Godly Student

Chapter 5071 Desire!

"Everything will follow the young master's arrangements. Naturally, we have no objection!" Everyone nodded.

To be honest, they all know it very well.

The reason why this plan was so smooth and successful was mostly due to the young master.

If there is really a hard nut to crack, the young master will help solve it.

There are no more difficulties, and their numbers are far greater than the defenders of the city. Since the young master took Xingle City, no city can stop them.

That's why they were able to achieve such a big gain in such a short period of time.

If it is really divided, at least half of it is due to the young master.

But they were not sure whether the young master also wanted to share the credit with them?

If we really share it with them, then the territory they can share may not be as much as imagined.

But they couldn't say anything, after all, their achievements were there.

"How many territories you have conquered, these territories are all yours. As for how to divide the credit, it is based on the number of troops sent, the number of troops lost, and the price paid in each war. You can calculate it yourself. I will not participate in.

But my only requirement is that it be fair and reasonable. As long as you all can accept such rules, you can divide these territories among yourself.

After all, there are only a few of your outer dynasties that can be connected to the Nanping Alliance. The territory allocated to you will definitely need to be adjusted by then, and you will have to discuss this yourself.

But I also have an opinion. If you really want to share a piece of such a large territory, you may not be willing to exchange your own territory.

Instead of doing this, you can only count the merits now, and then everyone will manage the entire Nanping Alliance together. As for the harvest, you can allocate it according to your merit! Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to compete with these foreign dynasties for these territories.

What's more, it doesn't make sense for him to win these territories. As long as it can help the Cheng family develop, it is enough.

After all, the Cheng family's territory is already very large. If it is really not enough, it can just expand its sphere of influence outwards again. There is no reason to go so far away to allocate a piece of land, and it will be troublesome to manage.

So that's what he advised them.

The territories of the foreign dynasties are not here. Now that we have been allocated a piece of land in the Nanping Alliance, isn't it an enclave?

Even for Jiangyang Waichao and Pingyuan Waichao, although they are connected to Nanping Waichao, if the territory they are assigned is not connected to their own territory, this is a very troublesome matter, let alone other foreign affairs. toward.

Therefore, he believes that it is best not to break up the entire Nanping Alliance, and let everyone manage the entire Nanping Alliance together. In this case, it will be much easier for everyone to distribute the profits in proportion.

The king of foreigners also fell silent when he heard this. I have to say that what the young master said is indeed a big problem.

If they do carve out a piece of territory here, it will be difficult to manage.

Although according to the young master's idea, this territory should not be divided, and everyone should manage the entire Nanping Alliance together, it would be much easier to distribute the benefits according to all the profits.

After all, it is definitely more difficult to manage the entire Nanping Alliance with everyone than to send troops to defend an area alone.

If there are too many troops, your own base camp will not be enough. And if you have to send ten troops for a small profit, isn't it a bit wasteful?

If there are too few troops, it will be impossible to defend at all, which is also a waste. It is better not to send troops at all.

So thinking about it this way, it is definitely the most appropriate way for everyone to arrange appropriate forces according to the distribution ratio and manage the Nanping Alliance together.

"The young master is right. We will not separate this land. We can manage the Nanping Alliance together and distribute the benefits every year. What do you think?" Danqing Waiwang thought for a while and said.

"I have no opinion!"

"I have no objection either!"

"Just follow this method!" These foreign kings obviously also want to understand the problem. The young master's proposal can indeed solve this problem very well, so naturally they will not object.

"So now you just need to think about how to record this credit, and then think about protecting this territory. In the future, you can distribute the profits on time!" Cheng Yu said.

Calculating the credit for laying down such a large territory was a troublesome matter, so naturally he didn't want to bother with it and let them discuss it themselves!

"Thank you for reminding me, young master. We understand and we will arrange the distribution of benefits." The king of foreigners nodded.

"Although I will not interfere in the distribution of your interests, I still say that it is fair and just. If any of you are dissatisfied with the distribution, you can come to me and I will make the decision for you!" Cheng Yu said.

"Thank you, Master!" Everyone was happy. With the Master's words, they would not suffer too much.

Especially for Jiangchuan Waiwang and others who sent too few people, they would not have an advantage.

As for Danqing Waiwang, they themselves are powerful, and it is normal for them to distribute more benefits. He is worried that they will use their own advantages to reduce the interests of these small foreign dynasties as much as possible, which will not be good.

