Godly Student

Chapter 5072 Not qualified enough!

"Why are you so anxious? You have only been following me for more than a year, and now you have earned a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng. Isn't this still profitable?

You have been out there for so many years, have you ever come up with something more precious than my 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng? Cheng Yu asked.

"Uh..." Fortunately, everyone was wearing masks, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

They have been around for so many years, and it is already amazing to have such strength.

But if I have anything more precious than this 30,000-year-old blood spirit ginseng, I really can't get it.

What's more, these 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng is already marketable and priceless. Although everyone wants it, no one can actually estimate its value. No matter how much you pay, no one is willing to sell it.

Just like them, if Cheng Yu really gave each of them a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng, how could they be willing to sell it?

They would rather hand it over to those high-level alchemists, even if they could only get one or two king-grade god-cultivating pills in the end, it would be more cost-effective than selling them.

Because these things cannot be bought with money. On the other hand, you sell this thing and then use the money to buy it back?

That is simply impossible. If you sell it ten times more, they may not be willing to sell it.

Therefore, this is enough to show how precious such a 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng is, not to mention that in just over a year, more than a dozen of them each owned one. This is really a bargain. .

Thinking about it this way, they still want nine of the Wang-grade God-Cultivation Pills, which is indeed a bit too greedy.

"Then Master, can you give us another time, or a specific task? If we complete it, can you give us the nine King-grade God-Cultivation Pills?" Hua Lao asked impatiently.

"Of course, I never said I wouldn't give you the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill. I just want you to understand that what you get should match your contribution!

But I want to remind you that although I am easy to talk to, I hope you can understand your identity.

Don't think that you are willing to help me because I have something to give you. Even if I have nothing to give you, you have no reason to refuse us what I want you to do!

It's just that I always like to convince people with virtue. Since you are members of my holy dynasty, and I happen to have what you need, I naturally don't need to be stingy. I will give it to you if I can.

Do you understand? "Cheng Yu reminded them.

"What the young master said is that we naturally know our identity. Even if the young master has nothing to give us in the future, we will definitely be loyal to the young master and listen to the young master's orders!" Everyone was shocked. Naturally they understood the meaning of Cheng Yu's words, and they did not dare to Violate the blood oath of heaven that you have made.

That's right, they are just Cheng Yu's followers now. To put it harshly, they are slaves.

So even if Cheng Yu doesn't give them these elixirs, they can still do it beautifully if Cheng Yu just says a word.

However, they are not ungrateful people. If the young master really gave them the Wangpin Divine Pill, they would still repay the young master even without these binding relationships.

"Don't worry, there will be too many opportunities like this in the future, I'm afraid you are not brave enough!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Master, tell me, what else are we afraid of?" Now, several of them were unhappy.

"Really? Do you know what is the most terrifying thing about the dynasty?" Cheng Yu asked.

"This... must be the internal dynasty. I heard that the most powerful people in the dynasty are there, including the leader of the dynasty." Mr. Di said.

"Yes, since you are so brave, do you dare to kill the inner court?" Cheng Yu then asked.

"Kill... kill to the inner court? Master, are you kidding?" After hearing this, everyone was really frightened.

Even wearing a mask, you can feel everyone's shock.

They didn't know that Cheng Yu wanted to deal with the Inner Dynasty just now, but they really didn't think that Cheng Yu had the idea of ​​killing the Inner Dynasty. This was really crazy.

"Master, this is no joke. If you want to destroy the Inner Dynasty, you can do it, but you have to do it slowly. But if you want to enter the Inner Dynasty, this is really not possible." Hai Lao said worriedly.

What kind of place is the Inner Dynasty? It is the core of the dynasty. The most powerful figures in the dynasty live there. If they really break in, they still want to get out?

"Didn't you just say that there is nothing you are afraid of? What? Are you scared now?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"This... other places are OK, but this place, it really doesn't work!" Mr. He said.

Although he also wanted the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill, if he wanted to go to the Inner Dynasty, no matter how precious this King-grade God-Cultivation Pill was, it would be useless.

Because once they go in, it's impossible for them to come out again, their lives are gone, and it's useless no matter how many Wang-grade God-Cultivation Pills they have.

"In this case, you can no longer press me for the Wangpin Divine Pill!" Cheng Yu said nonchalantly.

Because he himself planned to let them go to the Inner Dynasty. Although their strength was good, they did not have any advantage in the Inner Dynasty. Even if they did go, it would be in vain.

What he said was nothing more than an excuse to shut their mouths.

Since they don't dare to go to the inner court, there is no reason to always ask him for the Wangpin Divine Pill.

