Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1164 Give you ten breaths to consider

His patience was almost exhausted now, and he gave them a chance again and again, but they treated him like this, and didn't take his words to heart at all.

It seems that it is really necessary to kill one or two people to serve as an example. If they do not do this, they will not be emotionally willing to hand over the resources in their hands.

There was also some murderous intent in Hua Lan's eyes.

In fact, if it weren't for the fear that the crazy slaughter of myself and others would cause people in this world independent of the heavens to rebound wantonly, maybe the group of people in the heavens and myriad worlds would have let go of their shackles long ago.

"Once again, I will give you one last chance to tell me your decision to pay or not within ten breaths?"

The leader of the Heavenly Organization exuded an incomparably powerful aura, and the people on the other side were a little out of breath. After all, most of the people on their side who were above the saints had already been maimed or even crippled. One of them has completely turned into a useless person.

And their current tallest is only above the half-step saint of the old man in the head.

"It's simply deceiving people too much."

Seeing the arrogance of the leaders of the Heaven Organization, the people outside the heavens didn't take them seriously at all, and couldn't help but love and hate in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say a word.

During the past few years, they have also dealt with this role, and they also know that this role is not something they can afford. If they say the wrong thing, they may turn into dust and cease to exist in the next moment.

Therefore, most people can only scold the people of the heavens and the world in their hearts.

But most of them have never thought about it, if they hadn't coveted the heavens and the worlds, how could the people from the heavens and the worlds come to their territory directly?

How did the situation become like this?

In the final analysis, they are still not greedy enough.

It has swelled enough to think that it can compete with the heavens and myriad worlds.

"There are still five breaths!"

Following the voice of the leader of the Heavenly Organization, most people in the heavens and myriad worlds have revealed an extremely powerful aura.

And the people outside the heavens couldn't bear it completely, and even some weaker ones fell into a coma directly.

After all, under the coercion of a strong man of the level above a saint, not everyone can be calm.

Even the wretched old man's face began to turn pale now, he knew that now his own fate was in the hands of his own people.

If your own people don't agree, then maybe your own people will be completely wiped out by the person in front of you in the next moment, and there will not even be a bit of soul origin left.



Tian Tissue's hands looked very bad now, if they still didn't agree after he had finished speaking, then he really didn't suggest killing the killer ruthlessly.

Anyway, enough people have been killed in the heavens and worlds, so it is not recommended to have a few more dead souls on hand.

Among the people in the heavens and worlds, his desire for resources even ranks first.

And the contribution in this battle is also very large.

In the end, the resources he can obtain must not be underestimated.


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