Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1029: Explaining and preaching from the Great Tianzun

After Huabei was surprised, it was endless contempt.

Isn't it boring to play in front of them?

Not only in North China, but seeing Li Zhen's display of formations, all the disciples who explained and taught were relaxed.

The four great families, the Li family saw Li Zhenshi's display of formations, first was taken aback, and then yelled: "Brother Li, quickly withdraw the formations. The immortal world elucidates from the Great Heaven. It’s not like me."

Li Zhen, who was in the formation, heard the words, and then realized that the Datianzun’s Taoism was actually elucidating.

But...Is the understanding of the sect of the evangelism really the world's top?

If this is the case, why is Da Tianzun so jealous of the Heavenly King?

Besides, his Zhoutian Star Battle Array was derived from the system.

The system has never disappointed.

Seeing that Li Zhen wanted to use the formation method against him, Huabei didn't rush to fight back. Instead, he wanted to see what kind of powerful maneuver the legendary extremely powerful man had.

The people of the four great families want to do it, and if this goes on, they are definitely not the opponents to teach these disciples.

Li Zhen hurriedly stopped them, what a joke, such a good opportunity, since North China is so careless, then he doesn't take advantage of it, wouldn't he be sorry for God!

In the next second, Huabei trembled all over, feeling as if he was being stared at by the ancient barbarians.

Looking around, I saw Li Zhen waved his hand, and more than 14,000 small star banners suddenly enveloped everyone in it.

"No, do it all!"

The cold hairs all over North China stand upside down.

The next moment, he suddenly felt that the avenue in his body was declining rapidly.

This formation is confining their avenues, or isolating their avenues.

"Go all out!"

There is no more delay, and Li Zhen must be killed before their avenue is completely imprisoned, otherwise, they will become an ordinary Ninth Stage.

Just now in the fight, North China felt Li Zhen's strength. Regardless of Li Zhen's surface, he only had the Ninth Rank, but his true combat power was definitely not weaker than the average early emperor's power.

Without the increase in Dadao, these people are definitely not Li Zhen's opponent.

Hearing the command of the senior brother, the disciples dared not delay. As soon as they activated the true essence in the body, they immediately understood why the senior brother was so anxious.

Feeling that the increase in the main road in the body is getting weaker and weaker, they dare not delay, all rushing towards Li Zhen.

However, the next moment, all the disciples of the interpretation were stunned.

They can't feel the existence of the avenue at all.

"Big Brother!" They subconsciously called out the strongest among them, praying that Senior Brother North China could save them.


Huabei's eyes were splitting, and he shouted to everyone that his avenue was completely imprisoned.

However, he could sense that the avenue in his body did not really disappear, but that Li Zhen completely isolated this space from the real world.

Thinking of this, Huabei was even more sweaty.

What kind of formation is this?

Can actually isolate the world!

But he didn't have time to think about this mess.

Li Zhen has rushed over.

Li Zhen is like a **** walking in this world, and the people who explain and teach are like mortals in front of him.

After Li Zhen felt this, he was a little surprised. Zhou Tian's stars seemed to have improved.

Is it because his cultivation realm has increased, or is his understanding of battle Dao deepened?

With a palm shot, someone suddenly turned into a fan.

Li Zhen grabbed the storage rings of these people in his hands and continued to kill the others!

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