That's why the leader of the Heavenly Organization would act like this.

I just wish I didn't immediately kill the opponents who were still hesitating, and then get their resources immediately.

After all, he wants to become a man who dominates the heavens and the world.

If there are no resources, how can I accomplish this lofty goal in my heart?

Moreover, I have been away from the heavens and worlds for so long, and I don't know what the current situation of my opponent is.

If I had known earlier, I should have left a spiritual sense in the heavens and worlds to check my old opponent all the time when I came here.

"Linghuai, it seems that Gu Xuan is impatient to get his own resources."

Hua Lan stood aside and watched Gu Xuan, the leader of the Tian Organization, perform there alone.

At the same time, he also secretly said to the ancestor Wan Ling who was standing beside him.

The one she met with An Yi in Wanling Pavilion before was just a ray of consciousness she left in the heavens and worlds, and she herself came out of the heavens.

After all, she is also one of the most powerful ancestors in the heavens and the world, and she also has a big family and a big business, and she also needs resources to support a lot of people.

"Hehe, isn't this normal? After all, if you have a big family and a big business, who doesn't want to get resources faster, let alone you don't want to."

"If you weren't afraid of the hidden forces in this world, maybe you would have started doing it a long time ago, so how could you continue to talk nonsense with these guys."

Linghuai didn't give Hua Lan any face at all, she gave him a blank look, and said casually.

Although Hua Lan is also a strong man in the world, but he has not established any power, so he is only single, and at most he can raise a few disciples and his own children.

It is estimated that coming with them this time is just to make a profit.

The resources he has are enough to support him, so he doesn't even know how important resources are in the eyes of people with big families like them.

"Hehe, the Heavenly Organization has been very active in the heavens and worlds recently, and even some established forces dare not provoke them easily, and I also heard that after Gu Xuan, he has violated us several times. The rules that are made, cannot be taken lightly.”

"However, several times, he has used the existence above a saint to directly force his hands on those who are not as good as himself."

Hua Lan looked at Gu Xuan with unclear eyes, as if he was planning something.

"What do you want to say?"

At this time, Linghuai also understood somewhat that Hua Lan didn't come to complain to herself at all, but as if she had something to say to herself.

And at this time, the people other than Zhu Tian finally agreed to their conditions. After all, compared with their own life, what is paying a little resources?

The resources are gone, but my life is still there. As long as my life is still there, the resources can be obtained again.

As for the Zongmen or something, it is gone now, and it will be rebuilt when the time comes.

As long as everyone is there, everything will be fine.

But if the ignorant people refuse to agree, then the people on their side may really die completely.

"Hmph, you guys are acquainted."

After Gu Xuan saw all this, he was finally willing to cooperate and withdrew his aura.


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