Even the relationship between Danqing Waiwang and the young master is closer than him, but the young master has spoken like this. If the benefits are unevenly distributed, the young master will not turn a blind eye!

But now he does have some regrets. With his 80,000 people, even if King Danqing Waiwang will distribute the benefits to him fairly, I'm afraid it won't be many.

What's more, he has never let his troops rush to the front, so he doesn't know how much benefit King Danqing will give him!

"Master, now our plan is completed, then we..." Seeing those foreign kings going to discuss how to calculate their own merits, the envoys who had been following Cheng Yu finally endured Can't stand it anymore.

Cheng Yu had said before that they would not be able to obtain the young master's resources until the plan was completed.

So for more than a year, they have really worked hard, and they have been particularly active in every mission.

In many cases, there is no need for them to take action, but in order to get the resources promised by Cheng Yu as soon as possible, they still have to worry about it.

Catch what should be caught and kill what should be killed, but there was no sloppiness at all, which also made those foreign kings extremely happy.

With the help of these envoys, the city was attacked one after another, which greatly reduced their losses, and they were naturally grateful.

But how did they know that the reason why these envoys were so active was entirely for themselves and for the long-awaited resources.

"What do you think of your performance for so long?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Master, we have worked hard for more than a year. I think our contribution is not small. You should fulfill your promise to us, right?" Hua Lao suddenly became anxious when he saw that Cheng Yu didn't seem to be planning to give them resources. .

"Yes, young master, you won't want to cheat again this time, right?" Others also became anxious.

They have worked so hard to lead various armies to continuously attack cities and territories. If the young master still refuses to fulfill his promise, it will be very disappointing to them.

"When did I say I wouldn't fulfill my promise to you? And when did I lie to you?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Then can you give us the 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng and the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill now?" Hua Lao asked expectantly.

"I can give each of you a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng!" Cheng Yu said.

"What about the Wangpin Divine Pill?" everyone asked anxiously.

Compared to the Blood Spirit Ginseng, they naturally wanted the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill more.

Although refining the King-grade Spirit-Cultivation Pill also requires Blood Spirit Ginseng, there is no way to refine the King-grade Spirit-Cultivation Pill with only Blood Spirit Ginseng. Other auxiliary drugs are still needed.

However, their main medicine is 30,000-year-old blood ginseng. If they use ordinary auxiliary medicine, it will definitely be a waste of blood ginseng. In this way, they will not be able to refine the king-grade blood ginseng.

And even if they have all the elixirs, they still don't know how to refine the king-grade god-cultivating elixirs, so they can only recruit high-level alchemists.

Let’s not talk about whether these senior alchemists also have the ability of the young master. One blood ginseng can refine nine king-grade god-cultivating pills. Even if nine are really refined, these senior alchemists will at least be able to refine them. Take five, maybe even more.

Therefore, the number of Wang-grade God-cultivating Pills they finally obtained was only four at most.

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, they definitely hope that Cheng Yu will give them the Wangpin Divine Pill instead of the Blood Spirit Ginseng.

"I did say that I would give you these things before, but I did not wait until this plan is completed before I will definitely give you the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill.

You should know very well how valuable this 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng is, and you should know even more how valuable the nine King-grade God-Cultivation Pills are. No matter where you go to buy these things, you will never be able to buy them. "Cheng Yu said.

"But Master, you didn't say no before!" Hua Lao said.

"Yes, but I have said that it depends on your performance and the contributions you have made. I have indeed noticed your efforts in the past year or so.

But you should ask yourselves, in just over a year, each of you has obtained a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng. Have you lost money?

Do you think your achievements this year are enough to exchange for my nine King-grade God-Cultivation Pills? Cheng Yu asked rhetorically.

"This...but..." Everyone was stunned. Of course they knew there was nothing wrong with what Cheng Yu said.

Not to mention the 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng, they had never seen even the 10,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng.

If this 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng is brought to an auction house, people will definitely go crazy. No matter how high the price is, it is possible.

But now, in just over a year, they actually have a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng.

To be honest, they really didn't lose at all, but they were really eager for the Wangpin Divine Cultivation Pill.

Because compared with it, the 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng obviously pales in comparison!

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