"Forget it, we don't need to make wild guesses here, let's see when the time comes."

"According to time estimates, there is not much time left for Fellow Daoist Lin. In at most a thousand years, Fellow Daoist Lin should break through to the level of a saint. As long as we can protect him in secret at this time, don't let him He fell on his way to becoming more than a saint."

Linghuai now doesn't want to bring up this topic again. After all, the two of them are constantly guessing here, and there is no good result. It's better to wait until the time to see.

"Besides, I think our side's chances of winning are quite high. If Fellow Daoist Lin breaks through to surpass the saints, plus you and me plus Fellow Daoist Long, there will be four saints above."

"In addition to the old guys guarding the frontier, there are only nine of them in the entire heavens, and we already have four of them."

Hua Lan said: "That's right, it's too hasty to care about this situation now, your brother has not yet broken through to become a saint, and you still don't have the qualifications to contact the Dao world!"

"Let's go, go and start wrangling with those guys. I guess it's impossible for each of them to let go of their interests."

Hua Lan didn't think about it anymore, but left directly, following them to follow the people outside the heavens.

This group of people took their resources.

No matter what you say now, you still have the most resources.

They fought so hard for so many years, didn't they just wait until this moment?

Just when the two gangs came to the place where the resources were taken.

The powerhouses above the saints in the heavens and the worlds have all received a shocking news.

At the same time, these people also got up instantly, and everyone's face changed drastically.

There was even a look of complete disbelief in a few eyes.

"Your Excellency, what... what's wrong!"

The old man I mentioned outside the heavens couldn't help trembling when he saw these powerful men above the saints in the heavens and worlds suddenly make such expressions.

Could it be that they regretted it again?

You want to kill all your own people, and then directly grab food, land, and resources.

"Bastard, bastard, how is this possible, this is completely impossible, how long has it been?"

For some reason, Gu Xuan, the leader of the Heavenly Organization, couldn't help but began to yell. It can be seen that he is extremely angry now, and even had the urge to kill someone.

The complexions of the other strong men above the saints are not too good.

"How can this be?"

This is what most of them think in their hearts.

How long has passed, and someone from the heavens and worlds broke into the ninth floor of the Tao world.

Could it be those two guys who stayed behind in the heavens and worlds?

"Everyone, how to do it?"

Gu Xuan is very upset now, so upset that he wants to destroy everything he sees.

He didn't expect that the Dao Realm had already been taken by someone in such a short period of time. As long as he broke through the last level, he could become the master of the Dao Realm.

This means that the opportunities I have planned for a long time are completely useless.

He just came to fight outside the heavens, and such a huge change happened in the heavens and worlds.

"What else can I do? Is it possible that you are willing to stand alone on your head and shit."

"Go back to the heavens and the worlds to find that person. If he is willing to cooperate, it's fine. If he doesn't know people, then don't blame me for launching another war between the heavens."


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