Godly Student

Chapter 5182 The only way!

The fifth elder's words silenced several people. If the Holy Dynasty really has more than one such master, does the Lord still have an advantage?

Not to mention that there are several in the Holy Dynasty, even if there are only two such masters, the Lord may not have any advantage, or he may already be at a disadvantage.

Perhaps the Lord himself also had this consideration, so he did not dare to leave the Inner Dynasty and destroy the Holy Dynasty.

"A master like the Lord is rare in the world, and it is very difficult for the Holy Dynasty to have a master who is slightly weaker than the Lord.

I don’t think there are really many of them, right? "Shen Xiulin said.

“From our perspective, it is indeed impossible to reach the Lord’s level of strength.

In the past, we even thought that it was impossible for anyone to rival the Lord in this world.

But didn’t the Holy Dynasty appear?

Although the strength is slightly inferior, it is enough to become a threat to the Lord.

Especially for us, it was a nightmare. Whoever meets him dies.

Since this holy dynasty can produce such a character, who dares to say that there will not be a second or third one? " said the fifth elder.

"The fifth elder is right. For so many years, we have not understood the inside of the Holy Dynasty at all. So it is really hard to say whether the person outside Xingle City is really the person who broke into the mountain behind Tianqiong Peak.

Maybe it's really the same person, but it doesn't rule out that they are not the same person.

If it's the same person, that's fine. We have our master, so not only do we have no disadvantages, we also have certain advantages.

But if they are not the same person, but really two people, or even a third and fourth person in the Holy Dynasty, then our inner court's situation will be very dangerous.

And I also agree with the fifth elder's idea. The Lord may have known this for a long time. He just wanted to ease our hearts, so he deliberately said that it was a person.

This also explains why the Lord has been reluctant to take action. "The great elder also expressed the biggest doubt in his heart after being here for so long.

In fact, he had already suspected this, but they had no way to verify this kind of thing themselves.

Therefore, he also particularly wanted to find the home of the Holy Dynasty, hoping to solve this mystery.

But this holy dynasty was really difficult to deal with. After being out for so long, not only could they not find their lair, but they had also killed the third elder, which made him even more depressed.

"But regardless of whether they are the same person or not, there is no way we can continue like this. Now that the Holy Dynasty is expanding so rapidly, I think it won't be long before they really reach out to our door.

Will we still have to face such a pilgrimage head-on?

Since we have to face it sooner or later, why not rise up and resist while we still have so many foreigners who are loyal to us?

When the time comes that we don’t even have a single loyal minister left, what will we do? "Meng Gaoyu was anxious.

Regarding the current general trend of the world, he really sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.

He once thought that his father was the chief elder of the inner dynasty, and his power was immense, so he always wanted to inherit his father's mantle and become the chief elder.

But he has his big brother in front of him, so he knows that it is basically unlikely that he will have such an opportunity.

However, a few years ago, the eldest brother Meng Gaoyang went on a mission with several other elders' nephews and died outside.

So now that his father is gone, he can successfully inherit this position.

But after sitting in this position, he discovered that the power of the elder in charge was nothing more than this.

Faced with the current predicament in the internal affairs, he does not have much say at all.

Of course, this is not just his problem, even the other elders in charge are in the same situation.

But what he didn't know was that the elders in charge actually had great power when the Holy Dynasty was not out to cause trouble.

Because at that time, the Lord would not interfere with their affairs at home and abroad.

But now the Holy Dynasty has repeatedly competed with the Inner Dynasty for food, and has taken away more and more of the Outer Dynasty. The Lord believes that this is all due to the incompetence of the elders in charge.

That's why now the Lord will continue to intervene in more and more affairs.

Naturally, their power has been reduced again and again. Now, almost any big move they make must be reported to the Lord and get his permission.

Regarding this, the First Elder and the Fifth Elder felt particularly helpless.

Because the two of them knew very well that the reason why it became like this was entirely due to their own incompetence in doing things, so they had nothing to say.

"If you want the Lord to take action, there is only one way!" said the fifth elder.

"What can we do?" Several people suddenly became interested.

Everyone feels very aggrieved, so they all want the Lord to take action to save the current situation, and don't want to be such a coward anymore.

"It's just a few of us remonstrating with the Lord together, asking the Lord to personally lead the troops to go to war."

"Is this okay? Will we be suspected of forcing the palace? When the Lord is angry, I am afraid that our lives will be at stake!" The great elder said with some worry.

