"what do you want to say in the end?"

"You don't want to have an affair with a guy like Gu Xuan, do you?"

Linghuai looked at Hua Lan who had a vague look in Gu Xuan's eyes.

"This guy has great ambitions. I even doubt that the entire heavens and worlds can't support his ambitions!"

A trace of fear appeared in Hua Lan's eyes.

"I can't be wrong, I have seen ambition in this guy's eyes many times, as long as he is given a chance, he will definitely dominate the heavens and the world, and beat us, the powerhouses above saints They were all trampled underfoot."

Although Linghuai was shocked by such words, he still felt a little incredible: "Does he have that ability? If he really wants to dominate the heavens and worlds, he has the confidence to defeat us all by himself Everyone?"

"Or if he really wants to dominate the world, does he have that ability?"

Hua Lan said: "Don't underestimate this guy, I always feel that this guy still knows something, maybe you have something that two people know, this guy also knows, it's just that this guy did something. Choose differently, you and I."

Linghuai said: "You mean that he wants to compete with Fellow Daoist Lin to see who is the real master of the Dao world, but there is not much hope for this, and there is even only one hope. Compared with wanting to dominate The heavens and myriad realms are even smaller, after all, there is that one beside Lin Daoyou."

"The existence of that person, can Gu Xuan really deal with it? I am afraid that only the will of the universe in the entire heavens and worlds can make that existence a little afraid!"

Linghuai still couldn't believe it, but this guy Gu Xuan already knew about Lin Mu's existence, so he could definitely know that there was that one beside Lin Mu. Now that he already knew about the existence of another one, he Does anyone else have the guts to compete with Lin Mu?

If he really dared to do this, did he think he didn't live long enough?

Hua Lan said: "Different from you and me, although you and I are above the saints, the group of strong people is also very young, but they have also experienced the existence of that era, but Gu Xuan and that unlucky ghost are here An era has achieved saints, they have never experienced the horror of that era, and they don't even know that it exists."

"So, if he doesn't know that because it exists, he still has the guts to compete with Brother Lin."

"I said, Hua Lan, are you worrying too much? Even if he has the qualifications to compete with Fellow Daoist Lin, so what, can he really defeat Fellow Daoist Lin?"

"After all, Fellow Daoist Lin still has that existence as his trump card. No matter how powerful Gu Xuan is, he still has no qualifications to be the opponent of that existence."

Linghuai, who had a hint of worry in his eyes just now, didn't know what he thought of, and couldn't help being enlightened for an instant, and began to persuade Hualan.

"That's right, Brother Lin does have the one who is playing the hole card by his side!"

"However, for some reason, Gu Xuan always gives me a feeling that I can't see through it. If I remember correctly, before he became a saint, he was still an unknown guy in the heavens and myriad worlds, but I don’t know why, but suddenly became a saint.”


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