Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 1077: Jia Jingshan bows his head

"Please, Li Zhen, save me!"

Seeing that the monster was about to grasp the unknown world, Jia Jingshan panicked.

The heart is filled with fear.

Li Zhen pouted, what do you care about me?

"He is too busy to take care of himself, where is there to save you?" When Li Zhen and Jia Jingshan forced out his own trick, Wang Jinghai was furious.

This trick is to sacrifice true blood. Although it is powerful, it is still too reluctant to perform this trick with his current cultivation base.

After performing this trick, he will be weak for a long time, and may even delay the Secret Realm of the True King.

Thinking of this, how could Wang Jinghai's heart not be angry.


Wang Jinghai stared at Li Zhen angrily, and the Yin Jue of his hands became more rapid.

With the input of true blood, the aura from the formation became even more terrifying.

The people around who watched the excitement were all forced into it. Above the Nine Heavens, the sound of the road breaking and breaking, Wang Jinghai looked at Li Zhen coldly.

"Bonebreaker, destroy everything in front of you, kill!"

Wang Jinghai's voice was cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, the scarlet eyes of the monster looked towards Li Zhen along Wang Jinghai's line of sight.


Li Zhen greeted the monster and took a photo with his mobile phone.

Take it back, maybe someone knows it.

"Huh, looking for death!"

Wang Jinghai snorted angrily.

The monster roared and snapped a paw at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen hurriedly hid away, but the monster's claws followed like a shadow. Even if Li Zhen tore through the void, the claw still followed Li Zhen firmly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jinghai laughed, and then stepped to Jia Jingshan's body.

"Let me go, in the future, I will respect you!"

Jia Jingshan looked at Wang Jinghai weakly, regretting it to the extreme in his heart.

Although he knew that Wang Jinghai had a trick that was powerful and difficult to resist, he did not expect it to be such a terrifying trick.

If this trick is used well, it will be invincible to the real king.

Although being Wang Jinghai's younger brother would lose the face of Sword King Zong, but this time has come, and he still has the mood to worry about this.

Wang Jinghai smiled coldly, "Hand over your soul blood!"

Jia Jingshan felt sad when he heard this, but it would be nice if he could live!

Although Wang Jinghai wanted to kill Jia Jingshan very much, he had already used up his tricks. Within a year, don't want to use it again.

At this time, find a partner, and maybe you can get a share of the real king's secret.

Everyone in the fairy world knows the enmity between Jia Jingshan and him. If Jia Jingshan can be used for his own use, he will definitely get unexpected results after entering.

Thinking of this, Wang Jinghai raised his mouth slightly.

Seeing Jia Jingshan donating his soul blood, Wang Jinghai took the soul blood into his body. As long as he swallowed the soul blood, Jia Jingshan would immediately be wiped out.

With this, I am not afraid that Jia Jingshan will still have different intentions.

Seeing Wang Jinghai incorporate his soul and blood into his dantian, Jia Jingshan's heart collapsed, but he was helpless!

next moment.

Jia Jingshan's eyes on Wang Jinghai changed.

"Master!" Jia Jingshan knelt down to Wang Jinghai respectfully.

From then on, his life will be controlled by Wang Jinghai.


Wang Jinghai was triumphant.

next moment.

He was stunned!

Completely dumbfounded.

Jia Jingshan followed Wang Jinghai's line of sight and looked over.

I saw that the Bone Eater King, who was fearful as a tiger, was lying under Li Zhen's feet well at this time.

And Li Zhen was watching them two with great interest.

Wang Jinghai's eyes widened, and he looked at this scene in disbelief.

Muttered to himself: "This... absolutely impossible!"

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