
Patriarch Wan Ling took the teacup from An Yi's hand, and drank it all.

There was a gleam of joy in his eyes.

This also means that An Yi has recognized himself as a master.

And it was witnessed under the eyes of so many strong men in the heavens and worlds.

Then came the second part of the apprenticeship ceremony. There is an unwritten rule in the circle of these strong men in the heavens and worlds.

Every strong man who wants to accept an apprentice must give his apprentice a treasure, otherwise he will be looked down upon by the strong men of the same level as himself in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The ancestor of Wanling is naturally no exception, and he is still in such a grand event.

If he is stingy at this time, then it is estimated that as long as tomorrow his reputation will be stinky in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The ancestor of Wan Ling would naturally not do such a thing.

"Ayi, you are the first to join the teacher's sect, and you will not be stingy as a teacher. This is a treasure you got in a certain ruin when you were a half-step saint."

"The opportunity for this treasure is not ordinary. As a teacher, he has encountered countless dangers on the way to becoming stronger, and even almost fell as a teacher a few times. However, there have been several fatal dangers because of this one thing. Only with the Supreme Treasure as the teacher can we get through it safely."

"However, at the current state of being a teacher, this treasure is no longer needed, so I will entrust this treasure to you today."

Patriarch Wan Ling thought for a while, thinking about what kind of treasure to give, whether it was for his first apprentice.

But only thought about it for a while.

She thought of something from her magic weapon, which had already piled up like a mountain of space rings.

It can be said that when he did not break through to become a saint, this treasure was what she depended on for survival.

If he didn't have this magic weapon, he might have already fallen several times by now.

"This treasure is called the Fallen Star, and it is a magic weapon for self-defense. As long as you are not attacked by a strong man above a saint, you can completely defend against the attacks of most strong men."

The ancestor of Wan Ling didn't hesitate, and directly handed the magic weapon in his hand to An Yi.

"Thank you, Master!"

In the past few days, An Yi also almost knew the process of accepting disciples by these strong men in the heavens and myriad worlds, so there was a gleam of joy on his face, and without hesitation, he directly took over the old Wan Ling. The treasure in the hands of the ancestors.

"The few of you are at least powerful above the majestic saints of all heavens and ten thousand realms. You don't want to be stingy with such a junior, do you?"

After the ancestor Wan Ling gave it to him, he turned his head to the other two.

Hua Lan and Long Wei looked at each other and smiled, not surprised.

This is the price of both of them doing the front row.

Patriarch Wan Ling accepted his apprentice and the two of them had to show a lot of blood.

And the gifts they give can't be too low, after all, they are the strongest above the dignified saints of the heavens and the world, if the gifts they give are too low-level, maybe there will be people in the heavens and the world Come and laugh at them for being stingy.

However, the two had already prepared before they came here, so there was no Silk Road, and they directly took out the gift they had prepared for An Yi from their space ring.

"Linghuai, you have finally accepted an apprentice, and the gift we give will not be too low."


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