Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 981: The First Step of Appreciation Ceremony

"We are really destined. It has been nearly a thousand years since the last time we parted!"

"I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, two of you will meet here."

After Long Wei saw Lin Mu, he also stood up immediately.

He laughed at Lin Mu.

"Under Lin Mu, I met Brother Long."

Lin Mu didn't talk nonsense, and continued to call Long Wei according to Hua Lan's address.

And there are also some guesses in his heart, these three guys should have guessed some of his own secrets that he doesn't even know, so he is so polite to himself, or else he talked about the three saints above A strong man, how could he be so polite to himself, a mere half-step saint.

Although he had guessed it, Lin Mu didn't show anything on his expression.

After all, if he slapped the face of the strongest above the three saints in public, then this beam would be a big one.

Lin Mu would never do such an irrational thing, and seeing that the powerhouse above the three saints did not have any malice towards him, and even wanted to make friends with him, it was even more impossible for Lin Mu to do so .

Instead, he showed a smile and bowed to Long Wei, which meant that he recognized Long Wei as his elder brother.

"Haha, brother Lin, that brother just made a loud noise."

Seeing this, Long Wei couldn't show a smile. It seemed that the good relationship he deliberately made last time had played a role.


"Old Ancestor, the time has come, and the apprentice ceremony will begin soon."

While Lin Mu was chatting happily with these three saintly men from the heavens and myriad worlds, Mu Yu couldn't help coming up again, and carefully said to Patriarch Wan Ling.

"Well, let's announce the start."

Patriarch Wan Ling looked at the current weather and couldn't help saying to Mu Yu.

At the same time, there was a hint of anticipation in his heart.

After all, this is the first time I have accepted an apprentice when I have problems, and it is still such a big event.

Most of the strong men in the heavens and worlds have noticed this place.

This did not know how to make her face.

"The time has come, let's get up!"

With Mu Yu standing on the high platform as the host, the teacher apprenticeship ceremony also began slowly in such an atmosphere.

An Yi was dressed in a fine attire, walking towards them with a solemn face.

At the same time, he held a cup of tea respectfully in his hand.

"Disciple An has also met Master, Master please drink tea."

An Yi slowly walked in front of Patriarch Wan Ling. After seeing Lin Mu, there was a slight difference in her face. It seemed that she didn't expect Lin Mu to be in the front row.

Before that, she already knew that only those saints and powerhouses in the heavens and myriad worlds were qualified to sit in the front row.

However, I didn't expect that Lin Mu was sitting in the front row, and he seemed to be having a good time getting along with these powerful men above the saints.

"Sure enough, Yun Zhou is still the best. What about the seat that can only be seated above a saint? My Yun Zhou can still sit!"

Seeing this scene, An Yi couldn't help feeling a little proud in his heart.

However, it didn't show up, and it only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared in an instant.

After all, there are still countless powerful people staring at him in this scene.


Patriarch Wan Ling took the teacup in An Yi's hand and drank it slowly.

This also means that the first step of the apprentice ceremony has been completed.


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