Wanling Pavilion.

"Well, Yun Zhou, where are you now?"

"I have broken through to Daluo Jinxian, what kind of realm have you got now, are you above the saint who broke through before?"

"Hmph! After so long, you don't come to see me!"

"I miss you so much, when can I go out to find you? I have already reached the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, but respecting her old man still doesn't allow me to go out."

At the highest point of Wanling Pavilion, An Yi is sitting here alone.

Looking beyond the starry sky, he wondered where Lin Mu is now.

She is a little unhappy now.

When Lin Mu left, he promised that he would come to see him after a while, but it has been so long, and he still hasn't come to see him.

What a man who doesn't count.

An Yi pouted.

Although she knew in her heart that Lin Mu didn't come to see her because he had his own affairs to deal with, she was still very upset.

Master, her old man clearly said that as long as she reaches the realm of Daluo Jinxian, she can let herself go out to practice.

But now that I have reached this level, my master still doesn't allow me to go out.

"Junior Sister, the Patriarch is looking for you, come over here."

While An Yi was in a daze, Mu Yu's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"I see, I'll be there right away."

An Yi heard Mu Yu's order and agreed without hesitation.

Master must have something to find him, maybe he allowed him to go out to practice.

Thinking of this, An Yi couldn't help feeling a little joy in his heart.

"Master, what do you want from me?"

Arriving in the space where Patriarch Wan Ling lived, An Yi asked.

At the same time, there was a hint of pleading in those small eyes.

Obviously, he wanted Patriarch Wan Ling to agree to his original request and let her go to the heavens and worlds to experience some experience.

"Ah Yi, the master promised you back then that when you reach Daluo Jinxian, you will be allowed to go to the heavens and ten thousand realms to practice, and now that you have broken through to that realm, it seems that it is time to go to the heavens and ten thousand realms Experienced."

"Otherwise, if you are not allowed to go out again, I guess my master will become a dishonest person in your mouth!"

Patriarch Wan Ling smiled, how could she not know why An Yi always wanted to go to the heavens and worlds to practice? It's just that she didn't say it directly.

"However, there are many dangerous things in the heavens and myriad worlds. If you don't pay attention, you may become enlightened, so you must be careful when you are practicing, and you must not agree to it, especially when you meet people, you must not take it lightly. trust others.”

The Patriarch Wan Ling ordered that although she had agreed that An Yi could go to the heavens and worlds to practice, she still felt a little worried about the only apprentice in her heart.

Especially in the past few years of getting along, she completely regarded her only apprentice as her own child, for fear that she would encounter any danger.

However, the women's university does not want to stay, she can't let An Yi stay here forever.

And it won't do her any good in the future. If she wants to become a strong person, she has to fight for her life instead of staying in the eagle's arms all the time.

"By the way, when you find Fellow Daoist Lin, remember to congratulate him on behalf of Master!"

Patriarch Wan Ling didn't know what he thought of, and said to her again.


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