Godly Student

Chapter 5181 Think about the consequences!

There was no one present who did not hate the Holy Dynasty. However, although they were the elders in charge of the Inner Dynasty, they did not have the ability to destroy the Holy Dynasty.

Now the only one who can destroy the Holy Dynasty is the Lord.

"But the Lord has his own ideas. He is not willing to send troops to counterattack the Holy Dynasty now, and I have no choice!" The great elder sighed, feeling extremely helpless.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that the Lord would take action.

And every time they went to Tianqiong Peak to meet the Lord, this meaning was actually vaguely revealed in their words.

He believed that the Lord must also understand their thoughts, but the Lord was unwilling to send troops, what else could he do?

Do they still dare to force the Lord to send troops?

"Aren't you worried at all, Your Majesty? If this continues, we may even attack the inner court!" Zhu Yuheng said.

"Perhaps the Lord knows that as long as he takes action, he can reverse the situation at any time, so he is not worried.

Even if the Holy Dynasty really kills the Inner Dynasty, it would be even better. The Lord can kill the Holy Dynasty cleanly without even going out to the Inner Dynasty. "Meng Gaoyu said.

"But even if this is the case, none of us except the Lord can bear it. Especially over the years, our inner dynasty has also lost many people.

The foreign dynasties outside were either destroyed by the holy dynasty and the rebel dynasty, or were annexed by them.

Even if these rebel dynasties will still be forced to join us in the future because of the situation, but so many capable people have died, it is impossible for these to come back.

The world has finally returned to the hands of our inner dynasty, and our strength cannot be compared with before.

And I don’t think the Holy Dynasty is really that easy to clear out. Would they be so stupid that they all come to the Inner Dynasty to be killed by the Lord? "Zhu Yuheng said.

"That's why the Lord needs us to find the Holy Dynasty's home base so that we can wipe out the Holy Dynasty in one fell swoop!" said Hong Yuansong, the fifth elder.

“But in order to find the Holy Dynasty’s home base, we almost all died outside, and we gained nothing at all.

In this case, we can no longer sit still and wait for death. I think if we take the initiative and kill all the masters of the Holy Dynasty, will those guys in the Holy Dynasty's lair still be able to sit still?

Even if we don’t look for them, they will come looking for us! "Shen Xiulin said.

To be honest, this time they went out to look for the Holy Dynasty's lair. If it hadn't been for the third elder Meng Taining who risked his life to save them, none of them might have been able to come back.

Now he doesn't dare to go out and look for the Holy Spirit's lair anymore.

This time we haven't found it yet. What will happen if we really find the Holy Dynasty's lair?

I really can’t even think about it.

To be honest, in the days when he first returned to the Inner Dynasty, he had nightmares every day. He dreamed of being chased by the masters of the Holy Dynasty every day, and often dreamed of the scene where the third elder blew his own magic weapon.

Now I feel that there is no safer place in the world than Inner Dynasty.

But he knew very well in his heart that if the holy dynasty was not eliminated, the inner dynasty would become unsafe sooner or later.

Therefore, he felt that it was not that important to find the base of the Holy Dynasty. He should suppress the Holy Dynasty first and eliminate some of their new forces first.

At least they won't have to face more Holy Dynasty armies in the future.

"What he said is true, but the Lord is unwilling to take action. It's just a few of us leading the army out. Let's not talk about whether the Lord agrees or not. Even if they agree, I don't think we may be the opponents of the Holy Dynasty.

A few years ago, we dispatched millions of troops. What happened in the end? Let alone the Holy Dynasty's army, we didn't even kill many of the rebel army.

And now there are fewer and fewer outer dynasties who are loyal to our inner dynasty. How can this small amount of troops help us?

It sounds like we still have to send troops from the Inner Dynasty, but if this continues, how long will the Inner Dynasty's army last?

Therefore, if the Lord does not take action, everything will be meaningless! "The great elder objected.

"What I mean is that the Lord will take us to send troops to destroy part of the Holy Dynasty's army." Shen Xiulin said.

If the Lord refuses to go with them, then even if the Lord agrees to send troops, he will not dare to lead the troops out. He is really afraid.

"You want the Lord to personally lead the troops to annihilate the Holy Dynasty army? It's a good idea, but do you think this is possible?" the great elder asked.

If they could get their lord to take action, they would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?

"It is impossible for the Lord to take action now!" The fifth elder also shook his head.

"What is the Lord thinking? As long as he is willing to take action, all the difficulties we are facing now can be easily solved. Why is he just unwilling to take action?" Shen Xiulin was angry and anxious.