"Young Master, you don't want to give us Wangpin Divine Pill, so you are deliberately using this method to reject us, right?" Hua Lao was a little skeptical.

"I didn't say I won't give you the King-grade God-Cultivation Pills. I just told you not to keep asking me for the King-grade God-Cultivation Pills. Because in addition to this task, you want to get nine King-grade God-Cultivation Pills at once. That is absolutely impossible.

It’s impossible for me to give you nine king-grade god-cultivating pills just by giving us a random mission. Otherwise, my Wangpin Divine Cultivation Pill is too worthless.

Of course, I can give you these 30,000-year-old Blood Spirit Ginseng right now. If you really can't wait, maybe you can find a senior alchemist who can refine the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill yourself.

However, what I can tell you for sure is that if you want to refine more king-grade god-cultivating pills, it is best for all the auxiliary medicines to be at least ten thousand years old, so that the chance of becoming a pill is higher.

Otherwise, this Blood Spirit Ginseng would basically be wasted.

Moreover, not everyone can refine nine king-grade god-cultivating elixirs from one blood ginseng. In addition, others will not help you refine the elixirs in vain, and some of the elixirs will definitely be taken away.

Therefore, if you really want someone else to practice on your behalf, you must think carefully about it. "Cheng Yu reminded.

To be honest, not everyone can refine the Wangpin Divine Pill.

Even a high-level alchemist with tangible elixir fire will not be able to refine a king-level divine elixir if he is not strong enough.

So if you really have to ask them to find someone to make elixirs, they may not be able to find one.

"Of course we know this, so we still hope that the young master can help us make elixirs!" Everyone knew clearly that it was not reliable at all to find someone else to make elixirs.

After all, if Cheng Yu made it for them, they wouldn't need to find other auxiliary medicines at all.

Just like what Cheng Yu said just now, if you want to refine the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill, the auxiliary ingredients must be at least 10,000 years old. So where can they find it?

At least they didn't think those high-level alchemists would help them come up with these auxiliary medicines.

If they are really willing to provide auxiliary medicine, then even if they really use a blood ginseng to refine nine king-grade god-cultivating pills, it is estimated that they will only have one in their hands.

So there was no need to think too much, they knew very well that it was most cost-effective to let the young master help them refine elixirs.

Not only do they no longer need to buy additional auxiliary medicines, but they can also actually get nine king-grade god-cultivating pills without taking any commission.

"There is no problem if you want me to help you make elixirs, but again, after you have made enough contributions, I will naturally not refuse your request." Cheng Yu had long known that they would choose this way.

"Then young master, what plans do we have now? We can't wait any longer!" Seeing the young master say this, what else can they say? I just ask the young master to arrange more meaningful tasks for them.

Otherwise, there will always be missions that are unchallenging. I am afraid that in a few years, they will not be able to obtain the nine king-grade divine cultivation pills.

"Don't rush the plan. Since you want the King-grade Divine Cultivation Pill, do you still want this Blood Spirit Ginseng?" Cheng Yu asked.

"This...can you give it to us first?" Several people were stunned at first, but also hesitated.

Anyway, this blood ginseng is going to be refined into elixirs, so it is useless even if you hold it in your hand.

But if they don't take it, if they need the blood ginseng, they don't know if they can still get it.

"Of course it's up to you. If you want it now, I can give it to you. When you are qualified to get the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill, just give me the Blood Spirit Ginseng!" Cheng Yu said very casually. He gave each of them a Blood Spirit Ginseng because he didn't care about this.

Anyway, these Blood Spirit Ginsengs have been prepared for them, so there is no need for him to hold them in his hands. On the contrary, it seems that his layout is too small, and he seems reluctant to part with them.

"This..." Everyone looked at the Blood Spirit Ginseng in their hands, their hands were trembling, and they even couldn't believe it.

This is a 30,000-year-old blood spirit ginseng, but the young master is so casual, as if it is an ordinary medicinal herb.

But to them, this Blood Spirit Ginseng is really a treasure, something that no amount of money can buy.

"Now the Blood Spirit Ginseng has been given to you, but I have to remind you that before you are not qualified to get the King-grade God-Cultivation Pill, this Blood Spirit Ginseng must be well preserved and do not let the potency dissipate, let alone lose it.

If the power of the medicine dissipates, I will not be able to refine the nine God-Cultivation Pills. If you lose the Blood Spirit Ginseng, then I will not refine the God-Cultivation Pill for you. "Cheng Yu reminded again.

"This... Young Master, I'd better leave this Blood Spirit Ginseng to you for safekeeping!" Di Lao thought for a while, but returned his Blood Spirit Ginseng to Cheng Yu.

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