Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1017: Big monster

Li Zhen saw this scene and was stunned!

Is this stuff so easy to use?

He wanted to try it out, but he didn't expect to make a real contribution. He didn't expect that these people in the fairy world really had no cure!

Li Zhen almost bit his tongue off!

Especially meow, I knew it was so easy to use, I used it before!

He has been injured so many times in vain!

"Go, go out and collect food!"

Taking a step into the air, Li Zhen triumphantly came to Ding Guangxian.

"It's you!"

Seeing Li Zhen, Ding Guangxian growled in anger.

"Oh, you guessed it, it's me!"

Li Zhen smiled, and then under Ding Guangxian's furious gaze, he took off his storage ring and put it on his hand.

Xiaoguai was the fastest, and almost instantly brought everyone's storage ring in front of Li Zhen.

The little monster triumphantly climbed onto Li Zhen's shoulders and asked Li Zhen for credit.

Li Zhen touched the little guy's head, Xiao Guai squinted his eyes comfortably.

The next moment, Li Zhen dragged a few people into the sky.

Almost at the same time!

A huge object suddenly appeared in the void and patted a paw in Li Zhen's direction!

The big monster retracted its big claws and looked at the direction in which Li Zhen and others disappeared in confusion.

I didn't understand that it was such a terrifying blow, and it was actually held.

But seeing so much food lying on the ground, the big monster's big eyes narrowed happily.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that there was a toxin in the body, which was eroding its mind. The big monster sneezed out, and several figures were suddenly sprayed.

The big monster didn't care about it, so he lay on his stomach, and then his big tongue stuck out, and he swallowed it in his stomach without even chewing.

It wasn't until all the people were eaten that he lay there and fell asleep contentedly.

In the next moment, something jaw-dropping appeared, and the figure of this monster was getting faint, and finally disappeared completely.

It's as if it never appeared.

Only the real blood remaining on the ground proves what happened here.


In the valley where they hid before.

Luo Tianyi brought back Li Zhen who was unconscious.

The leather armor of Li Zhen's artifact has been completely scrapped, a piercing wound on his chest, and half of his head has been cut off.

This time, Li Zhen's injuries were extremely serious.

If it weren't for Li Zhen's injuries slowly recovering, everyone would even think he was dead.

Luo Tianyi took out a few god-level spirit pills, opened Li Zhen's mouth, and stuffed them in.

If it hadn't been for Li Zhenshe to rescue him, and forcibly resisted the big claws of the big monster, they would have been dead for a long time.

"I've said long ago, don't let him out, don't let him out, he must go out, now it's fine, I see how you can do it next time!"

There was crying in Luo Tianyi's voice.

Li Zhen, this time the injury is really too serious.

"Sister Luo, don't worry, Junior Brother Li's recovery speed is hundreds of times faster than ordinary people. It's not safe here. Let's find a safe place and let Junior Brother Li feel relieved to heal."

Lin Xi comforted while guarding.

Several people proceeded cautiously and finally found a hidden hiding place.

Fortunately, during this time, Luo Tianyi learned some simple formation techniques from Li Zhen.

A breath-holding formation and a stealth formation were arranged outside. After finishing these arrangements, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief and sat down cross-legged to recover.

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