Three of the five chief elders were already dead, but the Lord didn't seem to care about the lives of these people at all.

Now the holy pilgrimage has almost arrived at their doorstep.

But if the Lord continues to maintain this attitude, the holy pilgrimage will come to the door sooner or later.

By then all of them will be dead, let's see if he can take action.

But he didn't dare to say this openly, he could only be angry in his heart.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty?" the fifth elder said.

"Is the Lord afraid that he cannot defeat the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty? But he is so strong, how could he not be able to defeat the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty?" Shen Xiulin felt that such a thing was simply impossible.

How could there be anyone in this world who could be more powerful than the Lord?

"I wonder if you know that a person once broke into the mountain behind Tianqiong Peak?" asked the fifth elder.

"Although I was away from the Inner Dynasty at that time, I knew about it when I came back. That person even had a fight with the Lord, but didn't he lose to the Lord in the end and escape from the Inner Dynasty in embarrassment? "Zhu Yuheng said.

"Yes, that person escaped. But think about it, a person who can fight with the Lord without dying, and successfully escape from the inner court, even if his strength is not as good as the Lord, but his strength can be so weak that Where to go?

I can definitely say that if we meet that person, there will be only death. "The fifth elder explained.

"Besides the Lord, are there really such powerful people in this world?" Several younger generations questioned one after another.

They all grew up in the Inner Dynasty, and they knew one thing since they were young, that is, the Lord is the most powerful person in the world.

So when they were young, their ideal was to become as powerful as the Lord.

But as they continue to grow up and understand more and more about spiritual practice, they realize it.

It is almost impossible to become as powerful as the Lord.

But now their ideal has not been realized, but someone slightly weaker than the Lord has really appeared, which really makes them unbelievable.

"That's because you didn't see it with your own eyes. According to what the Lord said, that person was the person who killed Yu Heng and Xiulin's father later.

With just one move, your two fathers had no ability to resist and were killed on the spot.

Do you think there is anyone in this world besides the Lord who can do this? How strong is this person? Can you imagine it? "The fifth elder thought about the scene he saw when he turned back when he was escaping that night, and he is still feeling palpitated to this day.

If he was the one running slowly at that time, then he would have been killed instantly.

In front of such a strong man, he truly felt his insignificance.

To be honest, the Lord is very powerful, but the Lord will not appear in front of them in such a killing state, so the fear they feel in front of that person is completely more intimidating than the Lord's aura. A lot of fear.

"Just one move?" Meng Gaoyu said in surprise.

In fact, Zhu Yuheng and Shen Xiulin had heard them mention it before, but this was the first time Meng Gaoyu heard the details of this matter, and he suddenly trembled.

His father's strength is comparable to that of their two fathers. In his eyes, although his father's strength cannot be compared with that of the Lord, he is definitely a very top-notch existence.

But even so, Zhu Yuheng and his father were killed by that person without even blocking a single move. Such strength was really terrifying and terrifying.

"Yes, there is another thing you don't know, that is, the Lord's clone appeared on the battlefield and slapped that person!" The Great Elder also said.

"What's the result?" The three young people were curious again.

"It seems to be evenly divided. Only the Lord and that person know the specific outcome!" The great elder shook his head and said.

At that time, they were all running for their lives desperately. After that palm, the master's clone disappeared, and the man did not catch up again.

They didn't know whether the man was injured or not, and whether the Lord was injured.

"The Lord is just a clone, and although that guy is strong, he is only on par with the Lord's clone. It can be seen that the strength of that person is still incomparable to the Lord.

If this is the case, then why should the Lord be afraid of him?

With the Lord's strength, he can completely kill the Holy Dynasty's army until they are howling like ghosts and wolves. I don't think it is possible for the experts of the Holy Dynasty to kill them all.

After killing so many of their masters, are you still afraid that the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty will not show up? "Meng Gaoyu said.

"That's what I say, but there are some things we don't really understand!" The fifth elder shook his head.

"whats the matter?"

"The Lord once told us that that person's strength is much stronger than when he broke into the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak.

So I think that palm is not as simple as we thought, and it is even possible that the Lord lost.

Of course, this is not the most important thing! " said the fifth elder.

"Then what's most important?"

"The Lord said that that person was the one who broke into Tianqiong Peak, but I don't think so, because this is just a guess by the Lord.

The Holy Dynasty has always been mysterious. Who knows if they really have only one master?

If not, you can imagine the consequences of the Lord's blind action! "The fifth elder reminded.

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