Now the Lord is very dissatisfied with them. Last time they also asked the Lord to go out in person.

But how could they think that the Lord was a fake that time?

As a result, the false master almost died in Xingle City. Fortunately, the master's clone appeared in time, otherwise the false master would have been dead.

As for who the false master is, they still don't know his true identity.

They didn't dare to ask.

But this time, if they want to ask the Lord to personally lead the troops, it should not be a false Lord.

But will God really agree to their request?

Judging from the Lord's current attitude towards them, he has no confidence at all.

"How do you know if you don't try? The current situation is indeed becoming increasingly unfavorable to our Inner Dynasty. Even if we go out to look for it, we still won't be able to find the Holy Dynasty's lair.

In this case, it is better to ask the Lord to give it a try. If the Lord is willing and can kill more of the masters of the Holy Dynasty, I think the Holy Lord of the Holy Dynasty may not be able to sit still.

If you can't find him, let him show up on his own. " said the fifth elder.

"Of course I know this. I'm just worried that the Lord will not only not agree to our request, but may actually be angry with us.

You also know that the Lord is very dissatisfied with us now.

We ourselves did not do our job well and could not find the Holy Dynasty's nest, but now we are asking the Lord to take action himself. It would be strange if the Lord is not angry, if he takes us...! "The great elder said and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

In fact, no one would be happy if this happened.

Just like they used to ask their subordinates to do things, but they couldn't get it done, but in the end they asked him to do it himself. How could he not be angry?

This is the current situation. Because of their incompetence, they have failed in their missions again and again. The Lord has not killed them because they have worked hard for many years without any merit.

As a result, now that they couldn't do it themselves, they asked the Lord to take action himself. He was really worried that the Lord would kill them on the spot in a rage.

"Probably not. Last time we didn't find the Holy Chao's lair, didn't the Lord kill us?

Since the Lord has not killed us, it means that we are still valuable in the eyes of the Lord.

Even if the Lord does not agree to our request, the most he can do is scold us! " said the fifth elder.

"What do you think?" the elder asked, looking at the other three young juniors.

Although the three of them were their juniors, now that they are all elders in charge, in the face of such a major event, naturally they cannot be simply treated as juniors, but must be treated in the same position.

This is a matter between the five chief elders, so naturally everyone must agree.

"I think we can give it a try!" Meng Gaoyu was the first to express his stance.

"I want to give it a try too!"

"Me too!" Zhu Yuheng and Shen Xiulin also said immediately.

If the thorn in the flesh of the Holy Dynasty is not removed, they will never be able to feel at ease. Moreover, the revenge of killing one's father and killing one's brother must be avenged.

And do they have the ability to avenge themselves, so the only person who can help them avenge now is the Lord.

If the Lord doesn't take action, their great hatred may be hopeless in this life.

So no matter what, give it a try.

Just like the fifth elder said, the Lord should not kill them like this!

"Since everyone agrees, let's try it again. I hope the Lord can agree this time. It is really impossible if the situation does not change now." Seeing this, the Great Elder seemed to have no point even if he opposed it alone. .

What's more, he actually supports this approach in his heart.

Anyway, if five people go together, even if the master really disagrees, he probably won't kill all the five chief elders!

So the five people set foot on Tianqiong Peak again.

Lord, Lord!

The five people knelt respectfully in front of the Lord. After they explained their purpose of coming, they kept their heads lowered and did not dare to raise their heads, quietly waiting for the Lord's reaction.

Everyone was very nervous, not knowing how the Lord would react.

But the more silent the Lord became, the heavier the atmosphere became, making several people even more nervous and did not even dare to take a deep breath.

"Is this the countermeasure you have worked so hard to come up with?" Finally, the Lord spoke.

It's just that these few people didn't know how to answer the question.

These words really made them blush.

However, they were incapable of doing so. As for the holy pilgrimage, they really couldn't think of any better solution besides asking the Lord to personally take action.

They wanted to pick up their swords and fight out, but their strength didn't allow it.

"Lord, we know that this method really makes you lose face, but we really have no better method now.

We once led troops out to suppress the Holy Dynasty and rebel armies, but the result was heavy losses for our inner dynasty.

This doesn't happen once or twice. We know it's all because of our incompetence.

Therefore, we believe that only the Lord himself can truly restore our current situation! "The great elder gritted his teeth and said bravely.

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