

This person is a woman, her expression looks a little cold, there is a trace of anger in her eyes, and that delicate face is full of cold ice.

People want to avoid it when they see it.

It seems that this woman is not in a very good mood now, it can even be said to be very bad.

The woman sat silently after Lin Mu got sick, but kept typing on the phone, looking extremely angry.


A sound made Lin Mu, who had been resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing the woman sitting next to him, he smashed his mobile phone to the ground angrily.

"It's rich and willful."

Lin Mu looked at this scene and smiled.

If there is a disagreement, smash the mobile phone, and earn the mobile phone without money.

"Wait, why does this person look familiar?"

Originally, Lin Mu didn't intend to take care of this woman's affairs, but when he suddenly saw this woman's face, he felt a little familiar.

Lin Mu can be sure that he thought he knew this woman before.

Otherwise, at that moment just now, such a familiar situation would never have occurred.

Although hundreds of thousands of years have passed, what kind of existence it is, the saint has already stepped into the peak of the heavens and thousands of miles.

Although the memory is long gone, I will never forget it.

Once there is some familiarity, then he can be sure that this person has definitely met.

"Chen Ning!"

In his long-standing memories there, he found the exact same face as the woman in front of him.

But the face in his memory was a little green.

This is a classmate of his in college.

It's just that the two of them didn't have any intersection, they just nodded and said hello to each other when they met.

If Lin Mu remembers correctly, Chen Ning seems to be a person who doesn't like to talk too much, and although Lin Mu is not that kind of withdrawn person, but because he was born as an orphan, he always has a little inferiority complex in his heart, so He doesn't have many friends either.

It also belongs to the very inconspicuous existence among that kind of people.

Presumably, Chen Ning didn't recognize him because of this!

"Chen Ning, long time no see!"

Back in his hometown, when he met his old classmates, Lin Mu couldn't help saying hello.

At least he still has some surprises in his heart now.

After all, there are three great happy events in life, the high list title, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and meeting a friend in a foreign land.

Although it is not a foreign land now, for Lin Mu, it is considered an old friend whom he has not seen for a long time.

"Who are you……"

Chen Ning, who was originally looking extremely angry, suddenly heard the man sitting next to him say his name, and he seemed to know him, so don't show a trace of thought, thinking about where he met him this man.

But after thinking about it for a while, she still didn't find out who this man was.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became awkward.

"Was I that inconspicuous back then?"


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