Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1030: System hidden trouble

Seeing the crazy killing in Li Zhen, the people from the four great families rubbed their eyes vigorously, and couldn't believe what they saw in their eyes.

Until then, they didn't know the weight of Li Zhen's top nine ranking list.

It's not that, as Li Zhen said, his disciples are too weak, but that Li Zhen's cultivation is too strong.

In front of these people, Li Zhen was almost a god.

Almost none of the disciples of Chanjiao are Li Zhenyi's enemies.

Just when the people of the four major families couldn't help but want to step forward to help.


Li Zhen yelled, put away all the star banners, and then ran away with everyone without hesitation.

The man who explained the teaching was being stunned by Li Zhen, and was a little dumbfounded to see this scene.

Actually, they didn't catch up immediately. When they recovered, Li Zhen and others had disappeared without a trace.

"Big brother?"

The surviving disciples of Chanjiao have lingering fears, and they don't know if they should be chased down or run away.

Looking at the direction of Li Zhen's disappearance, North China's face changed rapidly.

In the immortal realm, it is known as one of the strongest sects in the world. Now in this small real king's land, it is actually so embarrassed by a small force in the realm of cultivation.

If this incident were passed back to the fairy world, they would probably become the biggest joke in the fairy world.

North China asked coldly: "How many brothers died?"

"Big brother, dead..." The man hesitated, his eyes filled with scars of horror.

"Say!" A murderous aura bloomed, and North China clenched his fists.



The murderous aura of VIA condensed into a giant dragon on the top of North China's head, and the breath of a great road suddenly appeared.

"50 people! We came in for more than two months, fighting monsters and people from other forces, but only one person was killed or injured, but in a while, 50 people died!"

"Li Zhen, I don't share the same spirit with you!"

North China even found that there are few strong people who have understood the 50 roads.

"damn it!"

North China was furious, and the fight with Li Zhen did not exceed 10 minutes before and after, but the deaths and injuries were more than the previous two months combined.

More than that, everyone has been scared by Li Zhen, and I am afraid that they will not have the courage to fight Li Zhen again.

These are all elites from the outside world.

As long as these people don't die, they will definitely become powerful people above the emperor.

"Catch up, don't give him time to set up, you must kill him, not only Li Zhen, but also people from other forces, I will kill them all."

We must not allow the interpretation and education to die too many people and cause all the forces to suffer heavy losses, so that the face of interpretation and education can be preserved.

"Contact other disciples of interpretation and education, this time, I want all the forces in the cultivation world to die!"

Huabei's face was livid, and his eyes were gloomy.

Almost at the same time, Li Zhen and others stopped.

Li Mingchao asked suspiciously: "Brother Li, the situation is very good, why did you let us leave and kill all these people?"

Not only him, but everyone in the four great families looked at Li Zhen in a puzzled manner.

Obviously Li Zhen had the upper hand, and it was a crushing advantage. In an hour, Li Zhen could kill all of these people.

One hour, it sounds like a long battle, but for these warriors, one hour is just a blink of an eye.

Li Zhen had a splitting headache. This time, the system was unable to succeed.

Frequent and large amounts of mental energy are stimulated, and the recovery capacity of the system is actually not as good as the consumption.

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