Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1076: Wang Jinghai furious


At this time, Li Zhen's mental power also exploded.

During the formation, Wang Jinghai's expression instantly became painful.

"Mental attacks are useful, Brother Li hurry up!"

Jia Jingshan looked happy.

"Spiritual imprisonment!"

At the next moment, Jia Jingshan suddenly felt a sense of loss. He hurriedly broke free of this restraint, but when he broke free, Li Zhen's sword had already been cut.


Li Zhen’s sword was extremely fast. A sword pierced Jia Jingshan’s chest. He wore a sword of armor on his body, and the armor blocked the sword. When he recovered, Li Zhen had already cut out Two swords.

The blood spurted from Jia Jingshan's mouth, and his body burst apart.

He didn't understand why Li Zhen chose to attack him at this time.

"Li Zhen!"

Jia Jingshan screamed unwillingly. They had clearly negotiated that they wanted to take action against Wang Jinghai. How could Li Zhen turn back.

"Li Zhen, die!"

At this time, Wang Jinghai's summoning array was also completed.

The sound seemed to come from the Nine Nether Prison.


A roar came from the array again.

It was just a roar, and the bodies of some people nearby burst open!


At this moment, those people were terrified!

No wonder Wang Jinghai can be ranked third, this strength is really too strong!

With this move, Wang Jinghai is estimated to be ranked first.

The aura that came out of the formation was at least the realm of the Great Emperor's pinnacle!

A pair of scarlet eyes popped out suddenly, and two dazzling beams of light came, suddenly looking at someone.

The man stayed for a while, then exploded with a "bang"!

A paw came out.

The terrifying power instantly froze the people around.


An unpleasant chewing sound came, and I saw the big paw sticking out towards the people around, pulling those who were imprisoned into the formation, and then the real blood splashed, and the power of the formation became more powerful. .

Almost in a few breathing moments, all the people who were close to each other were stuffed into their mouths by the monster in the formation.

"Li Zhen, can you believe what I said now? Wang Jinghai is the strongest person in the land of the true king. Do you want to deal with him alone?"

Jia Jingshan saw this scene and roared at Li Zhen.

"Roar!" Jia Jingshan's voice immediately attracted the monster's gaze here.

Jia Jingshan suddenly felt a sense of horror.

He wanted to escape, but he forcibly took Li Zhen's two swords, his consciousness was damaged again, and almost instantly, he was caught by the monster.

"Li Zhen, save me, you can't live by yourself!"

"help me!"

In the monster's claws, Jia Jingshan was horrified, his eyes burst open.

He doesn't want to die!

If no one saves him at this time, he will undoubtedly die!

He has a great future.

"Your formation hasn't been completed yet, quickly complete it!"

Li Zhen ignored Jia Jingshan. They joined forces just now, but it was a stopgap measure. They are still enemies.

As for Wang Jinghai’s summoning array.

In Li Zhen's view, this is a joke.

It looks powerful and terrifying, but in fact there is a fatal flaw, and there is more than one.

But seeing Lie Xinxi, Li Zhen did not make the first move, but reminded Wang Jinghai ‘kindly’!

"It's enough to kill you! Kid, die, you shouldn't provoke me!"

"This trick, I was planning to use it in the secret realm. It was you who forced me to use it! Then you die!"

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