"Why, the old classmates don't remember?"

"I, Lin Mu!"

Although Lin Mu felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he was so inconspicuous back then that he didn't even know his old classmates.

But in order to avoid such embarrassment from continuing, he had no choice but to say his name aloud.

"Lin Mu, it's such a coincidence that I can see you here."

After Lin Mu said her name, Chen Ning suddenly remembered who was the man sitting next to her?

"I haven't seen you for four years. You have changed a lot, so I didn't recognize you at the first time just now!"

Chen Ning smiled awkwardly.

Just now, she didn't recognize this one as her old classmate.

But this is no wonder to her. After all, Lin Mu has practiced for so many years and has undergone hundreds of thousands of years of changes. Although he has not changed too much now and when he left his hometown, there is an uneasy feeling in his whole body. Ordinary breath.

After all, no matter how much he tried to hide it, he couldn't hide the fact that he was above a saint.

Therefore, Chen Ning did not recognize it at the first time.

Because the changes are too great.

Especially that kind of inexplicable temperament.

"Back to Dong'an!"

Lin Mu asked again.

"Well! Go back to Dong'an to deal with some things."

Chen Ning said casually.

Although the two were classmates in college, they didn't have much contact during the four years of college, so they said a few words just now, and the two didn't continue talking.

Instead, he took care of his own affairs.

Moreover, Chen Ning seemed to be in an extremely bad mood now, even after thinking about it, he didn't have the interest to continue chatting.

Soon the train arrived at Dong'an Station.

The two got out of the car immediately.

"Old classmate, I'll go first, and see you next time."

Lin Mu came outside and said goodbye to Chen Ning, and then prepared to leave here.

"By the way, there will be a class reunion in three days, do you know?"

When Lin Mu was about to leave, Chen Ning who was behind said suddenly.

She remembered that Lin Mu was the only one who did not answer the incident that was mentioned in the university group a few days ago, and no one could be contacted until now.

If I just met here, I might as well tell you.

"classmate reunion?"

"I haven't watched the group recently!"

Lin Mu said casually, not only has he not seen it recently, he has not seen the group created by the university for nearly hundreds of thousands of years. If it were not for the things in his memory, they would not disappear with time. Maybe he doesn't even know Chen Ning at all.


Lin Mu thought for a while and asked again.

It is also a good thing to go back to my hometown and meet some old people in my hometown.

Maybe when I leave, I will never see them again.

After all, I will not stay in such an ordinary small world forever.

There are still many things in the heavens and worlds waiting for me to deal with.

"The third floor of Dong'an Hotel!"

"You say it in the group when the time comes, and someone will pick you up naturally."

After Chen Ning finished speaking, she didn't care whether Lin Mu answered or not, and left here directly.

She just remembered this incident and said it casually.

Whether he agrees or not is his own business.

“Dong An Hotel!”

"Then let's go!"


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