Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1016: Poison them

As he walked, Li Zhen asked Shen Yuhang on the side: "Xiao Shen, have you ever counted, how many of them have not performed secret techniques?"

Shen Yuhang's memory is amazing, and Li Zhen has always left him to do such things.

Hearing Li Zhen's question, Shen Yuhang pondered for a moment, and then said: "There are at most twenty people who maintain peak combat power, and there are eight others who have not used secret techniques!"


Hearing this, Luo Tianyi looked at Li Zhen nervously, which meant that Li Zhen would have to carry that secret technique eight times!

It can kill people once, but Li Zhen has to resist eight times!


Li Zhen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "It's a good deal, I will serve them in one pot this time!"

Tie Wudi reminded: "Be careful, they may have other secret techniques. Others dare not say that the two people in the lead must have other secret techniques! Brother Li, be careful!"

Suddenly, Li Zhen raised his eyebrows and said, "We may not need to do it this time!"

Everyone's heads are full of question marks.

"The road to the enemy is narrow, and the people who have been taught have met those people!" Li Zhen was overjoyed, "Go!"

Several people converged their breath, and then walked away!

After walking forward for more than a thousand miles, everyone felt the movement of fighting ahead.

Shen Yuhang glanced at Li Zhen in surprise. Although he knew that Li Zhen's mental power was very strong, he did not expect it to be so strong!

What he understood was also divine consciousness, but there was a difference of more than a thousand miles between him and Li Zhen's divine consciousness exploration.

"For a while, our main purpose is to grab their storage ring!" At this point, Li Zhen gritted his teeth and said: "Those bastards, they must blow up the storage ring when they die. There must be something in their storage ring. Secret to telling people!"

"There must be a lot of resources in it. These **** are simply violent!"

Cautiously came to the place where they were fighting, on the hillside ten miles away.

The two sides have started a desperate fight!

Both parties are geniuses, and they have high control over the Dao, which can be described as evenly matched!

Li Zhenjin watched Jiejiao and those people in the immortal world with relish, and mobilized a spirit of power to engulf several people.

Suddenly, Li Zhen thought of the toxins that he had snatched from the storage rings he had snatched before.

"Those people don't have an antidote, this group of people in the fairy world, there should be no antidote either!"

Li Zhen thought, took out a jade bottle, and looked forward.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Tianyi said cautiously. As long as they wait here, the people of Jiu Jiao and Immortal Realm will definitely be the winners and losers. At that time, they only need to reap the benefits of the fishermen. .

But showing up now is very likely to cause both parties to pursue and kill.

"Can't wait, and you think that if they are fighting here so unscrupulously, they really don't have a little defense?"

Li Zhen said, throwing the jade bottle out.

As he approached those people, Li Zhen suddenly detonated the mental power attached to the jade bottle!


With a muffled sound, a strange fragrance spreads instantly!

Smelling this strange scent, the faces of those people in the immortal world changed, and they could no longer take care of those people who were taught. They covered their noses and fled outside.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Jiejiao subconsciously followed these people in the fairy world to learn, but it was too late.

Not only them, but these people in the fairy world noticed it, it was too late!

But within ten seconds, everyone on both sides fell to the ground!

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